Attitudinal Data Points – August To October 2023 — Let’s Face Facts

The foregoing is the root of USA Foreign Policy, and as such, correlates of the Primakov Doctrine as the root of Russian Foreign Policy.

Vladimir Putin and his team reestablish Russia in pan-religious, pan-spiritual cultural ground.

Historians generally think that The French Revolution was a rejection of their leadership caste, both civil and religious, by a majority of Frenchmen. This was not the case. The French Revolution was a minority sentiment of a minority of Frenchmen, using rhetorical devices, slogans, etc., to get rid of Classical Christian Civilization in France and then around the world, as best they could.

Now, who would want to do such a thing? Only disappointed hegemons, right?

POTUS Trump, much as I love him, is not eligible to run for POTUS in 2024. He has had two terms, the limit, one of them usurped by The US Congress acting as The D-R UniParty.

The Russian version of Andrei and Natasha dancing recognizes the universal order of authorities, whereas, the American Hollywood version does not.

Providing banking services is one thing. Speculating with other people’s money to relieve other people of their properties is entirely different.

The Colonial, Federal, and Confederate Flags should fly at equal height over The US Capitol and all US Federal and State facilities.

The point is, national unity.
That’s what’s important.

For a nation, their first line of defense is reliance on The Almighty.

For a nation, the second line of defense is their national military system.

For a nation, the third line of defense is their national justice system.

For a nation, the fourth line of defense is their state justice systems.

For a nation, the fifth line of defense are their neighborhood and individual justice systems.

If The Almighty is not a nation’s first line of defense, then the nation has no lines of defense whatsoever.

A nation who does not rely first and foremost on the Grace of Almighty God, is a nation on its way to defeat and subjugation.

In this context, reliance on wunderwaffen is colossal stupidity.

We’re right back to the situation observed by the Hebrew Prophets: God is your protection or you are going down, that’s it, period, narrative ends.

Whatever your analytical methods, realize that they are sterile and impotent in the presence of the Hebrew Prophets and their analytical methods.

Think, especially, of Amos, Hosea, Jeremiah, Micah, Habakkuk.

The first line of national defense must contemplate — must contemplate — faith in and fidelity to Almighty God. If that is not in place, there can be no other lines of national defense worthy of the name.

US Americans today do not contemplate Almighty God as their first line of national defense. Therefore, we have no lines of national defense whatsoever. The condition of our borders prove the point.

Projected monograph title: Lines Of National Defense: The Prophetic Model.

Neocons-Neolibs are Bolsheviks, Trotskyites. Check their family histories. They are people Stalin removed from authority for being a danger to the USSR. They were that.

Trotskyite Bolshevism requires perpetual revolution. That simple. Thus, from Neocons-Neolibs only perpetual war and disorder can arrive.

If you don’t know to disregard mainstream, corporate, legacy, controlled media, you don’t know what is going on. You know only CIA bellwether narrative.

Pull back the array of salients, across and through which an enemy can cut you into a thousand pieces, and renounce the ambition for global hegemony.

Technocrats, experts, come in with a priori to announce them as a posteriori. Hire self-inflated air-heads and the farm goes tits up.

You can centralize power, at least awhile. But you cannot centralize authority. That is always distributed. This fact undoes tyrants and their systems of government. Power without authority is nothing substantial, nothing that sticks or can be made to stick.

Durga, Lakshmi and Saraswati are, in fact, not different from you. They are very much installed in your own heart. They exhort you to lead the life of a human being, since you are a human being. – Sathya Sai Baba

It is famously said that there are knowns, there are unknowns, there are known unknowns, and there are unknown unknowns. However, there is more to it. There are unknowables. Some are known to be unknowable. Others are unknown to be unknowable.

If all creatures are clothes that God wears; if all creatures are God being God, then how is it that God can be Gracious and Loving to Himself? This is an unknowable.

The core non-dualistic Reality — Reason per se — which is the reality of Reality, is unknowable, period. It cannot be understood because nothing is not it and thus able to stand under it.

Just the attempt to understand it will drive you crazy if you really pursue it. Some matters you just have to let well enough alone, because you’ll never get to it, you’ll never understand it. Can’t be done.

Replace land control with sovereignty control.

The issue, ultimately, is scale, or put another way, industrial logistics. The USofA do not have scale to command the world’s nations. Period. Therefore, they must adjust their attitude to participatory correlation with the other nations rather than thinking, stupidly, that they can dominate them.

