Buy What You Need, Not What You Want

Scimus autem quoniam diligentibus Deum omnia cooperantur in bonum, iis qui secundum propositum vocati sunt sancti. And we know that to them that love God, all things work together unto good, to such as, according to his purpose, are called to be saints.

The global 1% have rounded on the global 99% with intent to eliminate 80% of the latter so as to confiscate their lands and chattels. The global 1% take their cues from fascist, drug-addled, ethno-religious atheists at CIA, MI6, and WEF. They conjure the four classical means of population reduction and land snatch: war, disease, pestilence, famine.

Disease they brought online in Summer 2019. War they brought online in February 2022. Famine they are bringing online in Summer 2022. Pestilence I have yet to see them bringing online, unless one counts the global 1% themselves as pestilence.

Designer disease development has been a particular emphasis of the global 1%. The hysteria of their reaction to Russia’s resolve to protect her borders shows in part the global 1%’s terror at having discovered dreadful disease vectors they design — race by race, age cohort by age cohort — in secret labs, especially German and American, in many countries whose citizens and leaders they consider, obviously, expendable.

There follows an example of a fascist government-corporate system manufacturing a food crisis (famine) against the global 99%. Fascists really are both suicidal and genocidal:

Union Pacific Rail Line Begins
Restricting U.S. Fertilizer Distribution

An acquaintance comments:

Digging into the details a bit more than Sundance, given my knowledge of US railroads: from the perspective of the UPRR this situation is driven by the interplay of external and internal factors.  The US government destroyed the real economy in 2020.  We still have businesses and banking and so on but we do not have large numbers of self-motivated people out there creating in the same way that we had before.  To do that requires faith in our rights in property and contract enforcement.  The USG response to COVID eliminated rights in property and contracts: no rent due but owners still owe on mortgages; churches must shut down, small businesses shut down, but Walmart is open; get on the wrong side of the Party and everything you have will be taken away (“Bake that cake” in the US, financial seizures in Canada, unequal prosecution before the law, the list is endless.)
Many people simply aren’t motivated to work anymore.  The best and brightest, unless they’re exceptionally wealthy already, know that unless they operate under the protection of some mob or other (corporation) then they may be destroyed in any number of ways.  Think that’s wrong?  Go up in front of a bunch of people where you work and say that men are men and women are women.
The USG did something else, too, something wildly dramatic and barely covered in the media.  Check out this graph of M1 supply from about 1992 to the present.  The M1 supply is cash and cash equivalents ex-money market funds; it’s a handy measure of the amount of highly liquid cash in the system.
The growth rate of M1 increased quite a bit after the 2008 recession – no surprise there, given what happened and the USG response.  Look at what happened in March of 2020.  There is no precedent for this action and the consequences of it are slowly playing out.  We went from M1 around $4 trillion to over $16 trillion in a matter of weeks.  All that money has to be parked somewhere; it’s been mostly pushed into the equity markets resulting in a massive accretion of public shares to those who had access to debt.  Blackrock, Vanguard and others with trillions of assets under management fall into this category.  Massive amounts of money combined with low interest rates drove housing prices to an absurd level, too.  That chart is probably the scariest economic chart you can find.
Most of the friends I have who are in their 20s/30s are totally priced out of the housing market – this also causes lack of motivation to work.  Why work when you can skimp by on the dole?  Why work when all you’re going to do is live in a small apartment anyway?  What is there to reach for?
So those are some of the external factors facing UPRR.  No one is all that motivated to work anymore for the wages offered.  All wages have to increase 3-4x to make up for the increase in M1 and resulting (lagging) inflation.  Businesses can’t increase wages without increasing prices.  We’re locked into the need for a massively inflationary cycle with no way out except to raise interest rates to a point that will drive down monetary velocity but not decrease prices – stagflation.  Not good!
As to internal factors facing all Class 1 freight railroads: several years ago a mean old man named E. Hunter Harrison introduced precision scheduled railroading (PSR) to the CN and CSX roads.  He hoped that PSR would reduce railroad’s operating ratio, the ratio of a company’s expenses as a percentage of revenue.  The lower the operating ratio, the less of revenue is being spent on expenses and the more is available for shareholders.  Sounds great!  
How do you reduce operating ratio at a railroad?  Well, you cut maintenance, locomotive fleet size (park a bunch in storage in the desert), and personnel.  If you’re really bold and innovative you stop servicing all the small guys (Home Depot, Lowe’s, all those bakeries, feed elevators, iron mills, aluminum smelters) and you focus on the big juicy customers (UPS, Amazon container traffic; oil, coal and grain trains).  An amazing manager will go even further and make 3-mile long trains that derail if you look at them cross-eyed (that’s what’s been happening on the East Coast).  All of these measures work really well and done drastically enough cause shareholder delight.  Share prices go stratospheric with buybacks and increased dividends.  Really amazing stuff.
Of course, this can only go on for so long.  East Coast railroads are being sued by their customers for lack of service – railroads are obligated to be common carriers under Surface Transportation Board law and may not discriminate between customers.  Railroads that implement PSR eventually lose a bunch of customers as all the “small guys” give up and go to trucking for service.  And since no one wants to be the first loser to increase the operating ratio, railroads like the UPRR are kicking non-UPRR cars off their trackage.  That’s what happened to CF Industries and a bunch of other people, as noted by Sundance.
As to the interplay between external and internal factors: UPRR is in the same boat as everyone else.  They can’t find anyone to hire at a time when they (and BNSF and all Class 1’s) are facing a daily net loss of people because of a horrible working environment.  It’s so bad that UPRR is looking at hiring non-violent felons, something unthinkable at the railroad, where getting hired means you may be a dirtbag but you’re a squeaky-clean dirtbag as far as the law is concerned.  Railroads and everyone else needing workers are totally screwed right now.  Nearly every store in any town I go into is advertising for employees.  This won’t change until the underlying motivational factors change.
So yes, a completely fascist effort in the true government-corporate sense of the word!  If the coming food shortages were so bad for the United States and devastating for the Global South then why isn’t the USG subsidizing fertilizer production?  Why isn’t the USG forcing railroads to carry fertilizer?  That gang doesn’t have a problem doing whatever they want anywhere else so why here?  The only possible conclusion is that they are evil and desire an evil outcome.


