Attitudinal Data Points – April To August 2023 — Let’s Face Facts

Scimus autem quoniam diligentibus Deum omnia cooperantur in bonum, iis qui secundum propositum vocati sunt sancti. And we know that to them that love God, all things work together unto good, to such as, according to his purpose, are called to be saints.

You’re always in friction, competition, struggle, conflict with someone.
The goal is to make it for mutual benefit (correlation)
rather than single domination (win).

Neocons claim their fight against Russia and China is a fight of democracy against authoritarianism. By democracy they mean oligarchy, specifically themselves, and by authoritarianism they mean governments who prevent oligarchs, specifically themselves, from maintaining their social positions in pursuit of expanding their monopolies, to the whole world and then beyond. Neocons cannot stand President Putin because he kicked their financiers out of Russia. He stopped their pillage of Russia. Neocons cannot stand China because their financial systems are owned or effectively controlled by the CCP.

Ray McGovern coined the acronym MICIMATT
Military Industry Congress Intelligence Media Academe Think Tank

I wish to coin the acronym FIATT
Foundation Intelligence Academe Think Tank

To me, government officials in Washington, London, Berlin, Brussels, Paris, Ottawa, Seoul, and Kiev look like a freak show, act like stuck-up high school girls, talk like criminals, and think like morons. How can anyone imagine that predicting what is going to emanate from those conditions is worth pondering? Perhaps the path of wisdom in these circumstances is to embrace uncertainty. In any case Moscow, New Delhi, and Peking have some say in matters, increasing the uncertainty as well as the imperative to embrace it. Of this, I think, one can be certain always: that Dharma does not long tolerate anti-Dharma.

And Congress must protect The USA, rewrite
U.S. Code: Title 10 and U.S. NDAA based on
the requirements of a General Staff.

Officials of neither The USA, nor China, nor any self-identified transnational, supra-national organization has authority to interfere or otherwise affect the self-identity and self-determination of any nation other than their own.

The USG is anything but a sovereign government. They are beholden to any number of non-national interests, domestic and foreign.

Ray McGovern left out charitable tax-exempt foundations from his MICIMATT.

Treasury, State, and Defense should be working together. But they don’t. They’re on separate tracks. That’s chaos. CIA encouraged that.

If one is afraid, one is lost. If one doubts, one is lost. If one resists, one is lost. If one refuses, one is lost. If one challenges, one is lost.

Gehlen Organization. Everything the young American nation — CIA, DOD, etc. — learned about the Soviet Union they learned sitting at the feet of Nazi German intelligence officers who lost to the Soviet Russians. These German officers were anxious to get the Americans to finish off the Russians for them, or at least to cause Russians massive dismay. Their Wehrmacht did not and could not do that. They failed, and not for the reasons Gehlen Org gave, namely, too many Russians, willing to live like barbarians. The Wehrmacht failed because Russians are engineers. They looked at their military situation as an engineering problem rather than as an ideological, political problem.

Clausewitz is wrong, war is not a mere continuation of policy by other means. That’s a pugilist’s attitude. Russians are right, policy is a real continuation of war by other means. That’s an engineer’s attitude.

The constant in life is war, not policy. Clausewitz rightly identifies three constants of war — Violence, Chance, Reason — but War itself is a constant whereas policy is not.

Russians are right to have an engineering approach to war — you’re always in it, doing it — rather than a pugilistic approach to war — now you do it, now you don’t.

War itself is an engineering problem. If political considerations arrive inside a war’s councils of war, the war itself is not serious. This objective fact allowed Kutuzov to fall back from a tactical defeat, burn Moscow, and lure Napoleon into a furnace — a fire bag — that is the Russian winter without means for his Army to survive it.

In 1999 the White Russians returned to power. This war is a continuation of the war between Bolsheviks and White Russians that began with the failed 1905 revolution. Even the Bolshevik families are the same. The Neocons descended from Trotsky.

The US Memorial Day is about the past. The Russian Eternal Regiment is about the present. Americans have nothing comparable to that as a unifying national rallying-point.

Unitarians cannot do other than destroy, maim, persecute, and terrorize.

The USA Ivy League universities, colleges, and academies are terrorist institutions. I should know. I earned a graduate degree at one of them. It is dated 1969.

