Hate On Russia Is Deadly

Scimus autem quoniam diligentibus Deum omnia cooperantur in bonum, iis qui secundum propositum vocati sunt sancti. And we know that to them that love God, all things work together unto good, to such as, according to his purpose, are called to be saints.

Francis Lee produces this fine exposition on Fascism in Ukraine: Past and Present. 2014-2022.

With edits and additions here, I commented:

And today, Ashkenazy Jewish Fascist Neocons and Vatican swindlers use Ukrainian and other nations’ descendants of Euro-American Fascist sympathizers and collaborators to spearhead their rampage of hate on Russia.  What a mess!

And all so easily fixed: honor Russia’s sovereignty, respect Russia’s borders, accept Russia’s customs, and get on with trading honestly with her people, who are human beings in their own unique and quite attractive ways.

Hate on Russia is deadly, not to Russia but to those hating on her.  Russia is doing the nations a great service: finishing off, finally, the mission of WWII, which is to rid the nations of Fascism.

Democracy was finished off by the Treaty of Westphalia.  Monarchy was finished off by the Treaty of Versailles.  Fascism will be finished off by the Treaty of Odessa (or whatever city wherein the treaty is signed).

How ironic that a cohort of Euro-American Jews join and support, albeit it for selfish reasons, a cohort of Euro-American Fascists festering in Ukraine, and all because of their hate on Russia.

The American D-R UniParty are politicians and government employees supplied by members of the MICIMATT complex. The ignorance of these personalities is so deep, their arrogance so steep, and their stupidity so colossal that American citizens on their own are unable to protect their country by cleaning out the mess these personalities are, who claim authority to rule Americans without their consent.

This condition requires either:

1- US Armed Forces stand the minions of D-R UniParty and MICIMATT complex to military tribunals facing charges of treason, à la the Ceaușescus,


2- an overseas power, acting under the definite partiality of Almighty God, collapses D-R UniParty decision-making centers — Washington National Cathedral (D.C.), The Cathedral of St. John the Divine (NYC), Grace Cathedral (SF), Langley (CIA), The White House Complex, The Capitol Complex, The Supreme Court Complex, and the HQs of DOJ, FBI, and DHS — with their minions inside them.

If in the next few days and weeks one sees or hears things upsetting, surprising, frightening, terrifying even, stay calm, say your prayers, remember God, and above all, do not panic. The worst there is is the best for all. God has this. He is not concerned with body counts. He is concerned with purity of heart and cleanliness of home. Focus on these necessities. They are Dharma, and Dharma protects those who protect Dharma.

Thierry Meyssan: Ukraine : the Second World War Continues

Batiushka: The Ukraine and the End of the History

Jacques Baud: The Military Situation In The Ukraine

Mr Putin at the expanded meeting of the Prosecutor General’s Office Board

David P. Goldman: Fatal Dependency

Batiushka: What Is The Collective West?

Byron King: Russia Deploys The Gold Weapon

Rand Corp: Extending Russia: Competing From Advantageous Ground (PDF)
(From 2019, the strategic plan for D-R UniParty (Neo-Con/Neo-Lib) operations in Ukraine today.)

Ted Galen Carpenter: Ukraine Is a Russian Vital Interest, and Moscow Will Behave Accordingly

Sergey Lavrov:
Interview with Mediaset Italian TV
01 May 2022

Principle I

The United States have no interest in the domestic affairs of other countries and expect other countries to reciprocate by having no interest in our domestic affairs. The United States have interest in the lines of communication running between The United States and all other countries and expect all other countries to bear fairly the burden of keeping those lines open, safe, reliable, fair, and clean.

Principle II

The United States welcome alliance with our brother nations India and Russia for enforcement, from their perspective, of the ground of statecraft set forth in Principle I and urge Japan and Egypt to join us for that endeavor and commitment.

Principle III

An order to deploy which lacks or frustrates intent to compel a target to sign a declaration of unconditional surrender is an unlawful order by the Rules of Just War, the Conventions of War, Common Sense, and the Spirit of America. An order to deploy conveys this intent to the Commanding Officer: win this war / battle in a timely manner or do not come back alive.

Bhagavan Sri Shirdi Sai Baba
By Artists M and F Graham
Sathya Sai Baba
Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba
At Puttaparthi, Andhra Pradesh, India

Donald Trump won the 2020 election for POTUS going away. He is POTUS until 20 January 2025 and presently in exile. That is the truth. Just stick to it and all will be well.

“Just realize they took the two most pathetic candidates in the history of the Democratic Party: a vice president who didn’t even win a primary in her own state; and a demented pervert, among other things, who can’t even tie his own shoelaces or know where he is. And they crammed them up our nose with a fork of fraud so blatant that it is visible around the world.” Sidney Powell, April 2021

Jill St. John

Jill St. John

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