Geo-Electronic Pivots Of History Undergo Formation

Scimus autem quoniam diligentibus Deum omnia cooperantur in bonum, iis qui secundum propositum vocati sunt sancti. And we know that to them that love God, all things work together unto good, to such as, according to his purpose, are called to be saints.

Vicky Nuland turned Ukraine into a gun pointed at Russia’s heart.
Russia slapped the gun away and kicked Ukraine in the balls.
Vicky Nuland said, “That’s not nice!”

But watching drone video of Ukrainian fortifications has convinced me the NATO brain trust effectively disdained Russian military capability, and its commanders, in the course of their eight-year-long preparation of the eastern Ukrainian battlefield.

They clearly believed the Russians would be stupid enough to assault Ukrainian fortifications using “modern” tactics entirely ill-suited to the task at hand. Their vanity persuaded them the Russians would beat themselves to pieces against an entrenched well-armed force.

Indeed, they were so confident of the genius of their plan that they persuasively encouraged many hundreds (if not thousands) of now-killed or captured NATO veterans to “share in the glory” of humiliating the Russians and bringing down the Putin regime once and for all.

They deluded themselves into believing the Russians lacked: strategic and logistical acumen, a sufficiently well-trained force, and – arguably the biggest miscalculation of all – sufficient stockpiles of ammo to conduct a protracted high-intensity conflict.

In short, I have come to believe the US/NATO actually persuaded themselves that this “Mother of All Proxy Armies” they built in Ukraine seriously had an excellent chance to soundly whip the Russians in a battle situated on their borders.

In other words, they not only grossly underestimated their enemy, but they ignored centuries of history that they somehow convinced themselves had no relevance to their 21st century aspirations to defeat Russia militarily and take a great spoil of its resources.

But, as is now readily apparent to all objective, knowledgeable military analysts around the globe, the US/NATO-trained Ukraine proxy army [has] been savaged by a patient, methodical, and significantly outnumbered Russian force, using century-old doctrines and tactics.

The Return of Industrial Warfare

Where to start? People are pounding one another. Nations are pounding one another. A lot of pounding is going on. That means something is being built. It also means something is being un-built. The important thing is that something is being built. It is said that man is homo faber.

In 1904, the celebrated geographer, pedagogue, and statesman Halford John Mackinder presented to the Royal Geographical Society what became a famous and still-influential lecture:

After World War I, and during deliberations regarding The League Of Nations, Mackinder produced an advisory tour-de-force in combined physical-human geography titled Democratic Ideals And Reality (DIAR).

Mackinder saw the unity of physical and human geography and their dynamic inter-dependence. In consequence, he saw the planet’s human-habitable surfaces as stages for dramas enacted by what he termed regions of The World-Island and their Satellites. The World-Island comprises six regions and their Satellites number four, as follows:

Regions of The World-Island (page 98-99, Mackinder DIAR):

  • European Coastland (includes Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Turkey)
  • Sahara
  • Arabia (includes Levant, Egypt, Iran’s Persian Gulf Coast)
  • Southern Heartland (all of Sub-Saharan Africa)
  • The Heartland (Russia, Iran, The ‘stans, Western China, Mongolia)
  • Monsoon Coastland (India, East Asia north to Uelen)

Satellites of The World-Island (page 84, Mackinder DIAR:

  • Malaya
  • Australia
  • South America
  • North America

Mackinder’s salient insight is that The Heartland is the geographical pivot of history, so that, whoever controls The Heartland controls the evolution, revolution, and involution of human history.

Europe has two areas (page 148, Mackinder DIAR):

  • (1) Western Europe, comprising Scandinavia to Gibraltar and Crete, Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia, and Turkey.
  • (2) Eastern Europe, comprising Berlin, Vienna, Warsaw, the Intermarium area, and St. Petersburg to Kazan.

I think this famous observation by Mackinder, brilliantly accurate for his time, faces adjustment today due to developments in communications Mackinder observed in his day and understandably could only guess at as to their ramified effects. And there is an altogether new factor as well. I refer, as Mackinder does in Democratic Ideals And Reality (pages 138-9), to globe-wide rail and air linkage, but also to a factor he did not and perhaps could not see, globe-wide linkage via The World Wide Web (WWW).