Russians are engineers. When they go into battle, they fight on engineering principles, not pugilistic — boxing, wrestling — principles. They engineer war, they don’t fight war.

After Borodino, which he lost tactically but won strategically, Kutuzov retreated and burned Moscow. That was an engineering maneuver, not a pugilistic maneuver. Russians are not pugilists, they are engineers, or as they say, about their enemies, We’ll outthink them. If you try to fight them as a pugilist, they’ll beat the bejeezus out of you.

And at a distance of 3-6000 miles, you don’t have a chance of fighting the on an engineering model if all you’ve got is a pugilistic model. They’re going to take you out. It’s that plain and simple.

Russians look at a military situation as an engineering problem. Americans, English, Germans look at a military situation as a political problem. This makes all the difference between winning and losing at war.

War as an engineering problem is a constant. This is why a great nation needs a General Staff. Was as a political problem is intermittent. This is why a great nation changes policies and politics, to suit times and tastes, which are fleeting.

Conflicts are resolved in their operational and strategic spaces, not in their tactical spaces.

For the sons of Isaac, Jesus of Nazareth is The Christ and therefore The Promised One. For the sons of Ishmael, Allah, the Formless, is the Presence of Love and Mercy and therefore The Promised One.

This fact was grasped by Baha’u’llah, who reformed Islam to God-oriented from the violence-orientation tacked onto Islam rulers and their scholars after the death of Mohammed.

Americans pay a very high price for their reverence of monied people. Other nations pay an even higher price for that idolatry.

The enormous tax-exempt foundations are the activists. They attract over time an ever more low-minded employee and Board cadre. Money guarantees a down-ward trend in competence, not an upward one.

Guys who stack up enormous piles of money and make foundations feel that their money entitles them to run the country, even the world. That’s why they set up their foundations, to do that without supervision and without accountability, because they are tax-exempt foundations.

It’s a huge way to dominate the world, at least your own nation.

It was in Chicago, after all, United States of America, that the world’s first Parliament of the World’s Religions occurred, in 1893.

Union Theological Seminary, my alma mater, was intimately involved in a follow on to that event. The 1893 in Chicago event brought Vivekananda to The USA and Bonhoeffer, my father, and me to Union.

The Chicago event also drew me to announce the formation of Adwaitha Hermitage in Chicago in 1969 at the home of George Graham, who also was a Union man.

If you want a nation, you need an Army. If you need an Army, you want the Church.

Earn your income from the product, not the patent. Let the patent go open source. That is, let the conception and engineering go open source. This will be your best safety.

Give them the engineering. Don’t give them the materials. But give them the engineering concept, the patent. Let them find the materials. That’s their business.

If they use the engineering to assemble the materials for a nefarious plan, they put a target on their back and become a pariah, and the nations will deal with them as seems fitting to them at the time.

This is your best overall protection strategically, operationally, and even tactically. The greatest protection is in openness. As is said, if you want to hide something — meaning, if you want to protect yourself — put it in plain sight.

CIA are The USG. CIA have made the Three Branches — Executive, Congress, Courts — their front organizations and MSM their propaganda arms.

CIA are a front of the enormous tax-exempt philanthropic foundations. The USA system of education also is a front for those foundations. A taxonomy of the USA dystopia starts with those foundations.

CIA are who installed the Biden whatsit in the White House and the UniParty in the Three Branches. Philanthropic foundations are the head, CIA and schools are the muscle.

Media, Hollywood, PR firms, PAO offices, academic faculties, etc. are downstream from foundations and CIA. CIA and USAID are joined at the hip, so to speak.

This is the taxonomy of a dictatorship. It is also a taxonomy of colossal stupidity in statecraft. It has no internal leverage against itself except in seed form as military and sheriff organizations.

We Americans were raised to fear the Russians. The truth is, in this world, and with the Indians, they are our best friends. What a tragedy! We were taught a lie and believed it for so many years.

Being more ancient civilizations, Russians and Indians — Bharathiyas — have a more refined and stronger appreciation for the numinous, whereas, Americans do have the same appreciation, with less vigor, but Americans still do have that appreciation, which makes them brothers of Russians and Bharathiyas at the civilizational depth.

