A rare and brief punitive expedition on another continent The USA could accomplish so long as the major powers allowed her to lift force across sea and air to the battlefield.
The USA is not now and never will be a power able to overmatch Russia or China — or Germany should she decide to rearm. Nor should she want to be. Russia, China, and Germany are continental powers having advantages from interior lines of communication. Everything those countries need to sustain their sovereignty is reachable using those lines. Cf., famously, Mackinder:
The USA cannot be a continental power outside The Americas. And even here, her power to dominate intra-continental affairs — much less need to — is far from and never can be plenary. The USA is an insular power, not a continental, power. She must trade across expanses of land and water she cannot control.
Moreover, Americans and Russians are friends. Americans and Chinese, like Russians and Chinese, are neighbors. Americans and Germans are, shall we say, cousins who hail one another once in a while. Germans and Russians are family.
Russia is a continental Eurasian nation state and power long-attuned to conducting and planning costly but serious, successful continental-style warfare.
Just in the field of weapons, personnel, and equipment development, Russia today is at least three decades ahead of The USA, whose officials continue to:
- fund exotic weapons operationally obsolete already while in CAD,
- de-qualify and de-moralize The USA’s cohorts supplying military retention and recruitment,
- spend money to favor contractor profits over national military needs and capabilities, and
- flatter themselves about ruling the greatest and preeminent global power, while God and the nations look on with derision.
Russia’s defense budget is a fraction of The USA’s defense budget. Russia’s military capability exceeds US military capability by orders of magnitude. Russian spends for national defense, not for contractor profits.
In Russia, defense spending decisions are made by Russian military and political officials. In The USA, defense spending decisions are made by academe and industry lobbyists bribing Senators and Representatives who extort academe and industry lobbyists for considerations. That arrangement is called The Swamp.
Institutional structures of the joint US diplomatic, finance, and military force are to be dismantled while new ones are raised to execute on fresh accounting of US strategic foreign and domestic interests.
The USA National Policy Establishment
- Theologians
- War Fighters
- Industrialists
The USA National Joint Force
- Diplomats (State, Commerce)
- Trustees (Treasury, Energy)
- War Fighters (Defense, Transportation)
The USA National Military Joint Force
- Space
- Air
- Cyber
- Sea
- Land
The USA National Military Joint Staff
- Lift
- Sustainment
- Maneuver
- Strike
In light of the foregoing and related considerations respecting interests of The USA, one must ask, what do the new military mission focus capability packages look like? What are the units of issue you want to use? What equipment do they need — actually need in contrast to insinuations slipped into conversations by good idea fairies?
Branch commands within US Combatant Commands (US COCOMs) are disbanded. Military formations Battalion Task Force (BN-TF) and larger are Joint Force Commands guided by the Land Force mission. Determine what needs to go into a Joint Force Command and then experiment with the right mission focus capability packages, whatever that is.
A collection of general experiments/studies regarding US COCOMs is here.
Redeploy COCOM HQs and assets stateside. US military formations must not station on foreign soil. Bases there revert to host country ownership and disposition. COCOM HQs are re-missioned as plenary ISR for their designated areas of operation (AOs) while also capable of rapid expansion for brief punitive combat operations.
Present COCOM strike formations are disbanded — e.g., carrier battle/strike groups, manned bomber wings, siloed ballistic missiles — or, re-organized and re-missioned as elements — stateside — of The USA National Military Joint Force.
Present COCOM maneuver formations are made lighter, faster, even more maneuverable — e.g., freshly-equipped Armor and Cavalry BN-TFs/Squadrons, Brigade Combat Teams (BCTs), Divisions (DIVs) — and, re-organized and re-missioned as elements — stateside — of The USA National Military Joint Force.
All regular US military formations are brought stateside and distributed among DIVs and Corps for homeland defense duty. Let them, while in this condition, become become practitioners of engineering arts per se as well as engineering arts for military operations.
All SOF US military formations are brought stateside and assigned for duty to Strike components of the General Staffs of BN-TFs, Cavalry Squadrons, BCTs, and DIVs. Let them also, while in this condition, become become practitioners of engineering arts per se as well as engineering arts for military operations.
The Sustainment section of each Joint Staff, from BN-TF to COCOM, includes authorization to bring private industries under control of The US National and US Military Joint Forces. Like American citizens, American industries are subject to compulsory service in time of need for homeland defense and/or brief punitive operations overseas.
US EUCOM/SACEUR being redeployed stateside and re-missioned to ISR — but capable of rapid expansion to conduct combat operations — the SACEUR designation is abandoned, its assets assigned to US EUCOM, and the pretense of US NATO membership is left to self-destruct.
ISR components of the General Staffs of US military formations replace CIA and DIA, who are disbanded. Decentralize and maneuver to maximize power and effectiveness to protect and summon forth the springs of national sovereignty. Being military personnel, ISR warriors are forbidden to practice CIA’s main mission since their inception: manage the nation’s information streams to effect that everything Americans believe is false.
The present Joint Chiefs of Staff are replaced by one Chief of The USA National Military Joint Staff comprising five components: ISR, Lift, Sustainment, Maneuver, and Strike. This Chief of The USA National Military Joint Staff — in second to POTUS and SecDef — has authority over The USA National Joint Force mission and budget. All DOD budgets and funding are approved by him before they go to SecDef and POTUS.
The USA National Security Council is reflagged The USA National Defense Council. Individual members thereof — reduced in number by not less than 95% — are denied operational authority inside The USA National Military Joint Force and Joint Staff as well as inside US COCOMs. US COCOM ISR duties mostly replace billets of National Defense Council personnel.
Being primarily ISR organizations, COCOMs are not ordinarily combat operational, although they keep themselves ready to perform that mission. The base homeland defense mission and authority of The USA National Military Joint Force belongs, therefore, to the Chief of The USA National Military Joint Staff at the Pentagon.
The present Branch Chiefs may continue for awhile as leaders of their respective components of The USA National Military Joint Force. However, since their own staffs also comprise the five components of ISR, Lift, Sustainment, Maneuver, and Strike, and since the Sustainment component of The USA National Military Joint Staff — and its Chief — have spending authority over Branch expenditures, over time some fusing of Branch and Joint Staff priorities will de-emphasize the previously presumed semi-autonomy of the Branches and their Chiefs.
The U.S. Marine Corps is a component of The U.S. Navy, not a Branch of Service. Of the five US Branches of Service, the five Forces of The USA National Military Joint Force — Space, Air, Cyber/Word, Sea, and Land — The U.S. Marine Corps is integral with the Sea Force.
The present FPE in The USA do not know The USA’s weight and size. They have no defensive doctrine. Their families and formal educations do not prepare them for high national responsibility. Therefore, when in office they act in ways infantile, malicious, and ridiculous.
They do not know underlying elements that drive outcomes. They do not know pressures which are not in their doctrines and narratives. They do not know the yearnings of God and men.
Formative pressures such as culture and spirit are all missing in policies of the present FPE in The USA. That said, dispersed maneuver has power to paralyze an enemy intellectually, forcing open doors to his unconditional surrender.