Look at the titles of the Books of The New Testament and you will see that The NT was pitched towards Romans and Hebrews. Mostly Romans, just by the names of the Books, Roman names, Paul, Mark, Luke, Peter.

Matthew, Simeon, Thomas, James, and John are Hebrew names. The NT is pitched mostly to Romans and then to Hebrews. It is not pitched to Jews. The NT Book Hebrews is not named Jews.

These are aspects of the coming of age of a nation. The USofA are younger than the Russian General Staff, not to mention Russia herself. So, we’re talking about The USofA coming of age as a nation in the 21st Century.

No longer a petulant, bumptious adolescent, but rather, a serious nation in a community of serious nations. A young nation participating in a community of very ancient, serious, and sovereign nations. That’s what we’re talking about.

Nothing in the Nicene and Chalcedonian Creeds is false. There are things, particularly in the Nicene Creed, which are confusing and unclear. But that is because language, inherently, is dualistic whereas reality, inherently, is non-dualistic.

The infinite taking on finitude is a paradox the plenary reality of which language cannot communicate. Only when speaker and listener are one and the same can this be done. And then the language is impersonal and the location is internal.

Language can describe reality only approximately. Language cannot fully describe reality. That would be impossible given the nature of language as unavoidably dualistic.

The great Creeds of The Church — and their reciters and exegetes — face this ineffable, relentless fact.

If a language is inherently onomatopoeic, such as Sanskrit, Hindi, then it can very closely describe reality but still it does not express reality directly. It cannot because of language’s dualistic nature. This is just the way it is.

Sophia Loren

Russian Christian history contains facets of Christianity of which no Latin Christian has familiar awareness. This fact is significant. Latin Christianity operates with, so to speak, one hand tied behind the back.

Napoleon and Hitler tried to subjugate Russians directly. US Neocons-Neolibs, using proxies, their self-same European vassals, want to subjugate Russians indirectly. The latest ones are Mongolia and Poland, using the Pope no less. Incredible! Anyway, it can’t be done. It’s insanity. Period. Bootless bloodshed is an outcome.

The Sicarii lobby, Euro-American Neocon-Neolibs, secular fanatics, do not want their support for Banderite, Galician Nazis contra Russia to come into public view. That’s what’s going on with Trudeau and the rest. You’ve got Jews working with Nazis against Russia. That’s what they don’t want put in public view.

They want to hide from view that Euro-American Sicarii descendants — secular Jews — are in league with Ukrainian Neo-Nazis, like Bolsheviks, most of whom where secular Jews, against the Russian Orthodox Church.

Hitler’s PR narrative to justify and motivate invading Russia was, WE must prevent Russia from taking over all Europe. (Of course, he planned to take over all Europe as well as all Russia and all America, at least.)

Citizens of the fictitious town of Brodny, featured in the 1949 film, The Inspector General, sing to themselves their town anthem having the refrain Brodny To The Skies! Brodney To The Skies! Brodny To The Skies! Brodney To The Skies! Brodny To The Skies! Brodney To The Skies!

Sylvia Fine meant that as broad ridicule of Nazi’s, Sieg heil! Sieg heil! Sieg heil! Glory to Ukraine! is the Bandera-Galician equivalent of Sieg heil! Promote Freedom And Democracy! is the Neocon-Neolib counterpart. Neocon-Neolibs activate Neo-Nazis against Russians [and now Israelis against Iranians and their proxies, among them Hamas, a Moslem Brotherhood front]. Chaos, havoc.

Sophia Loren
Sophia Loren

In the drive towards a multipolar world, represented by BRICS 11, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), and China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), among other groundbreaking Eurasian and Global South institutions, there’s simply no place for an ethnocentric Apartheid state fond of collective punishment. – Pepe Escobar

Neocon-Neolib thinking in New York, Washington, and London, now, although they would not acknowledge its fanaticism in public, is that Nazis’ OKW, Churchill, and Patton were right to want to go into The USSR and end it all for the Soviets, take over Russia, and piece her out for profit.

Sovereignty, not property, is the first concern of statecraft in all three of its aspects: Diplomacy, Finance, War-Fighting.

National strength is measured in national sovereignty, not in territorial integrity, much less in GDP however that is manipulated for PR effect.

When you fight someone, you train them up to fight you. Watch it picking a fight, therefore.

You in all your finitude are Swami in all his infinitude.

The Hollywood prototype Americans have imbibed is: the poor, helped by a rich, steal from the rich to give to the poor. The reality is, the rich steal from the poor to give to themselves. This comes under the general title of income redistribution.

