As I See It XXVI: Russia

Scimus autem quoniam diligentibus Deum omnia cooperantur in bonum, iis qui secundum propositum vocati sunt sancti. And we know that to them that love God, all things work together unto good, to such as, according to his purpose, are called to be saints.

Russia has no global hegemonic intentions. D-R UniParty and CCP do have global hegemonic intentions and so do Caliphists, Moslem Brotherhood. This puts Russia in a position of leadership in global affairs, statecraft, at this time in history.

The way Russia conducts herself at this time economically, militarily, culturally, monetarily, and diplomatically is monitory for all other nations.

The Moslem Army cannot defeat The Christian Army. The Euro-American Atheist Army cannot defeat The Christian Army. At the end of the day, The Christian Army will always defeat The Moslem Army and The Atheist Army.

Slavs under Sobieski saved The Latin Church at Vienna just as Slavs under Putin saved The Orthodox Church at The Donbas. The Latin Church owes her continued existence to Slavs, to The Orthodox Church.

With the Russian SMO in Ukraine region, great leveling has occurred. Jewish intentions have been destroyed. Vatican intentions have been destroyed. Euro-American oligarchs’ (fascists’) intentions have been destroyed.

Chinese hegemonic intentions are risible. Euro-American attempt to rule the world by control of the seas was ended by stand-off artillery. Vatican-Jesuit effort to control the world by finance, insurance, and real estate (FIRE) was ended by their inherently stupid disloyalty to their founding mission. CCP basically the same. They are not a world power. They never have been a world power. And Russians, who are a world power, never really had intentions of universal hegemony, except for the Bolsheviks, the Soviets, who comprised 80-95% Ashkenazy Jews and almost the entire senior leadership of NKVD.

The American Left, who were in rabid support of The USSR, such as Jane Fonda, all of a sudden became extreme enemies of Russia. Clinton sent over his people to turn Russia into a sewer for two reasons: punishment and expropriation! Russians threw out Jewish Communists, Atheists, Oligarchs, Mafia. That is why the American Left turned on what had been The USSR and became vicious, blind enemies of Russia. Because Russians threw off Communists, Bolsheviks, Ashkenazy Jews, who were on a mission to destroy Christianity in Russia and seize Russian assets for themselves.

Talmudism is inherently socialistic, overbearing, controlling, superiority complex, totalitarian.

Anglicans and the Vatican have their own sources of being controlling, overbearing, totalitarian, etc., but all three of them — Ashkenazy Jews, Anglicans, and the Vatican — have been leveled. And so has been the Moslem Army.

The latter was a major accomplishment of OEF, OIF. Those operations proved to the world that the Moslem Army is not invincible. This was a huge development, a great service, which deserves appreciation and gratitude from one and all. OEF and OIF leveled The Moslem Army in the eyes of the world’s nations.

Americans and, somewhat, NATO and other nations, such as Mongolia, did that, despite all the other problems. The Arab/Pan-African army where shown to be not a world-class Army.

  • Now Russia has leveled the pretensions of NeoCons — City of London, US-based and other FIRE concerns (Finance, Insurance, Real Estate) — in the eyes of the world’s nations.

So, there has been this leveling of all the intending hegemons. That is the foundational architecture of what has been accomplished by the Russian SMO in the Ukraine region. This is the starting point now for implementations of Three Brothers Doctrine in fresh conceptual and formal architectures.

God Has No Favorites

Also leveled, inside Ashkenazy Jewish, Anglican, and Vatican — aka Oligarch, Mafia — vectors of atheism is the secular, fascist hegemonic movement currently spearheaded by WEF, Schwab, and company: queers. This is actually the most salient, most important phenomenon here: that the queer agenda has been firmly rejected. Actually, even, defeated. The Ukrainian, Iraqi, and Afghan battle fields show this. The queer agenda is defeated. This is huge.

The great leveling restores the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of Man.

Jews are not God’s chosen people. The Vatican is not the global leader of Christianity and religion. Neither is the Moslem Brotherhood or Caliphate legitimate global hegemon or Islam the only valid religion. And Anglicans are not exceptional and destined to rule the world.

