Norman Paul Dodd: A Research Report

Scimus autem quoniam diligentibus Deum omnia cooperantur in bonum, iis qui secundum propositum vocati sunt sancti. And we know that to them that love God, all things work together unto good, to such as, according to his purpose, are called to be saints.

The purported deterioration in scholarship and in the techniques of teaching which, lately, has attracted the attention of the American public, has apparently been caused primarily by a premature effort to reduce our meagre knowledge of social phenomena to the level of an applied science. Norman Dodd

The Reece Committee

American Council Of Learned Societies

American Historical Association

An objective description of subversion, sedition, treason: feelings making actions meant to change a country’s nature and / or form of government using means at odds with or circumventing the spirit and / or stipulations of said country’s written, in-force constitution.

John, for every D you would wish investigated and prosecuted, there’s an R right there with them. And you overlook the role of enormous tax exempt foundations in arriving where we are: Rockefeller, Carnegie, and Ford since early 1900s, but now many more, to include Gates and MacArthur.

Ever heard of Norman Dodd and the Reece committee, reading, with official Carnegie offer, Carnegie original and other early Board meeting minutes? Andrew made Carnegie Endowment in order to bring USA back under British rule. That was treason and remains so.

Rockefeller and Ford wittingly operated outside Constitutional means to merge Soviet Union and USA as a step towards bringing both under their oligarchy-controlled collectivism. Basically, everyone else lives in company towns, which the oligarchs can abandon any time it suits their wishes, and anyone working-living there, well, that’s their problem.

That’s how we got the rust belt. It was planned at the enormous foundations who live in perpetuity at taxpayer expense.

Bill Gates set up his WA-state campuses and elsewhere to operate on this model and his foundation to carry the model forward into many areas of social engineering, all extra-Constitutional, without the bother of taxation, aka taxpayer oversight and accountability. His campuses are company towns. Guys like him and Soros and their predecessors cannot think other than monopolistically, with them holding all the opportunities.

We get whiffs of communism, of collectivism, from these guys, but that’s not their goal, just a means to it. Their goal is oligarchic collectivism. It used to be called feudalism. Another word for it is fascism. The model for these practitioners is the Highland Clearances. Pretty straightforward stuff, i.e., genocide needed for economic necessity.

Your Rs are in no way clean of this way of thinking, including the all-mouth-only MTGs and the Neocon Tom Cottons, not to mention the obvious RINOs.

I think there were many who said 20 years ago at least, Time to take off the gloves.

An objective description of subversion, sedition, treason: feelings making actions meant to change a country’s nature and / or form of government using means at odds with or circumventing the spirit and / or stipulations of said country’s written, in-force constitution.

Ds and Rs and their claque of foundation officials, government bureaucrats, think-tankers, bankers, and academicians (MICIMATT) do that going on now for 120 years, and behind veils of national security, interest rate manipulation, and tax exemption.

POTUS Wilson was at least up front about wanting and doing it. (Ditto CJ Roberts and not a few AJs, ACJs, and DCJs.) Constitution be hanged. We know better now. Well, the Constitution broke the man.

Clergy, professors, lawyers, politicians, judges, and now even soldiers rely for their sloganeering on tortured reading of their founding documents. And when that fails to justify their objectives, they simply pronounce those documents old and obsolete.

In contrast have you seen Russia’s new Concept for Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation, released yesterday? Russia is not only a nation state. She is a civilization. That is true of The USA as well, especially as united physically, linguistically, and religiously with the other nation states comprising our continent.

Principle I

The United States have no authority in the domestic affairs of other countries and expect other countries to reciprocate by not feigning authority in our domestic affairs. The United States have interest in the lines of communication running between The United States and all other countries and expect all other countries to bear fairly the burden of keeping those lines open, safe, reliable, fair, and clean.

Principle II

The United States welcome alliance with our brother nations India and Russia for enforcement, from their perspectives, of the ground of statecraft set forth in Principle I and urge Japan and Egypt to join us for that endeavor and commitment.

Principle III

An order to deploy which lacks or frustrates intent to compel a target to sign a declaration of unconditional surrender is an unlawful order by the Rules of Just War, the Conventions of War, Common Sense, and the Spirit of America. An order to deploy conveys this intent to the Commanding Officer: win this war / battle in a timely manner at the lowest possible cost to yourself and your enemy or do not come back alive.

Bhagavan Sri Shirdi Sai Baba
By Artists M and F Graham
Sathya Sai Baba
Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba
At Puttaparthi, Andhra Pradesh, India

Monica Bellucci

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