Non-aligned engagement. If you have money, help the people who do not. And don’t expect anything in return. Just help them. And help them along the lines they want as long as those are righteous, self-less.

Righteous means for the benefit of their countrymen, not for themselves. This is not hard to do if one has the idea in their own frame of reference, in their own mind and intellect.

People do not fear what they can see. They do fear what they cannot see. Therefore, make it so that they can see. Period. Give them the opportunity to see, all the time, whatever is going on.

If you tell the truth, let people see what is going on, then they know that you are not a threat to them. Period. They know that because you are letting them see what is going on. Be honest with people and they will make the appropriate calculation.

Some of them, you know, will think that that means that you’re a stupid idiot and they can take you out. But that’s not true, and also, that’s just some of them. The majority of people involved in the case of someone being straightforward and honest with them will always understand that and consider that person or nation or group corporation not a threat, because they’re being open and truthful.

This could not be more simple.

St. Patrick's Cathedral, New York City

St. Patrick’s Cathedral, New York City

Russian Aerospace Forces are a true national defense air force, as opposed to the offensive, forward-operating Air Force which The USA have.

There’s a mathematics on the multiplier effects of networking. I’m not knowledgeable regarding it, but I know it exists. I’m also not an accomplished mathematician. The math of networking works, I understand, in military as well other cultural contexts, including politics. Networking itself works also naturally, without deliberation to make it work, although it works ever more effectively when deliberation is applied to its development.

I understand that the math of networking can quantify likely outcomes of decisions within the network with considerable accuracy or at least greatly increase the probability of their occurring.

The modern example that catches my interest is the increased effectiveness, up and down the kill chain, provided by highly developed, reliable net-centricity of all five components of the Russian Army: Space Army, Air Army, Cyber Army, Sea Army, Land Army.

Grace Cathedral, San Francisco

Grace Cathedral, San Francisco

If you want to monetize some open source software that lets you monetize, lets you create something you can monetize with, fine, there’s nothing wrong with that. Just leave the underlying open source code open source. Let everybody have it. That’s a way to keep the peace.

The enormous, tax-exempt foundations have contrived to dissolve the academic curriculum in order to de-engineer and deconstruct protection of the motherland, in furtherance of their founders’ monopolistic desires.

So, today, our duty is to organize the academic curriculum so as to engineer and construct protection of the motherland. This in furtherance of our desires to live in law-abiding conditions, with law-abiding neighbors, provided by enforcement of laws we approve in furtherance of our safe and happy lives together.

Awareness of the D-R UniParty is present inside The USA since 2015 at least. George Wallace had his version of the observation in 1968. Something like, There isn’t a dime’s worth of difference between the Republican and Democratic parties.  Neither Ds nor Rs are interested in protecting The USA. A new network, a new party, built for construction — reconstruction if you will — of protection for The USA is getting ready to emerge. I have suggested the name All American Party. Others have suggested other names. The most important terrain for this party to command is Congress. They write the checks.

The delusion is that it’s two. It is not two. It is one acting on itself. That is the protection. That is what Peter Putnam saw. That together with the greed of his academic peers to share in his inherited wealth drove Peter out of academe. And me too, for the same reason. That’s what set me on the course of re-engineering the academic curriculum.

Note that the academic curriculum is constant while the forms in which is presented vary with times and climes.

This isn’t about Ukraine, which is now 404. It’s about American Nazis, Neocons, Bolsheviks, atheists, and their European counterparts: UK, EU, NATO elites, spawn of the Third Reich and executives of the Fourth Reich.

There is an easy way to know what is the future. The future is whatever is best for you and me. God will make sure that that is the future. Want to know the future? The future is whatever God decides is best for you and me, any of us, all of us. That’s the future.

God permeates everything. Anything you can think of and everything you can’t, God permeates it.

donaldw: Rich vs. Poor does not seem to me to be the point of division. It’s more the powerful vs. the intentionally diminished. Attitude toward our country is another factor. There are those who either do not or are ambivalent about loving our country and its history, and there are those who not only think this is a country that deserves love, but who are also dismayed that so many of those in power seem to not want to go there. Globalists vs. Nationalists. And finally, as someone mentioned, it is woke vs. not woke. I don’t think it was only poor dumb people who used to drink Bud Light. I think Rich vs. Poor is a tired and unimaginative explanation. [So do I. DRG]

Chris Rufo, regarding whom Scott Johnson posts today, thankfully, has a satchel full of solutions. Others he does not mention are present in the underlying USA cultural consciousness. Some are easy, some difficult, all doable, necessary, and consistent with the spirit of the times. We have entered the moment of polymerization of Dharmic awareness and resolution, so to speak.

