Mike Pompeo is one of the CIA Directors who refused to release the balance of Kennedy assassination files at the date Congress specified. He’s another insider, clever, attention-seeker, but dishonorable. He takes himself as above law, the duties of an agency bureaucrat, and, like Jim Comey, loyalty owed the POTUS.
Mike is ambitious. He works for finance-geeks (bettors, accumulators) so as not to be expelled from the polymorphic chaos engine they are.
As an insider, he’s also a cookie-cutter Russophobe, willing to lie to Americans about phenomena relating to Russia, Ukraine, BRICS, SCO, Eurasia, etc. and causes of them. He lacks moral courage to tell the truth and humility to face it. He’s not presidential in that sense.
Mike is one of a brigade of West Pointers who tag-teamed POTUS Trump to keep him within what CIA-USAID minions deemed allowable.
And he is unable and unwilling to adjust his conceptual framework to realities of the international community as they are today (multipolar) and are likely to develop (more multipolar, less globalist).
Mike thinks The USA are still in charge of world affairs and wants us to remain so. We aren’t, we won’t be, and we can’t. With Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, and POTUS Trump, Mike Pompeo is a Republican fit for private life, not national influence or leadership.
FWIW, I do not see any Republican or Democrat (duh) able to shoulder and discharge the responsibilities of The Office of POTUS. It’ll have to be somebody come out of the West with a new political party to relieve Americans of the tedium of malice thrown at them from New York, Washington D.C., The City of London, Buckingham Palace, and Davos.
Over here, a person or machine under an alias wrote regarding the foregoing:
What lies regarding – ‘ willing to lie to Americans about phenomena relating to Russia, Ukraine, BRICS, SCO, Eurasia, etc. and causes of them” ?
I responded:
You’re looking for the proverbial devil in the details. He doesn’t live there. He lives in the assumptions.