Ending WWII

The old standards remain the standards.
Fundamentals have not changed, only incidentals.
We go here and there looking for God.
Truth is, we are ever only looking right at Him.

Scimus autem quoniam diligentibus Deum omnia cooperantur in bonum, iis qui secundum propositum vocati sunt sancti. And we know that to them that love God, all things work together unto good, to such as, according to his purpose, are called to be saints.

Some observers take the denazification facet of the Russian SMO in Ukraine as concluding, finally, WWII. I concur with that observation. Humanity are ridding themselves of Fascists. This may be compared with ridding the body of a very nasty virus. It is hard work that has to be done.

As is known, Fascists survived WWII in quantity and became controlling parties in Europe (EU) and USA (CIA). Communists also survived WWII. They became controlling parties in Europe and Latin America (schools, churches, GOs, NGOs), USA (schools, churches, GOs, NGOs, D-R UniParty), and Canada (virtually all GOs, NGOs, and political parties).

Communists were defeated first by Russians. That was in 1991, although Poles and others had been chipping away significantly at Communist rule in their countries since 1989. Russians flat threw the Communists out. Earlier, it had been Russians, not Communists, who threw out the German Wehrmacht.

Starting about that time — 1991 — Communists in Europe and The Americas sought refuge and common cause with Fascists in their countries (origins of World Economic Forum). Communists are the weaker partner, which is why today the combined Fascist-Communist force presents as more Fascist (Victoria Nuland) than Communist (Patrisse Cullors).

By 2009, Fascists and Communists in Europe and North America use the same language, wear the same clothes, use the same bath houses and hairdressers, take their wives to the same country clubs, and send their kids to the same private schools. This is a Fascist profile more than a Communist one, although it includes both partisans of Socialism.

Fascists and Communists today share the same objective: raise hell, cause chaos, eliminate populations, and steal as much as you can of everything you can . . . because you can.

Russians, meanwhile, labored to excise both Fascists and Communists from their midst. Battlefield results (Ukraine) demonstrate their success. Conversely, battlefield results (Ukraine) demonstrate the failure of combined Fascist-Communist force, due to their devotion to personal and social degeneracy, aka corruption.

From throwing out Fascists and Communists, Russians gained strength and agility to defeat the combined Fascist-Communist force (Nuland-NATO-WEF) in both domestic and foreign affairs.

The Gay Pride Flag is today’s iteration, in one flag, of the combined Nazi German and Bolshevik Soviet flags. Russians have the proper response to the likes of Pussy Riot. Their response to degeneracy makes Russians strong. Their response self-cultivates all three dimensions of Russians’ potentiality, in the physical, mental, and spiritual realms.

Fascists and Communists — today conveniently present in combination as almost all Euro-American GOs / NGOs, making for clarity in strategics, operations, and tactics — must be shown the door to the dry regions of moral and social acceptability.

Russians’ response to personal and social degeneracy gives them authority as world leaders at this stage of history. It gives them authority to end WWII by cleaning out Fascist-Communist residue clogging the arteries of communication inside Ukraine, Europe, and The Americas.

A long, important discursis on strategic contours of current events, dated 27 March 2022:

Sergey Glazyev
Events Like These Only Happen Once Every Century

Batiushka: Will NATO Aggression Force Russia to Extend the Special Operation Beyond the Ukraine?

Pepe Escobar: The Eurasian Economic Union Steps Up

Batiushka: Civilisation and Anti-Civilisation

Maria Gritsch: Russia’s Necessary and Legal Military Response to US/ NATO Aggression in Ukraine

Underneath, or inside, this event set are some tectonic plates a-moving, so to speak. One such features The LGBT Movement and their flag, The Gay Pride Flag. Behaviors characteristic of this Movement and its auxiliaries — GOs, NGOs, and private concerns past counting — are similar to behaviors characteristic of The German Nazi Party’s activists / protesters.

