On Being Trusted And Taken Seriously

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.


If you want to be trusted and taken seriously — and you do if you want to live your life rather than see others live it for you, i.e., enslave you —  in the United States, speak American English.  Dialect suitable to your area of residence, but American English.  No ebonics, no chicano, no arab street.  American English.  If also you want to speak an African language, Spanish or Mu’tazili Arabic, fine, do so.  Spanish especially is the second language of the United States, has been for hundreds of years and will remain so for hundreds more.  Others, always inconsequential, but worth supporting if one wishes.  However, American English, comprising numerous regional dialects, is the language of trust and being taken seriously.  Lose the claptrap ebonics, chicano and arab street altogether.  They are dead-ends for losers.  Speak American English.  The United States is here to stay and her language — which is to say, her religion, her culture and her morality — is American English.

Update 1: Americans Have Lost Confidence In … Everything.

Update 2: Peggy Noonan: Mr. Trump goes to Washington: No one at this point needs your snotty potshots and your supposedly withering one-liners.


Kim Novak
Kim Novak

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