The Russians have leveled all of those pretensions in one stroke. Pure genius. Only God could have made that happen.

The United States of America have not won a war since General Marshall relieved General MacArthur of command in Korea. We have won battles, but not wars our so-called leaders have instigated. Our Armed Forces have won battles but they have been prevented from winning our wars by their civilian bosses.

The SFAB brigades were conceived and put into practice in order to enable American and foreign defense contractors to profit from making weapons, advisors, training, manuals, etc. for other nations’ armed forces, which it was known beforehand were bound to lose any wars anyway but whose governments were still amenable to spending money on US weapons, advisors, training, manuals, etc. All of it just for MICIMATT profit, nothing more than that.

The idealism of the Kennedy Era, the Green Berets, has evaporated. Now it is just more income into MICIMATT pockets and paid for with debt chargeable to American taxpayers but that never will be paid, and everyone knows that it won’t.

The weapons, the advisors, the training, the manuals . . . it’s all subpar, all below the abilities of true modern great powers, Russia, China, India — and America, USA, when out from under the banal malice of clergy and professors.

Americans can fight well, but they will never win so long as the Ashkenazy Jewish, Anglican, Vatican-Jesuit atheist oligarch tyrant fascist cohort controls the D.C. Beltway, which is to say, the MICIMATT. Routing the same is more a spiritual exercise than a political or economic, even military or intellectual, exercise.

We are not living in First Century Judean stratified society, with priests and lawyers on top. We are living in Twenty First Century American congregationalism. E Pluribus Unum. We do not stratify.

This stratification that Ashkenazy Jewish tyrants and Salafi counterparts want to put on us is alien to Americans.

Spiritual practice in a military configuration is what can make the gang of tyrants fascists disappear, puts them into a rout. At the moment, that means Russia, and we actually see it happening right now.

Make a list of US decision-making centers that Russia would hit. Boston, New York, Washington D.C., Atlanta, Chicago, Omaha, Dallas, Houston, Phoenix, San Diego, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Mountain View, Seattle-Redmond, Langley, Bluffdale.

Native Hindi-and Spanish-speaking peoples will be carrying the flag of Scots-Irish love of freedom for the United States. 18th Century Scottish political philosophy is contagious. It goes across all cultures who come in contact with it.

The challenge for Americans now is to raise their children to be as educated as were the 18th Century Scottish intellectuals, churchmen, and patriots, the 18th Century Scottish savants who built the modern world. Colonial Americans were better educated and conversant with human nature than are modern Americans.

So many today are very serious about being unserious. We want people who are serious about being serious. Concentrate on food and study. Clothing and housing are provided by God. Study should focus on theology and engineering together with their supporting knowledges, mathematics and logic chief among them.

Also drawing, painting, which are exercises in architecture and engineering, of form, color, texture. Children’s paintings, drawings, constructions, art work are their first steps in engineering, in architecture, making form and function work together. This should be encouraged.

Young children and older should be encouraged with their drawings and paintings because these are very important theological, architectural, and engineering skill-development exercises. One wants a child to develop a sense of the architectonic in all things.

Psychiatry and Psychology descend from Ashkenazy Jewish drug addicts and their bullshit.

Vicki Nuland and her gang operate from ethnic hatred rather than from facing the facts of life on earth.

The essence of a creature is colorless, and therefore you do not see it. It is also quiet, soundless, and therefore you do not hear it. Etc.

The spiritual, cultural heartland of spaceship earth is India. The economic and military heartland of spaceship is Russia. The political heartland of spaceship earth are The Americas.

When government officials are for themselves rather than for the people they should serve, they govern believing and propounding what they want to believe and propound rather than what they know to be true and should propound.

What happens when what you want to believe is not what you know to be true? You approach a schizophrenic break and are either saved, prevented from undergoing it, or you undergo it and are permanently, as this career is concerned, damaged goods without purpose and without prestige.

The national security strategy of The United States Of America is to protect and defend The Constitution Of The United States Of America and the sovereign nation state it establishes. If a nation cannot maintain her sovereignty, she is a vassal, not a nation. The United States Of America is a nation, not a vassal or a colony.