IMO — at this writing — the pivot of history still presents as dynamically geographical in nature, just as Mackinder sees it. However, now it is also multi-located, multipolar, as well as enhanced as always by dynamics of geographical. The new factor Mackinder did not see, could not see, is The WWW. We map in five dimensions now instead of three or four. Man is in space personally and bionically.

The WWW adds electronics to the geographical pivot of history. Electronics, in turn, increases the number of history’s geographical pivots while giving itself to their nature. Ramified electronics have multiplied the number of pivots of history as well as refined their nature, from geographical merely to geo-electronic. Fire has been brought to earth and wrapped around her.

Electronics accomplishes what Teilhard saw in the phenomenology of the geological record: continuous aggregation, compacting to make heat, generating complexity, the whole debouching into a sort of polymerization as of a new substance. These three integral processes are known in the doctrines of Physical Science, known as the Triple Thread in the doctrines of Philosophy, and known as the Holy Trinity in the doctrines of Theology.


matter folding back on itself


matter dissipating itself


matter emerging as a new combination and permutation of itself

This trifold process occurs constantly and simultaneously in all conditions of matter, whether inorganic, organic, psychic, or spiritual.

When messages transmit at the speed of light, even with delays caused by switching and rebroadcasting nodes, the psychic temperature of the planet is raised, as Teilhard anticipated, by the harnessed electricity itself, which is fire at the speed of light, like a solar burn.

Mackinder’s geographical pivot
of history is become multiple
geo-electronic pivots of history.
The original pivot itself made it so.

Raise the temperature of the planet — in this case, all of it all at once — and you will accomplish a polymerization of forms and functions that eclipses all previous homeostases. In response to heat, cultures and nations draw together, are driven together, and together emerge from the refining fire in new configurations, new and unforeseeable architectures, even though legacy elements remain present in — now mostly invisible — granular forms.

That this pounding is going on means that heat is being applied to the now geo-electronically conditioned human history, such that some unforeseeable polymerization of historical forces is imminent. Many are saying a multipolar order of nations is arriving and a unipolar order of nations is departing. I agree with that assessment. Many work to make that condition happen. The departing order is unhappy, but that’s what the pounding is for, to show them the door.

At this time, FWIW, and even though emerging order-of-nations architecture is unforeseeable, I sense five multipolar, geo-electronic pivots of history being thrown into existence:

  • Eurasia:
    • Lisbon to Vladivostok, to include The ‘stans, Iran, England, Scotland, Ireland, The Balkans, The Baltics, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Turkey, and Mongolia — under the protection of Moscow;
  • Asia:
    • China, Oceana to Hokkaido, Pakistan, and Korea — under the protection of Beijing;
  • South Asia:
    • India, Southeast Asia, and The Malay Peninsula — under the protection of New Delhi;
  • Afro-Arabia:
    • The Arabian Peninsula and Sub-Saharan Africa, to include The Levant, Egypt, and Libya — under the joint protection of Cairo, Jerusalem, and Nairobi;
  • The Americas:
    • North, Central, and South, The Caribbean — under the joint protection of Mexico City, Brazilia, and Washington, D.C.

This picture does not, IMO, invalidate or supersede Three Brothers Doctrine.  It reinforces it.  Of the five geo-electronic decision-centers, centers of power, pivots of history mentioned here, three are under the protection of these brothers. These three share a common authority and stability earned over time by their valuing and governing for sovereign multi-religious, multi-racial nations.  Their stability, earned in the midst of difference — their E Pluribus Unum — is the ground of authority invested to these three brother states by their citizens and by God. Their multi-religious, multi-racial stability makes India, USA, and Russia models of national conduct and inter-nation prestige.

I have remarked this new configuration as The Sai Era, meaning, The Mother Era.

Sundance, with respect, you are being hysterical, and your knowledge of military affairs comes short of your need for analytical precision and integration.

For starters, this statement is false: “This is the first deployment of the Army’s 101st Airborne Division from Fort Campbell, Kentucky, to Europe in 80 years.” At least three elements of the 101st deployed to Kosovo in 2000.

Most importantly, however, you omit the questions of industrial base, weapons systems, and spirit. Using economic-financial analysis alone is long your Achilles Heel, Sundance. These have effect, but they are not determinative. Determinative are ownership of commodities, industrial base, weapons systems, and willingness of citizens to protect their country.