In view of the foregoing, take the initiative, cast off wants, simplify, buy what you need, not what you want. Then reduce what you need. Shorten front, a monstrous enemy intends to annihilate you. Don’t go underground because then you lose mobility. Maintain agility.

These are all things one does anyway when one is serious about spiritual discipline and earning the Grace of God. So none of this should sound odd or even mysterious. It should sound common sensical.

Wanting people dead so one can confiscate their properties is a-Dharmic. Treating properties as proper ties also is a-Dharmic. It is easier for one to renounce a-Dharmic wants than it is for one to undergo their objects being ripped from one’s grasp. Dharma always prevails when a-Dharma attacks it. Dharma protects those who protect Dharma.

Here’s a hint: you’ll have an easier time as a vegetarian during a famine or other tribulation than as a carnivore. Another hint: learn to think for yourself and rely on yourself. Again: keep your heart and home clean and simple. And finally: wear simple, clean, and attractive clothing while taking few, simple, raw or mildly-cooked foods that cause no unpleasantness in the stomach.

There is one property which, if one has it, cannot be ripped from or denied one, and that is The Peace of God. That property has to be earned through continuous, single-pointed spiritual discipline of the sort one should be doing whether or not tribulation is upon one.

A related and monitory discussion framed off of Steven Hayward’s post California’s Cover Charge:

Six Faces Of The Avathar

David R. Graham

It would be a new political party, a second political party. R party are not up to it in CA and nationally are one wing of the D-R UniParty, the 1%. I have suggested the name The All American Party. New wine, new wine skins. Sovereignty, nationalism, freedom, multipolarity, multivariance, indivisible security, India, USA, and Russia as guarantors of global open and fair comms.

ralph to David R. Graham

The problem in CA is the stacked primary system. I’m a little perplexed by your suggestions. The “All American” party would be pushing the end of American hegemony? I think you’re giving Geoff a run for the money as to the sarcasm. Although I like the idea of India as a superpower. I just don’t see it happening.

David R. Graham to ralph

Russia has already accomplished the end of American hegemony. Thus the hysterical feeling of emptiness, confusion, inadequacy, in D.C., London, and Brussels. British toffs are now denied access to their dachas on the Black Sea as well as Kremlin and Russian soil altogether, even for “diplomatics.”

Oh yeah, American hegemony is over. Dollar is no longer global reserve currency. You can’t go around confiscating the foreign currency reserves of any country who crosses you and expect to be trusted as a legitimate actor. It’s called theft and most people dislike it and dislike you for doing it.

We’re in a multipolar world now, and in multivariance. No longer “top dog” for Anglo-Sphere / Five Eyes.

India has been a superpower for many decades now. Not seeing that has been a typically American foreign policy blindness, ignorance mixed with arrogance and stupidity. Thank Ivy League faculties via CIA for that phenomenon.

Your reference to a Geoff escapes me, no doubt my fault.

garymrosen to David R. Graham

Russia does not have the power to end American hegemony. If it is ending it is because of China or more likely ourselves.

David R. Graham to garymrosen

Russia just did end American hegemony. Why else are Nuland and Power in a frenzy and retired generals mouthing fantasies while plotting false flags? Russia and China together, at least pro tem, did this. The whole BRICS in fact. “We” also ended it “ourselves” by outsourcing “our” physical economy.

Russia’s operations in Ukraine show that USG do not have industrial power — not to mention willing human cannon fodder — to supply sustained military operations in the EW/Rocket Arty environment Russia has presented to the nations. USG can’t even build a new gen destroyer or aircraft carrier that works, the latter of which at least would be sunk with all hands within an hour or less of hot fires with either China or Russia. Hypersonics work. “Future Combat Systems?”

“. . . or more likely ourselves” is about the truth of it. The truth is, “we” have no need to fight Russians, not only that, “we” can’t fight them successfully. “We” should be allied with them. They are a good, gracious, and productive people. This is all a head trip for Nuland, Power, and some other harridans, trying to make Russia into Libya and Putin into Gadaffi, by way of Ukrainian proxies, whom they regard as expendable, like Libyans generally, so they can loot Russia even more than they did during the Clinton years.

Rama Greets The Ogres

Principle I

The United States have no interest in the domestic affairs of other countries and expect other countries to reciprocate by having no interest in our domestic affairs. The United States have interest in the lines of communication running between The United States and all other countries and expect all other countries to bear fairly the burden of keeping those lines open, safe, reliable, fair, and clean.

Principle II

The United States welcome alliance with our brother nations India and Russia for enforcement, from their perspective, of the ground of statecraft set forth in Principle I and urge Japan and Egypt to join us for that endeavor and commitment.

Principle III

An order to deploy which lacks or frustrates intent to compel a target to sign a declaration of unconditional surrender is an unlawful order by the Rules of Just War, the Conventions of War, Common Sense, and the Spirit of America. An order to deploy conveys this intent to the Commanding Officer: win this war / battle in a timely manner or do not come back alive.

Bhagavan Sri Shirdi Sai Baba
By Artists M and F Graham
Sathya Sai Baba
Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba
At Puttaparthi, Andhra Pradesh, India
Julie London

Julie London

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