Re-engineer, re-manly the country.

Reality is primarily objective, not primarily subjective. Russians by and large understand this. Many Americans today do not understand this. They think that reality is primarily subjective. This is not the case, and that is why Americans are flummoxed by and their proxies are losing to Russians.

So many US Service Academy graduates as Generals and Admirals from Vietnam forward disgraced themselves, the uniform, and their alma mater by not winning the nation’s wars or resigning in protest over restrictions imposed on them by civilian bosses once those bosses ordered military operations into action.

So what are we to think of US Service Academy graduates, supposedly the best and the brightest of America? Implicitly since 1961 and explicitly since 2001, US Service Academy graduates in General and Admiral ranks have destroyed all that prestige of their alma mater, built up through two centuries by her graduates.

Petraeus had the chance to destroy the Taliban. He did not do it. McCaffrey had a chance to end the drug trade in America. He did not do it. Odierno and Austin had a chance to destroy Salafism in Iraq. They did not do it. All are West Pointers. All wear four stars.

To go up against Russians, a nation must overmatch their artillery, combat doctrine, and strategic planning. There is not a nation on earth at this time who can do that. Controlled by civilians with no military experience and disdain for military and industrial necessities, US planning and appropriations today do not intend to achieve and do not achieve ability to overmatch Russian power. Therefore, United State Armed Forces, compliments of their civilian superiors, are absolutely defeat-able, strategically, with no alternative, by Russian Armed Forces.

The defeat of Ukrainian Armed Forces — the best proxy force US CIA/State have ever fielded — by Russian Armed Forces — actually LDPR militias supported by Russian Armed Forces — and the acquisition of land, actual land, by LDPR militias/AFR demonstrates this point.

Actually, US Armed Forces should not be intended or fashioned to overmatch Russian artillery and combat doctrine. They should be intended and fashioned to cooperate with them.

Neocons descend from ancient Ashkenazy Jewish supremacy fantasies, genuine mental illnesses.

Americans share globe-over inter-nation leadership responsibilities with Indians and Russians.

The German Army under the Nazis, the Russian Army under the Bolsheviks, and the American Army under the Neocons have certain similarities in outcome. These are national armies who are self-conscious of their authority and responsibility to protect and defend their nation. Who at any one time rules over them is a secondary matter. The primary matter is that these armies are self-aware of a responsibility to protect their nation’s sovereignty and their own operational capacity.

By armies now we mean combined armed, joint forces, what Germans meant by Wehrmacht.

Neocons have been defeated by their own inattention to reality. Sunk in psychiatry and psychology as they are, they think in subjectives, themselves, rather than objectives, others. Ultimately, their only choice is to jump off the cliff at Masada, so to speak. They have no alternative, so odious have they made themselves by living in subjectivity. Neocons are modern-day Sicarii, Zealots, fanatics, idiots, murderers.

Russians have out-thought and out-fought the Neocons because they see others and what they are doing.

We shall see soon enough how large a US Armed Force US Generals and Admirals can muster when they insist that girls can be guys and guys can be girls. The actual girls and guys will run for the hills because they know that whatever happens they will be charged with something. This will empty out the federal military establishment below Generals and Admirals.

Neocons want this end state. However, how do they expect to participate in a stand-up fight with Russia with no armed forces behind them? It’s not going to happen. As mentioned, they are sunk in subjectives, their own. They even come to believe their own propaganda.

Neocons’ diplomatic and financial efforts against Russia are already defeated, soundly, so the only thing left as an asset of statecraft is military. If nobody wants to join the military, then how can Neocons challenge Russia and her allies? They can’t do anything. They are powerless. And they lack industrial base sufficient to their ambitions. They financialize the American economy, remove its commodity production.

Neocons have already spent out their diplomatic and financial assets against Russia. The only one they have left is military, and they are hollowing that out as they go, because of their degenerate sexuality and insistence that everybody else participate in it.

Furthermore, US military TOEs (Table of Operations and Equipment) are made to beat up third world countries, not to face and fight a major power such as Russia or, soon enough, perhaps, China.

