Attitudinal Data Points – October to December 2023 — Let’s Face Facts

The foregoing is the root of USA Foreign Policy, and as such, a correlate of the Primakov Doctrine, the root of Russian Foreign Policy.

We have no general staff; we grant no higher degrees in military science; and, except for Admiral Mahan, we have produced no strategist of international repute.

Richard Pipes, Why the Soviet Union Thinks It Could Fight & Win a Nuclear War, Commentary Magazine, July 1977 1

In the Washington D.C. Fantasyland, two fantasies are going. The first fantasy is that national sovereignties are dissolved by Jewish financiers, backed by US Armed Forces, to control the world.

The second fantasy is that national sovereignties are dissolved by the Vatican backed by Jesuits, backed by US Armed Forces, to control the world.

These are fantasies. These days, Washington D.C. runs on fantasies and is willing to use force from New York, London, Paris, Berlin, and Brussels to try to force their fantasies upon reality.

We are beset by fanatical fantasists. Dear old Walt Disney did not anticipate that, so far as I know.

Tell them — fanatics — that children belong to their mother and father.

Tell them — fanatics — that they are nothing but episodically useful in this breathing world.

Not good horsemen are they whose steed unseats them and runs away.

A disreputable medical doctor is a quack. A disreputable lawyer is a shyster. A disreputable clergyman is a charlatan. A disreputable soldier is a coward.

The Almighty takes care of the body. It is an instrument which He wants to keep functional for its purpose. When He accomplishes His purpose with it, He throws it aside and takes a new form to get done what He wants done.

It is actually fun being a tool of The Almighty. One is safe and happy only in that estate.

Three Pathways to Prestige in The USofA

Basically, tend your cabbages.

Everyone residing in the so-called Western Hemisphere, aka The Americas, is an American.

The Lutheran Gothra is the Continuation of The Latin Church. The Jan Hus, Moravian Brethren, Unitas Fratrum Gothra is its inception.

The Lutheran Gothra is the Bharadwaja Gothra in the West Eurasian Peninsula and the Western Hemisphere and elsewhere.

The Lutheran Gothra is Franciscan in character. The Lutheran Gothra is the Bharadwaja Gothra.

Hus and the Unitas Fratrum connect
The Latin Church and The Greco-Russian Church.

Mountain Stream

That my writings are DOA in New York, Washington, Paris, and London indicts those people for high crimes and misdemeanors. And sends them to punishment by fire. It is their own doing.

The most powerful Department of the Executive Branch of The Government of The USofA (USG) is the one physically nearest The White House: Treasury.

Jews are Christians who refuse to admit it and thereby get themselves into a whole heap of trouble, which boils out onto everyone nearby.

Even so, as human beings, they are entitled by right of nature to all civil rights and respect and equality before the law.

Also, in the same way, and by right of nature, they are responsible for living in solidarity with people who are not Jews, respecting them as fellow human beings with all of the rights and privileges appertaining thereto . . . because of their nature as human brings, brothers and sisters of the One God The Father.

In this situation adherents of every religion live. Whatever their religion, their inalienable, rights of nature as a human being in civil society are undiminished. Those rights are the same across all religions, languages, and cultures.

This is something everyone must live with, adherents of all religions, all cultures.

FLOTUS Melania Trump

Jews are Christians who won’t admit it, in train of which, and without knowing it, they push themselves into all manner of human, social, and historical irrationalities and anomalies, thinking them rational and even legal. It’s hilarious. But meanwhile they cause destruction, and today at scale.

Realistic and rational architecture for US grand national strategic objectives. Other than propelling Israel into global rule, compelling Russia into strategic defeat, and compelling lesser powers into vassalage of US-UK oligarchs (FIRE Folks2), US Judeo-Humanists, Judeo-Christians — aka Neocons — have no US strategic objectives.

The way to fix the Euro-American hot mess is to excise the humanities department from the universities.

Euro-American Neocons are aware now that they have neither tactical nor operational prowess to achieve their strategic objective — global vassalage to FIRE oligarchs. This is what has them in a tizzy. They don’t know what to do about it and they will not find out what to do about it. This is why they are upset. Then to hell with them.

Russia and BRICS and nations in sympathy therewith fully frustrate Neocons’ plans for global hegemony. So, by the way, does Dharma.

Bucky Fuller said that a house is a machine to live in. But that’s only partly true. The full truth is that a house is a home for The Almighty to live in.

A house is a home which is an oratory attached to means to support the lives of its inhabitants.

The first thing a statesman serious about statesmanship does in the modern world, contemporary circumstances, is he brings to heel his country’s oligarchs, wealthy manipulators having no loyalty to their fellow countrymen or to human happiness generally.