You may own/control Wall Street and Main Street both, but if all you have to defend yourself is a spear and you aren’t really interested in using it, the guy who comes at you with a gun will eat your lunch. Neither USA, EU, nor Great Britain has industrial base or weapons systems to support high-speed, high-precision, high-intensity warfare of any serious duration. Russia and China can do that. Military recruiting and retention in USA today approach zero. Huge demonstrations against NATO are happening across Europe. Where does Nuland think she will find people to fight for her fantasies?

USA are a nation among nations now, no longer an hegemon able to bully any one any where for any reason. This is a good thing. A new order of nation is being hammered into place.

Sundance responded:

…..For starters, this statement is false: “This is the first deployment of the Army’s 101st Airborne Division from Fort Campbell, Kentucky, to Europe in 80 years.”

That statement comes directly from the 101st Airborne Division itself:

“Elements of 2nd Brigade Combat Team, and 101st Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion, 101st Airborne Division, have been assigned to carry out the mission, which marks the first time the division has deployed to Europe in nearly 80 years.

In the future follow the source links.

I replied:

Sundance, come on, you overshot the runway. First, that is a reporter’s report of probably a 101st PAO release, but it is not in quotes and so is not therefore to be considered “directly from the 101st Airborne Division itself.” And PAOs are propaganda organs, not fact dispensers. Second, the reporter includes the word “nearly,” which you do not, a curious omission. Third, elements of 101st deployed to Kosovo in 2000. Check it out, see John Evans’ comment on mine, even Wikipedia has it. Fourth, this is not a deployment of 101st, but rather, a deployment of elements thereof. You overstated the facts. Fifth, the officers and enlisted quoted are reading scripts, standard PAO practice gibberish. I should think you would know that. Sixth, only two destroyers are being added to Med fleet, four already there. Also, carrier strike groups are abattoirs for hypersonic missiles. Both China and Russia can send one — the entire group — to the bottom in minutes. Seventh, COL Lubas, if the report is correct, is #2 in the 101st G-3 shop. He may be actually an LTC. In any case, typical of a PAO to send an officer of junior station to meet the press hyenas.

In military terms, it’s a provocation but an unserious one. Russians know that. And they planned for it long ago. They plan contingencies better than any military in the world. The only note of seriousness in this incident is that 5th Corps HQ is being reactivated, in Poland. We’ll see what comes of that.

This is all Nuland and her family.

Pentagon knows full well US/NATO forces, in a straight up with Russia, would take losses Congress and voters would not allow. I mean, digging trenches in Ukraine, how quaint. Russians can paint F-22s and F-35s, the latter being built for export. Their EW is matchless. They can knock anything US has out of the sky or send it off target. Their networking is matchless. American systems cannot see their hypersonics, or China’s. And US has no industrial base to sustain combat with Russia, unless someone goes nuclear, in which case, goodbye Sundance, and me too, and then “we’ll meet again.” Then even Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates vaporize, not an entirely unhappy prospect.

If you want to analyze economics, profits, markets, financials, etc., regard the effects of effective de-dollarization world-wide. You already know de-globalization is underway. As for this admin, you know that every word they utter is a lie and every threat they make is rhetoric. The whole world knows that now. The nasty people exposed themselves.

Principle I

The United States have no interest in the domestic affairs of other countries and expect other countries to reciprocate by having no interest in our domestic affairs. The United States have interest in the lines of communication running between The United States and all other countries and expect all other countries to bear fairly the burden of keeping those lines open, safe, reliable, fair, and clean.

Principle II

The United States welcome alliance with our brother nations India and Russia for enforcement, from their perspective, of the ground of statecraft set forth in Principle I and urge Japan and Egypt to join us for that endeavor and commitment.

Principle III

An order to deploy which lacks or frustrates intent to compel a target to sign a declaration of unconditional surrender is an unlawful order by the Rules of Just War, the Conventions of War, Common Sense, and the Spirit of America. An order to deploy conveys this intent to the Commanding Officer: win this war / battle in a timely manner at the lowest possible cost to yourself and your enemy or do not come back alive.

Bhagavan Sri Shirdi Sai Baba
By Artists M and F Graham
Sathya Sai Baba
Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba
At Puttaparthi, Andhra Pradesh, India

Luciana Paluzzi And Sean Connery

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