Neocons have no means to accomplish the goal — weaken Russia to make her a walk-over for American oligarchs — they have in mind.

A total reorganization of world affairs is underway. It is not in the direction Council on Foreign Relations, The Atlantic Council, and World Economic Forum — three clubs serving the same oligarchs, more junkets, awards, and dalliances that way — and their enabling philanthropies (GO and NGO) plan and support.

Russians have managed to accomplish what no other nation has, so far: to integrate the branches of their armed forces so they can conduct net-centric warfare. This includes The German Army of WWII, who realized they were a Wehrmacht, a unity of all services combined, but they never really combined them. They never really got them together as a single organized joint unit. But Russians have done that during the last twenty years. Americans have not done that.

I do not know about the Chinese. Chances are they are at least on the way to doing it, on evidence that they consider the branches of military service to be elements of The Red Army (The People’s Liberation Army), which is of course the truth.

Germans understood OK Heeres, OK Luftwaffe, and OK Kriegsmarine, but they did not mount discipline sufficient fully to exploit opportunities available from OK Wehrmacht. Germans knew the three branches — at that time, now there are the complete five branches — had to be integrated as one fighting force, but they didn’t actually pull it off organizationally and with integrated comms, as the Russians have done. The Russians have actually pulled it off, and that’s why they are defeating everyone else: because no one else has done that.

US military inter-service rivalry is rampant, siloing is the order of the day, there’s insufficient integration of the services — net-centric operations — not only in war fighting but more importantly in acquisition and budgeting for national strategic priorities.

AF and Navy are trying to make Army adjuncts to themselves, making DOD unable to face Russia or China at all. DOD says Russia and China are top-level US enemies even while acting in ways to prevent DOD from bringing those enemies to defeat.

DOD allow the services to carry on childish, immature, nationally-destructive rivalries. This has been going on long, even with legitimate administrations such as Bush and Trump. Those admins did not address the disease of inter-service rivalry, but rather, let them continue to poison preparations to defend American sovereignty, undercut foundations for maintaining American sovereign freedom.

Government’s job is to remove obstacles so that citizens can originate things. Originating things is not the job of government.

If your faith is in government, you will be disappointed. If your faith is in God, you will be happy. Who do you follow? Do you follow your government or do you follow God? If you follow God, your government will come into proper perspective, and you will ensure that they do their job.

It appears possible that Russians are not rustic barbarians eating carrots and cabbage on dirt floors around log fires in the middle of gaudily-colored log cabins. It also seems possible that the ways they fight and the ways they organize to fight have something to teach Americans and everyone else.

Russians are very good at wearing down an enemy who is trying to wear them down. It has happened before.

Russians see things very differently than West Germanic tribes and Americans see things, even normal ones. This puts the latter at a disadvantage, actually, because the way Russians see things is superiorly realistic, objective, with regard to the actual realism of situations. Ultimately, this means that the epistemology and organization of The Orthodox Church is superior to that of The Latin Church, especially as regards national sovereignty and war-fighting, which are the key to, the foundation of, cultural longevity.

“You are with us or you are against us” is the mind-set of English toffs and Ashkenazy Jews. It is not the mind-set of Americans.

What are we trying to do? We are trying to protect the homeland from attack through any one of the five, or all of the five, battle domains: space, air, fire (cyber), water, earth. That’s what we’re trying to do, make sure the homeland is safe from attack through any one and all of those domains. For purposes of that definition, any US property, anywhere in the world, is US homeland and requires US protection.

The key here is to make sure there are no US military or other facilities, including geographical salients, except embassies and consulates, on foreign soil. Such facilities and geographical salients are stupid to maintain in the presence of the global electronic envelope.

Private properties on foreign soil but belonging to American citizens or corporations are not US property.

If the Russians want to maintain military-commercial bases on foreign soil in order to keep open global comms, fine, let them do it. Then US does not have to do it.

Life is a stream. It flows only one way. It does not go back. Life is a tree. It grows up and makes seeds. But it does not itself revert to seed.

Americans do not revert to a former state. They restore their self-confidence as Americans in their current state.