Putin did this in Russia, MBS did it in Saudi Arabia, Xi Jinping as done it in China.

In the US, UK, and EU, oligarchs are running wild. That’s why we have problems. That’s why people are unhappy. Except oligarchs.

POTUS And FLOTUS Trump In Italy May 2017

Foreign policy Rule #1: help the government who are trying sincerely to establish order in their country and are not creating disorder therein or elsewhere.

A principle is an abstract intangible extrapolated from something someone heard as God’s voice, directly from God, inside a person, as an impersonal voice.

That’s what a principle is. It’s an extrapolation in the abstract intangible of something God actually said inside a person in an impersonal voice.

A principle does not have the authority of God’s voice directly, only indirectly as an abstract intangible, as of a report on a real event.

This is why when you tell someone there is a principle they do not take that as a statement of authority . . . because it’s not. The authority is God’s direct voice, inside, the real event, and that’s rare.

So the authorities man sets up are, basically, authorities of abstract intangibles which more or less adhere to what God told someone internally in an impersonal voice. The more or less is where the troubles come.

Adwaitha Philosophy is the foundation, the basis, the root of all religions. Also the goal of all religions.

This is what is meant by, Alpha and Omega He. He is Alpha and Omega, first and last and everything in between.

All that Americans need is a good stiff dose of
Adwaitha Philosophy. That’s the tonic. That is the restorative. That is the bracer.

US Americans know how to make business plans. But the physics, the mathematics, the engineering, the geo-strategics, the intelligence of national strategic matters — statecraft — is utterly beyond the capability of US Americans at this time. They have not been taught it. They lack data sets for it. They do not know how to do it.

Americans are taught business plans, not statecraft. Therefore, it’s reasonable to expect them not to know how to act in the community of nations and to be, instead, just total mess-ups.

You are Me playing you.
I am you playing you.
You are Him playing you.
He is you playing you.
I am you playing Me.
He is Me playing you.
I, He, me, and you are one and the same.
This is Adwaitha Philosophy.

Neocons reject Adwaitha Philosophy. Therefore, they do not know about geo-strategics, balance of power, intelligence, etc. They just don’t know about the factors of life and statecraft covered by those matters.

There will be no regime change in Russia or China. Russia and China, both, are Original Civilization-States. Hoping for or trying to do regime change in or with those countries announces one’s own stupidity.

When your ends are a-Dharmic, your means come to naught. Actually, when your ends are a-Dharmic, your means produce your own destruction.

So far as is possible, get O-5 to O-10 Officers thinking about a real Joint Force and the command and planning architecture that guides it.

This forces them to consider the legitimacy of their aims.

Why are they afraid of the Russians? Why are they afraid of the Chinese? Why are they afraid of any nation countermanding any of their desires?

What’s with all the fear? Why do they have 800+ [bases] avenues of attack against US personnel planted all over the globe?

What’s with that? What’s the purpose of that? Those 800+ bases are avenues of attack, salients that invite the adventurous as well as the sick-and-tired-of-its to attack The USofA.

Langley controls the USG. If you don’t get that, you ain’t got nuttin.

Langley is controlled by oligarchs’ foundations and Ivy League faculties.

Since 1949, oligarchs’ foundations and Ivy League faculties are controlled by Zionists.

The whole structure is a criminal organization.

In ordinary accounting, profit and loss are necessary in order to provide information for making decisions regarding the future that are beneficial to the organization. What profits is favored over what causes loss. Whereas, in full life, statecraft and general human affairs, profit and loss are of equal value at least and perhaps loss is of even more value than profit because it highlights where corrections have to be made. Even in ordinary accounting, that phenomenon / principle holds valuable applicability to some extent.

However, ordinary accounting is two-dimensional. dualistic, whereas, life is essentially five-dimensional, very non-dualistic. Therefore, profit and loss are at least equally valuable if not loss more so.

The Devil, so to speak, is a tool of The Almighty.

In circumstances of general degeneracy, such as today in US and UK, justice gets done not directly as justice but indirectly as consequences of various interactions between the forces of injustice and the general condition of degenerates.

The vain are brought low from inside, not from outside.

The community of nations has become poly-centric. This is the underlying objective fact of International world affairs. It will remain so for . . . God only knows, but it will be a long time.

No nation can dominate others, and only one nation today even wants to, which is stupid. And that’s not the entire USofA. but rather, Judeo-Humanists and Judeo-Christians, Neocons, who control Israel and mechanisms of government of the US and UK.


Description of the present is no longer really helpful. Everyone knows everything is screwed up. Therefore, description as it is possible of restoration of justice and Dharma AFTER the present is what is needed and appreciated, even though a lot of people today cannot and will not give credence to any efforts in that direction.