Lacking informed, competent commander’s intent, knowledge of effective battle doctrine, sufficient order of battle, and echeloned TOEs, accurate C4ISP and SEAD, what can you possibly hope to accomplish? Without these, you are but Priests of Baal marching towards Carmel and then Wadi Kishon.

The concept of continuum is a convenience for introducing fuzzy logic, i.e., non-logic, so any argument can be made for anything and justified as it being part of a continuum, can’t touch it.

A continuum and a constant are not the same thing. A constant has objective reality, like a river, you can point to it. It’s there for undergoing scrutiny. A continuum has no objective reality, like a figure of speech, it’s just made up to let someone do something they have in mind to do. It’s an rhetorical blind.

There are engineering problems, opportunities. There are no catastrophes. One reads scripts, the other makes them. It’s all in the attitude, the spirit. of approach to the situation.

Great Captains never see catastrophes. They only see opportunities. Dim witws and the impure of heart see catastrophes, that are not there.

The American spirit is, problems are opportunities. As history would have it, this is also the Russian spirit.

Life in the ordinary course of affairs, including arrivals of the unexpected, presents engineering opportunities, not catastrophes.

FBI and CIA are giving Americans a gigantic middle finger meaning, Hey morons, we don’t need your approval, you need our approval.

The Franco-American effort to live without Christianity, the Germanic effort to replace Christianity, the Ashkenazi Jewish effort to destroy Christianity, and the Anglo-Saxon effort to reduce Christianity to moral codes have all failed.

Christianity remains the root of the culture of The Latin Church and the culture of The Greek-Russian Church, deep inside the vital, nourishing ground of Divine Grace.

Christianity is the constant cutural medium of West Eurasian (European), Russian Eurasian, and American civilizations.

It is impossible to throw The Latin Church or The Greek-Russian Church off of that root, and therefore, it is impossible for the nations they produce to become something else other than Christian. Those nations themselves are, bear, and produce the Christian evangelium.

Anita Ekberg

The greatest disaster that ever befell US Armed Forces was the Gulf War of 1991-92. Three whole generations of US Officers and NCOs that they are invincible on the battlefield. Such is not the case. Such has never been the case. Such will never be the case. Russians have demonstrated the fact in vivid detail in 404.

Made in the image of God does not mean man is God-like. It means God is man-like.

In very confusing language, but the best available, this is what the Nicene Creed’s writers meant to say: God is man-like.

The Chalcedonian Creed expounded on that, filled in some blanks.

God is man-like is what gives man the condition of holiness, sanctity.

Fanatics — Jewish, Christian, Anglican, Jesuit, Moslem, and otherwise — think the imago dei passage, Genesis 1:26, means they have the status of God in the world. This is of course not the case and not what Genesis 1:26 means.

Genesis 1:26 means God has the status of man in the world, including all the finitude, all the errors, all the karma, all the heart-ache, etc., etc., etc. In other words, Genesis 1:26 means the exact opposite to what fanatics want it to mean in order to justify their will to dominate everyone else, an evil will.

This is the same doubt as that expressed in the question, Is the universe God or is God the universe? The answer is, God is the universe. The statement, The universe is God, is pantheism, and much much more.

Confront Compete Contend Command Control

That is the Neocon, Bolshevik, Trotskyite, Sicarii OODA loop.

The easiest and quickest way to get inside to break that loop is at step two, Compete. Russians took this course and it has brought Neocon-Sicarii to their knees in disgrace. Neocons know only money but only products can compete. Without product, Neocons have nothing outside their big mouths.

Only tangibles matter.

Expel Heeb’s and Afro-Caribs from foreign and domestic policy circles, respectively. Both are on record as ethnocentric, self-serving rather than nation-building. They are in it for themselves, not for their motherland.

The feeling, sense of self-sacrifice, the grandeur of selfless service is not in them. Not at all. Therefore they recruit as minions people equally self-involved to enter national institutions for conducting foreign and domestic affairs and sink them.

