They Do Not Supersede But They Do Succeed

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.


The Ten Commandments do not supersede the Constitution of the United States of America, but they do succeed it.

John Hinderaker:

The rule of law is the sine qua non of prosperity, and has been a key to America’s economic growth for more than two centuries. But don’t be overconfident: the Democratic Party is eroding, every day, the rule of law here in the U.S. From Barack Obama ruling by unconstitutional decree, to judges who substitute their own policy preferences for the language of statutes, to the administration’s attempt to destroy the legal basis for national sovereignty, to — perhaps worst of all — the unconstitutional combination of legislative, executive and judicial powers in countless federal agencies that issue the equivalent of statutes with hardly any oversight, the rule of law is declining fast. If you want to see where that path ends, look at Haiti.


God Be With You ‘Till We Meet Again, The University of Redlands Choir

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