A hundred years ago they called themselves Bolsheviks. Now they call themselves NeoCons. Their objective is constant and unchanging: eliminate Russia and Christianity.

Instead of “global hegemony,” think and use “global leadership.” This would put discussion and plans on the right footing.

“Tell Antony to keep his legions intact. They are what make the law legal.” (Rex Harrison, Cleopatra). This is the key. It’s why we pay for a successful standing Joint Armed Force.

The Joint Force makes the law legal. If the people withdraw their support for The Joint Force, there is nothing to make the law legal.

Civilian agencies such as FBI, CIA, paramilitary formations in the cabinet departments — they are unable to make the law legal. These are window dressing, intimidation forces. They do not actually make the law legal. (Today they break the law with seeming impunity.)

Vedic Adwaitha Philosophy and Christian Logos Theology correlate pretty much up and down the line. Discovering this is the real Revolution In Human Affairs which has occurred during the two centuries. It is the driver, the motivation, the aspiration of everything occurring today around the world, globe-wide.

Intellectual activity proceeds now from the method of correlation or it is harmful. This is arguably Tillich’s principal and greatest achievement and gift to The Church and all God’s creatures. The method of correlation. That’s what you look for in everything, you look for correlations. That’s what Tillich was about. That is his great gift. That is what makes him beloved. It was his face, which Hannah told him, when he was on his death bed, that she always loved.

Articulations are very different, languages are very different, but the things being talked about, the things being identified, correlate with great specificity and consistency.

Apolo Kivebulaya said that Africans have two problems: not keeping their word and promiscuity. American NeoCons, who are at root Ashkenazy Jews and originally Communists, have exactly the same problems. This is a great irony. It parallels the great irony of Ashkenazy Jews’, whose ancestors were murdered by Nazis, support for Ukrainian Nazis against Russia, whose sacrifices cut short Nazis’ murdering of Ashkenazy Jews and their Sephardic kinsmen. Their hatred of Christianity and Slavs blinds Ashkenazy Jews who are NeoCons to their own colossal hypocrisy.

There is not, apparently, in the Ashkenazy Jewish soul a gene for mutuality, for carrying on as fellow human creatures regardless of ethnicity or religion. For so very many, it’s just not there.

There is however, the gene for carrying on with envy and hatred way past the point where these are palpably suicidal. NeoCons’ turgid emotions are palpably suicidal.

Why must Americans follow their NeoCon countrymen over the cliff at Masada, so to speak?

One can say that this is a universal phenomenon and with a definite truth to that statement. However, in the current circumstances, the fact is that impulses for state-suicide are coming, emanating, from an identifiable source: Ashkenazy Jews and from their Anglican, Lutheran, and Jesuit-Vatican [reverse] converts.

The great principle enunciated by The United States of America and gifted to humanity is the writing into Her Constitution that there are no titles of nobility. God has no favorites.

The Latin Church and The Greek Church have different interests. One is freedom from sin. The other is freedom from death. However, they share a common interest in freedom, which to say, happiness. That is the contact point, the correlation: freedom.

Principle I

The United States have no authority in the domestic affairs of other countries and expect other countries to reciprocate by not feigning authority in our domestic affairs. The United States have interest in the lines of communication running between The United States and all other countries and expect all other countries to bear fairly the burden of keeping those lines open, safe, reliable, fair, and clean.

Principle II

The United States welcome alliance with our brother nations India and Russia for enforcement, from their perspectives, of the ground of statecraft set forth in Principle I and urge Japan and Egypt to join us for that endeavor and commitment.

Principle III

An order to deploy which lacks or frustrates intent to compel a target to sign a declaration of unconditional surrender is an unlawful order by the Rules of Just War, the Conventions of War, Common Sense, and the Spirit of America. An order to deploy conveys this intent to the Commanding Officer: win this war / battle in a timely manner at the lowest possible cost to yourself and your enemy or do not come back alive.

Bhagavan Sri Shirdi Sai Baba
By Artists M and F Graham
Sathya Sai Baba
Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba
At Puttaparthi, Andhra Pradesh, India

Anita Ekberg

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