In order to do this they must summon arrays of intangibles: democracy, freedom, rules-based-order. Tangibles would end them. But with intangibles they can keep going for a while, and they are trying their best to do that. The Russians have caught them out at the point of competitive production.

The so-called P Strand of the Pentateuch, the Priestly Strand, could not have been by priests. It is too accurate, too non-dualistic, too evidently conceived ias during an ecstasy of the Divine Person. Priests could never have gotten that, mere priests. What the great German scholars identified as the P Strand is Prophetic, not Priestly, and heads The Bible with the Pentateuch’s first creation story.

Only the Prophets could have recognized the power of the Liturgy embedded in the P Strand. The liturgical forms of the strand fooled the Germans into thinking it is clerical. No it is ecstatic.

Anita Ekberg

We should honor the people who lived the past. Beyond that, we must forget the past and live in the present, using whatever the people in the past have taught us. But the past that they lived is past. It’s gone. There is no learning from that. We must live in the present. Forget the past and the future.

Each of us is God, with all our foibles and limitations. Apparently that is how He wants to be us.

The business of America is American national sovereignty and freedom, not business.

To persevere is admirable. To persist is a pestilence.

Upon accession to office of the new CJCS, Vicki Nuland will order nuclear strikes on Russian assets.

Sons and daughters of Red-diaper Bolshevik families loyal to Leon Trotsky — aka Neocons — dominate the US foreign policy establishment, the US financial system, the US system of education, the US government bureaucracies, the US legal system, and the US tax-exempt foundations. They are the deep state. A Christian nation in the hands of anti-Christians.

Climate Change is the old Population Bomb: we need to kill off as many people as we can before they die of starvation. The layers of irony in that concept do not occur to its protagonists, who pointedly do not volunteer to euthenize themselves.

This passes today for reasonable, logical policy. Oh dear!

Land seizure is behind the policy, the sooner the better. All for the greater good, of course. People who do not wade into the tank of sewage to retrieve the Benjamines floating thereon are aware of this.

Russia is a Christian base under a properly multi-religious presentment.

The cynosure of global civilization is Indian American Russian culture, which is first and foremost, spiritual in nature, desiring kindness, cooperation, and mutual respect.

What do we know? We know that we are where Swami wants us. We know that through us He will get done what He wants to get done. We do not know what He wants to get done.

We know that whatever it is He wants to get done is good for us. We know that His plans, not our plans, are what matter. We know that what appear to us to be our plans are His plans. These are things we know.

We also know that we do not know Swami, much less His plans.

The Nazis were Roman Catholics living as apostates. The Bolsheviks were Jews living as atheists. The Russian Communists were Christian heretics living as atheists. In Russia, the Christian heretics threw out the Jewish atheists. The Nazis propagated to West Eurasia (Europe) and The Americas as atheists but underneath still apostate Roman Catholics.

As before, Nazis and Jews make common cause against Russia because of her Christianity. For Russia’s wealth, too, to seize that, but more fundamentally to kill God or at least incapacitate His embodiments, not realizing they are one of the same. Such irony.

Principle I

The United States have no authority in the domestic affairs of other nations and expect other nations to reciprocate by not feigning authority in our domestic affairs. The United States have interest in the lines of communication running between The United States and all other nations. We expect ourselves and other nations to bear fairly the burden of keeping those lines open, safe, reliable, fair, and clean for use by all nations.

Principle II

The United States welcome comprehensive strategic partnership for the new era with our brother nations India and Russia, for correlation, coordination, and promulgation, from their perspectives, of the ground of statecraft set forth in Principle I and urge Japan and Egypt to join us for that endeavor and commitment.

Principle III

An order to deploy which lacks or frustrates intent to compel an enemy to sign a declaration of unconditional surrender is an unlawful order by the Rules of Just War, the Conventions of War, Common Sense, and the Spirit of America. An order to deploy conveys this intent to the Commanding Officer: win this war / battle in a timely manner at the lowest possible cost to yourself and your enemy or do not come back alive.

Bhagavan Sri Shirdi Sai Baba
By Artists M and F Graham
Sathya Sai Baba
Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba
At Puttaparthi, Andhra Pradesh, India

Anita Ekberg

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