Neanderthal Russophobia

As Is The Feeling,
So Is The Result.

New York City, 1925
Seal Of The Moravian Church

An excerpt from this interview (also here [site having tech troubles on 31MAY22]) with Russian Federation Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov:

Question: We are talking about good relations between Russia, China and India. Can these countries form an alliance against US hegemony?

Sergey Lavrov: We never form alliances against anyone and never make friends with someone against others. We have a ramified network of partner organisations established many years ago. [Emphasis added.]. I will mention the organisations established after the Soviet Union’s disintegration. These are the CIS, the CSTO, the EAEU and the SCO on a broader geopolitical plane. The SCO has established and is developing close ties with the EAEU and as part of the linkage of Eurasian integration projects with the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative. The EAEU and the PRC have signed an agreement. The linkage of these integration projects is embracing more and more territories. Thus, in addition to EAEU-SCO cooperation, these organisations have memorandums on cooperation with ASEAN. The Greater Eurasia project (or the Greater Eurasia Partnership) should embrace the whole of Eurasia. President of Russia Vladimir Putin spoke about this at the Russia-ASEAN summit six years ago. It is based on the processes on the ground and has a Eurasian dimension.

Many countries of the Arab world are interested in establishing partner relations with the SCO that represents all other leading sub-regions of our enormous common continent. These are efforts to build constructive and positive (not antagonistic) alliances that are not aimed against anyone. They are gradually acquiring a global character, which is reflected in the development of the BRICS Five (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa). Our Saudi friends and Argentina are interested in it. Argentine Foreign Minister Santiago Cafiero expressed his country’s desire to become a full member of BRICS.

BRICS is preparing for a regular summit. It will create an outreach format in which a dozen developing nations will take part. These processes are underway. We know that our Western friends have many phobias and complexes of their own superiority and infallibility. But they are also paranoid. The West sees opposition and a threat to its domination in any process in which it does not take part and which it does not control. It is time to get rid of these manners and customs. [Emphasis added.]

The incomparable Maria Zakharova lately schooled German Chancellor Scholz upon the occasion of his promotion at Davos of the concept of multipolarity. At Amarynth’s report on Zakharova’s observations I commented as follows:

A person’s thinking does not, cannot turn on a dime. Even a person not conflicted by someone else having kompromat on them does not, cannot quickly or easily switch over from one mode of thinking (e.g., unipolarity) to another mode of thinking (e.g., multipolarity). Old habits die hard. Moreover, few have a Road to Damascus moment, a “come to Jesus moment,” especially when they are already deep in the hurly-burly of family and career.

Zakharova alerts that Russian leadership have been ruminating on multipolarity for going on 30 years. They have a head start on nearly everyone else. Their famous contingency planners have been peering into the mists of future alignments to discern lineaments and to conduct offline experiments with potential inter-nation architectures. Glazyev in finance comes to mind. Russians have a mind for architectonics. One sees it in their art.

By virtue of their intense labors, their auto-didactic learning under hardships many, Russian leadership already have authority in global affairs far in excess of their numbers and of the authority of their colleagues at other nations. I think this is Zakharova’s primary illumination round. Has any other country in positions of leadership people of the refinement of Putin, Lavrov, Shoigu, Zakharova, and Gerasimov? That constellation of personalities is a rare coincidence in the firmament of the history of nations. Such as they are attract staffs of high quality and inspire generations of capable builders. Furthermore, they are fun to watch operate. They are products of refinement by fires of, as they put it, the combined West.

Never oppress or repress your adversary. It makes them stronger that you are. Instead, learn to live with them. Lavrov enunciates this principle of statecraft in his own way, but truly.

While multipolarity now is the fact of inter-nation relations — has it ever been otherwise in fact? — I feel a particular three-way multipolarity as especially emergent and consequential, namely, as between India, USA, and Russia: the wise, the pure, and the strong.

One wonders at my sanity putting USA in that company. It is a legitimate question. Here is my answer:

The Jewish-Anglican-Vatican gang of atheists riding US schools and governments are self-installed, do not represent America or Americans. They are being shown the door. Meanwhile, and as rear guard spoiler, they are trying to enlist Japan to act as their proxy in war against the PRC.

Among great powers today, only three have internal multivariance by way of race, ethnicity, and religion: India, USA, and Russia. The strength of their domestic multivariance, specifically, gives these three nations — I call them Three Brothers — seminal authority in the affairs of nations altogether. One thinks, for example, of the matter of grooming global comms for fair, secure, and safe trade, without obstacles (gates and fences).

How this tripolar seminal authority works out in practice, we shall see. Each speaks for all? Only consensus decides? I do not know. However, their strong domestic multivariance puts these three — India, USA, Russia — in brotherly order because their multivariance IS authority and authority is one and the same everywhere on the earth. Who has wisdom, purity, and strength has authority.

The Vedas have declared, “Revere the mother as God, father as God, and preceptor as God.” In daily existence, they are gods for worldly purposes. For the human body, the mother, father and preceptor are to be deemed as divine. But for the pursuit of life, the Supreme Divine is the only God. There is another Sanskrit saying that hails God as mother, father, kinsman, friend, wealth, knowledge, and in fact the Supreme Lord of everything. This means that for the spiritual life, God is everything. The mother and father are residents of the home. The preceptor dwells in his ashram. But God is the indweller of the heart. Only God can reside in the heart. It is true that mother, father, and preceptor are divine, but they are not entitled to dwell in the heart. They have to be revered, adored, and made happy. God alone deserves to be worshipped. God is nearer to man than his mother, closer than even the father. To give up such God is a heinous sin. This is the truth proclaimed by Sai.

Βασιλεία του Θεού

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