I think the Gay Pride Flag is a contemporary iteration of The Flag Of Nazi Germany. Flying it atop public or private buildings is a sign of submission to the cause of chaos.

Often it is wondered how otherwise sensible German people could go along with the murderous treachery of The Nazi Party. Well, how do otherwise sensible American people — e.g., US Armed Forces, Big Law, Big Academe, Big Industry — go along with the murderous treachery of the LGBT Movement? How indeed.

I sympathize with your antipathy towards the public schools, given your situation in Norway. It may be, as well, that you make assumptions about my attitudes and activities that are inaccurate.

I note that when alienated people go to take vengeance for perceived wrongs upon their persons, they target schools /students and sometimes parents. These are, of course, the three most important people in a young person’s life: their parents, their teachers, their peers.

So, how to prevent the alienation? First and foremost, the mother has to love their child. This is not happening in “the combined West.” I do not know about Russia and Eurasia in this regard. The Gay Pride Flag is being worshiped as successor to The Flag of Nazi Germany, which indeed it is. LGBT and motherhood are incompatible behavior. Fathers have responsibility to ensure that mothers are safe from the LGBT attack against them and their family.

I cannot be the first to have thought of this: that the 2A (2nd Amendment to the US Constitution) assumes states, perhaps even counties, have under their jurisdiction militias for homeland defense . . . but where are they? Where are at least county civil defense battalions? Why are militias not promoted for homeland defense? It’s in the 2A.

Russians are considering making military service a prerequisite of government civil service.

Do Americans think they cannot be invaded, that they need no militias for homeland defense? I refrain from stating the obvious. Ds attack the keep and bear facet of 2D but Rs never promote the militia facet, which IMO, is actually the more important facet.

Do we think Chinese do not plan landings in CA, such as at Morro Bay (as well as already owning American farmland and agricultural businesses)? Do we think South American and Middle Eastern drug and arms cartels are not already major land, building, and infrastructure owners all over the US?

Parents plead for police help for their children. It is denied. Rs are silent about the need for militias under state and/or county jurisdiction. Rs don’t want to protect the homeland any more than Ds do. They are in cahoots, Rs and Ds. A surveillance territory, an economic territorial department, OK, a sovereign state, not OK for D-R UniParty. And they want to be re-elected, must cheat to give the appearance of that having happened.

Perhaps a second party, an All American Party, would take the militia part of 2A to heart and get the homeland protected as much as Russians are willing to protect theirs.

Nothing proper politically can happen in US until the vote is trued, state by state and federal. That takes a lot of dangerous work, true pain, and significant expenditure of time, money, and energy. And at the end, when the job is finished, no one will say, “Thank you.” They’ll say, “I did this, who are you?”

Peace is essential for man at all the three levels: body, mind, and spirit. This is the reason we chant shanti (peace) three times. You can attain peace at these three levels only by developing love for God. The one without love for God will never be peaceful. All worldly pleasures are fleeting and momentary. The same sentiment was echoed by Sankaracharya: Ma kuru dhana jana yauvana garvam, Harathi nimeshath kalah sarvam – ‘Do not be proud of your wealth, progeny and youth. The tide of time may destroy them in a moment.’ What is happiness? Is it sitting in an air-conditioned room or partaking of delicious food? These confer happiness only at the physical and mental levels, not at the level of the Atma. True happiness is that which is related to the Atma. You should not be afraid of difficulties; they are passing clouds. Do not waver. Follow the heart, which is steady and unwavering.

Donald Trump won the 2020 election for POTUS going away. He is POTUS until 20 January 2025 and presently in exile. That is the truth. Just stick to it and all will be well.

“Just realize they took the two most pathetic candidates in the history of the Democratic Party: a vice president who didn’t even win a primary in her own state; and a demented pervert, among other things, who can’t even tie his own shoelaces or know where he is. And they crammed them up our nose with a fork of fraud so blatant that it is visible around the world.” Sidney Powell, April 2021

Gwen Verdon

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