In this sense, Rangers have to lead the way to restore prestige to The USofA.

To do that, Rangers and other US leader organizations must learn and promulgate how the Russians think. Because: Russians are the ones who, in the last several centuries, have successfully defended their national honor and sovereignty. Europeans and Americans, including US Americans, have not.

Julie London

Turn everything over to the Lord. Never doubt yourself. Practice patience.

And then, do what you think is best for all concerned, and above all, best for your country.

Practice patience indefinitely. Above all, practice patience.

If the data sets, the correlates of war, do not coincide with a mission set derived from a policy, the policy is poisonous.

Rational and successful mission sets cannot be derived from policies made inside rooms devoid of data sets and lots of them.

Therefore, the way to approach top US policy is to create data sets from the squad level up. Those data sets themselves imply the situations which transcend them, namely, the operational and strategic depths. If copious and accurate data sets are presented, the numbers cannot be gainsaid. Overruled, perhaps, but not gainsaid.

US leaders, civilian and military, cannot do strategic thinking because they do not have tactical, operational, or strategic data sets that would enable them to do that. So they simply reject strategic thinking altogether.

This is an abjuration of professional responsibility of Gaussian proportions.

So, start at the tactical level. Create and populate the data sets. Big ones. Let them imply, by their own power, their own internal teleology, the operational and strategic data sets which are required for useful strategic thinking to occur and to imply realistic, rational policy.

Doctrine guides exegesis. However, the story itself is the salvic power. Theology guides interpretation of scripture. But the story itself, in scripture, when kept in the forefront of the mind, is the salvic power.

Am I my brother’s keeper? No. You and your brother are each other’s keeper. And who is my brother? Your brother is the widow, the orphan, and the stranger among you. These are the members of your society who have none to look after them. You are their keeper and they are your keeper.

Your brother is those among you who lack protection. They are your brother. The widow, the orphan, the stranger among you, they lack protection, and that makes them your brother, no matter any other factor.

Your brother is the one among you, whoever that is, who lacks protection. He or she is your brother. Period. End of discussion. That’s it. It all ends there.

The Reformation was not about individuals having direct access to God instead of only through a priest. Luther, Calvin, Cranmer, Wycliffe, Zwingli and the rest were far more serious than that.

The Reformation was about who could read The Bible. The Reformers said, Everyone!, so they put The Bible into the vernacular, which is exactly what Jerome had done.

As Latin ebbed as lingua franca, priests and bishops turned Jerome’s vernacular into an esoteric language common people could not read. And so The Bible became opaque to the generality, who did not read Latin, or didn’t read at all, which was many people at that time.

That made just reading The Bible a source of great and exclusive power for clergy. The rest had no recourse but to accept what clergy told them about The Bible.

Luther said, No, you don’t live by what the priests tell you, you live by faith in God, as Habakkuk says (2:4). That implied that everyone can and should be able to read The Bible.

That’s what The Reformation was about. It was not about the priesthood of all believers, a phrase carrying an antinomian seed. The Reformation was about the Biblical literacy of all believers, a far more potent force of concept, one bereft of antinomian overtones.

Today, Muslim, Talmudic, Jesuit clergy say that, although many can read their native religion’s scripture, only clergy thereof can read it aright and interpret it for modern circumstances. This is more baloney, a power play.

The Word of God is meant to be very simple. It IS very simple.

Principle I

The United States have no authority in the domestic affairs of other nations and expect other nations to reciprocate by not feigning authority in our domestic affairs. The United States have interest in the lines of communication running between The United States and all other nations. We expect ourselves and other nations to bear fairly the burden of keeping those lines open, safe, reliable, fair, and clean for use by all nations.

Principle II

The United States welcome comprehensive strategic partnership for the new era with our brother nations India and Russia, for correlation, coordination, and promulgation, from their perspectives, of the ground of statecraft set forth in Principle I and urge Japan and Egypt to join us for that endeavor and commitment.

Principle III

An order to deploy which lacks or frustrates intent to compel an enemy to sign a declaration of unconditional surrender is an unlawful order by the Rules of Just War, the Conventions of War, Common Sense, and the Spirit of America. An order to deploy conveys this intent to the Commanding Officer: win this war / battle in a timely manner at the lowest possible cost to yourself and your enemy or do not come back alive.

Bhagavan Sri Shirdi Sai Baba
By Artists M and F Graham
Sathya Sai Baba
Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba
At Puttaparthi, Andhra Pradesh, India

Claudia Cardinale

  1. Richard and son Daniel are Judeo-Humanists, Neocons, Zionists, Atheists. ↩︎
  2. Finance Insurance Real Estate ↩︎

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