US Homeland Defense Architecture: The US Joint Army

Maria Vladimirovna Zakharova – Мария Владимировна Захарова

Two fresh grand strategic architectures are emerging to cultivate lawful order in the gathering of nations:

  • protect your Motherland, ensure contentment among the generality of Her children, along with their safety from pests, and
  • the great powers — so far Russia, India, The USofA, and China — must cooperate in lawful proceedings to protect equally the peace of all nations.

01- Retire the Reinhold Niebuhr-Hubert Humphrey neo-liberal social enterprise of sacred-secular alienation in favor of a Sarva Dharmic primal partnership for proper conduct among religions and nations.

02- Repurpose US Armed Force from power projection to homeland protection.

03- Redeploy US medical, military, and intelligence assets, close out the bases, and return the lands they are on to ownership by their respective nations.

04- Redeploy and repurpose the COCOMs from independent combatant commands to ISR assets of the integrated US Joint Army (see below).

05- Retire the US Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) and their Chief of Staff (CJCS), who have no Command and Control (C2) of US Armed Force, in favor of a US General Staff (GS) and their Chief of Staff (CSGS), who, under SecDef and POTUS, have C2 of US Armed Force.

06- Integrate the five components of US Armed Force — Space, Air, Fires, Sea, Land — to comprise a single US Joint Army under unified military command by the GS/CSGS, who are under civilian command comprising SecDef and POTUS.

07- Construct the US Joint Army to comprise:

  • 5 Joint Corps,
  • each comprising 5 Joint Divisions,
  • each comprising 5 Joint Brigades,
  • each comprising 5 Joint Regiments,
  • each comprising 5 Joint Battalions,
  • each comprising 5 Joint Companies,
  • each comprising 5 Joint Platoons.

08- Station the 5 Joint Corps one each in:

  • the Northwest,
  • the Southwest,
  • the Midwest,
  • the Northeast,
  • the Southeast,
  • of the Lower 48.

09- Encourage US Civil Defense Battalions subordinate to US County Sheriffs.  These are multipurpose civilian self-help organizations for traditional US-American volunteer functions.  Such include:

  • firearms maintenance and marksmanship,
  • neighborhood watch,
  • hardship relief,
  • orienteering,
  • sanitation, water, and food security procedures,
  • aviation familiarity and assistance,
  • medical first aid and nursing,
  • academic mentorship,
  • shrine and memorial maintenance and protection,
  • transportation and other common planning needs,
  • patriotic events,
  • protection of religious customs and gathering places,
  • crowd management,
  • general engineering, mechanical, and construction proficiency,
  • neighborhood and town picnics,
  • police ride-along and other assistance.

10- If energy, metallurgy, and weapons development drive a nation’s fundamental economy, then the cure for misleading GDP assessments runs through state ownership of energy, metallurgy, and weapons development. In the case of The USofA, this means:

  • redeploy overseas forces and other assets,
  • close their bases,
  • hand the lands back to their respective owner nations,
  • form The US General Staff,
  • task The US General Staff with US Homeland Defense,
  • bring US energy, metallurgy, and weapons development into US state ownership under executive branch control,
  • and design The US Joint Army to execute US Homeland Defense under C2 of The US General Staff, their Chief of Staff, SecDef, and POTUS.

There is a distinction between real, mutual interests and merely geopolitical ones. US real, mutual interests are all on the American Continent. Elsewhere, US interests are merely geopolitical — messing around in other people’s affairs — and, thank God, no longer enforceable or tolerable much less justifiable. There’s the truth the DC circuit, and their friends around the NATO-Euro-American Bloc, refuse to get through their heads. They don’t want to hear it. Their obduracy causes their dis-ease — and that of US-Americans and other nations altogether — as well as their demise. NEVER INSIST unless you are in a position of command that you have in security and can maintain.

Bhagavan Sri Shirdi Sai Baba
By Artists M and F Graham
Sathya Sai Baba
Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba
At Puttaparthi, Andhra Pradesh, India

Hey Ivan! I caught the bear!
Good Sergei! Bring him here!
I can’t! He won’t let me!

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