Atheists are right. God does not exist. He is impersonal and impersonal does not exist.

Atheists are wrong in that God becomes personal. The personal does exist.

This is right on the central paradox of the Incarnation. Atheist, such as Jews and other Unitarian Christians, get it half right.

The great Christian breakthrough in the Mediterranean Basin, and then spreading from there, was that, yes indeed, God does incarnate. Moslems tried to reverse that, but Christians were right. God does indeed incarnate. This is the great paradox of life.

The USofA are a great power but not a dominant one. Gentlemen, adjust your calculations accordingly. Calculate for mutual benefit among the nations, great powers and small.

As Swami says, we live today among a high number of Rakshasas, demonic personalities who have no interest in truth, or God, or justice, or righteousness, or love, or peace. Regardless of what they say.

Molasses outdoors in January flows faster that academics in spate. It’s the arrogance, you know.

The US Foreign Policy Establishment — GO, NGO, and hybrid GO-NGO — is an array of terrorist organizations.

Everything around you is a miracle, including you yourself.

None of what Euro-American corporate media publish can be taken at face value. Most of it fits an a priori ideology. None of it reflects motivating feelings in a situation, whatever that is. And much of it is made up on the spot, out of thin air, utterly contrived to fit an editor’s a priori ideology.

We’ve reached the point of just, Let the wind blow. Don’t try to canalize it, obstruct it, or worry about it. Just let the wind blow. It is the Holy Spirit, after all.

Ultimately, that is all that can be done with Rakshasas. Let The Almighty take care of it / them. Only He knows where the pressure points are, what to do at and about them, and what to bring to them.

Above all else, do not worry. Hand that over to The Almighty and simply do not worry. There is nothing you or I can do about it. But The Almighty, there is plenty He can do about it. So, that’s where trust must be placed, in The Almighty. Also, that is where the happiness must be placed, in The Almighty. This is the Sanity Implementation Plan of Adwaitha Hermitage.

The rest of us are just along for the ride. We’re out-numbered. But we are not out-Dharma-ed.

Jill St. John
Jill St. John

Our situation is not unlike that of Elijah, and Jeremiah, and Jesus, and at one point Moses.

The end of the ways of God is corporeality.Oetinger. That is half the truth. The other half is, the end of corporeality is death.

The nations are fed up with aggressive Jewish messianic collectivism — at everyone else’s expense — at Jerusalem, and presided over by a Third Temple. The Messiah has already come, 2K+ years ago. That is a fact. And the Messiah said that his Kingdom, his Hegemony, is not of this world. That is a fact. It will always be a fact. Any Jewish collectivism contrary to these facts is destined for failure and disrepute. Laughed off indeed. And exsanguination.

The Conference is a Design Bureau. That’s what you’re creating. You’re creating a Design Bureau to create The Joint Force as The US Armed Force — The US Army — under The US General Staff under SecDef.

The Design Bureau-Conference may also be called the launch of The US Army (Joint Force) TRADOC.

Long, loud proponents of free speech are fascists.

Long, loud proponents of abortion are murderers.

Long, loud proponents of democracy are perverts.

Whoever proposes long and loud
embodies the opposite of what they
propose and is ready to do violence.

Long, loud proponents of government programs are totalitarians.

Long, loud proponents of free association of the sexes are lesbians and sodomizers.

Principle I

The United States have no authority in the domestic affairs of other nations and expect other nations to reciprocate by not feigning authority in our domestic affairs. The United States have interest in the lines of communication running between The United States and all other nations. We expect ourselves and other nations to bear fairly the burden of keeping those lines open, safe, reliable, fair, and clean for use by all nations.

Principle II

The United States welcome comprehensive strategic partnership for the new era with our brother nations India and Russia, for correlation, coordination, and promulgation, from their perspectives, of the ground of statecraft set forth in Principle I and urge Japan and Egypt to join us for that endeavor and commitment.

Principle III

An order to deploy which lacks or frustrates intent to compel an enemy to sign a declaration of unconditional surrender is an unlawful order by the Rules of Just War, the Conventions of War, Common Sense, and the Spirit of America. An order to deploy conveys this intent to the Commanding Officer: win this war / battle in a timely manner at the lowest possible cost to yourself and your enemy or do not come back alive.

Bhagavan Sri Shirdi Sai Baba
By Artists M and F Graham
Sathya Sai Baba
Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba
At Puttaparthi, Andhra Pradesh, India

Gina Lollobrigida

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