Russian operations in Ukraine deserve inspection as textbook National Joint Force Operations in The Electricity Age. National Joint Force Operations are net-centric, net-coordinated Diplomacy, Finance, and War-Fighting through, in The USA, COCOM Commanders under POTUS. The War-Fighting component of The National Joint Force is The Penta-Force, comprising net-centric operations of Space, Air, Cyber, Sea, and Land Forces.
Electricity all but zero-izes distance, making all in its presence totalized and particularized at the same time. Geo-politically, electricity all but zero-izes the utility of large institutions, especially large institutions of government, which embody penal authority, by decentralizing decision-making and up-valuing cooperation generally to include, most consequentially, in production and logistics of goods and services. The more electricity powers a society, the more large, centralized institutions disrupt and degrade a society.
In The Electricity Age, The Joint Force and The Penta-Force inside it face, in principle, an indefinite number of fronts, the minds of potential aggressors. In The Electricity Age, and in practice, a nation faces one front only, obstacles, usually domestic, to expanding room for cognitive maneuver by their Joint Force and citizens generally. The smaller and more complex you think, the less room you have for cognitive maneuver, the more advantages you give potential aggressors.
This is the condition of the D-R UniParty today, the self-declared American Elites / USG. They have thrown away almost all room for cognitive maneuver, and with that, all, dignity and respect. The nation and the order of nations suffer in direct proportion thereof, although other nations and Americans are in movement to protect themselves from the dictates of what are fascistic American Elites / USG.
A country’s best friend and worst enemy remain, as always, a country’s citizens themselves and such persons as they allow to assume stewardship of their affairs.
The larger a country’s room for cognitive
maneuver, the safer the country.
The Penta-Force is light, fast, mobile, net-centric, total, and simple. Its formations are of two types: main force and encircling force, the classics. Penta-Force weight is transferred from human brawn (heavy armor, capital ships, strategic air) to light, fast infantry, air and maritime, light, high-yield rocket and drone swarms, fast land, sea, and air mobility vehicles, and long-distance hypersonic rockets.
Weapons technology has cycled war-making tools from light to massed light, to heavy and light, to massed heavy, to massed light and massed heavy, and now to all-domain massed light and long-distance mid-heavy, trading full-heavy for surprise. At each new development, an increase in room for cognitive maneuver produced more war-making capacity and likelihood of success in battle for The National Joint Force. We see this phenomenon playing out in Russia’s operations in Ukraine, where Euro-American Fascists are happy to fight to the last Ukrainian.
Expanding room for cognitive maneuver expands a nation’s viability. In present circumstances, in The Electricity Age, The Penta-Force component of The National Joint Force is going light, fast, mobile, net-centric, total, and simple.
From Brigade to Battalion, Company to Platoon, The Penta-Force is trained to the anybody-can-do-anything model, with the proviso that, although women will not be assigned to tactical combat operations except as snipers or unless in dire need, they have training enough to gain knowledge of the character of tactical combat operations and the qualities of personhood, the skilled execution of military arts, and the requirements of materiel and logistics that conduce to success at arms in the field and off.
Space, Air, Cyber, Sea, and Land Forces operate net-centric as a unified force in the multi-domain battlespace. And they operate net-centric in joint execution with the other components of The Joint Force, Diplomacy and Finance. This is a novel thought for Americans. Russians already have it in practice, as do Chinese. Asymmetry such as that gives rise to essays such as this.
The American warrior fights now as a total warrior or he goes to defeat. If all five component of The Penta-Force are not present and operationally synergized, net-centric in each and every war-fighting operation, The US Penta-Force goes down in defeat and Americans go under a foreign thumb more authoritarian than the one they tolerate today.
This is what happened in Vietnam and Afghanistan, lack of synergized, net-centric Penta-Force operations inside Joint Force operations. The last time the American Warrior fought in a synergized, net-centric Penta-Force configuration was during GA MacArthur’s stewardship of the battlefield in Korea. When he was relieved of command, US Penta-Force dissolved into competing branches and Korea went to an Armistice still in effect, still draining the American purse and, more importantly, American morale.
Today’s COCOMs are the nearest thing Americans have to a Penta-Force formation. But in present configuration and operation, these are small-minded assets, not supported at the Pentagon, and only hybrid-integrated. COCOMs cannot be the synergetic, net-centric Penta-Force they should be until the JCS structure is abolished by Congress.
The entire training systems of US military branches must be reconfigured to produce true Penta-Force war-making functionalities, especially WRT constantly expanding room for cognitive maneuver among all personnel. ALL personnel. Military service should confer the academic and practical certifications formerly but no longer legitimately conferred by colleges, graduate schools, corporate training, and vocational preparation.
Do not train to a specific doctrine. Train to maximize room for cognitive maneuver. Good doctrine emerges from opportunities recognized in that room.
At the moment, The USA National Joint Force faces one foreign adversary, Fascist China. (Today, CCP is really CFP.) Russia has broken the back of the other two fronts faced by The USA National Joint Force, Euro-American Fascists and Salafi-Shiite Jihadis. Americans should thank Russians for that service to humanity.
At present, US-CFP is an asymmetrical relationship favoring CFP. Implementation of Three Brothers Doctrine would make it an asymmetrical relationship favoring India, USA, and Russia.
The words of Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud, quoted above, are revolutionary WRT affairs in the order of nations. WW II is indeed over! His words fly at the likes of Victoria Nuland and her husband Robert Kagan.
IO ramping up even more. The core operator appears to be The Atlantic Council, who best I know are a CIA front. Also DoState types. It fits such a crowd to promote impetuosity, irrationality, chaos, suffering, disorder.
It is notable, IMO, that their counterparts in Ukraine — Soros’ Zelensky et al, guys whose ancestors fought with the Wehrmacht against the Red Army — promote the same irrationality and sorrow in consequence, free of concern for the welfare of their countrymen. Here we call them Lefties. Russians call them Nazis, with great historical accuracy. I prefer the term Fascists, or, Euro-American Fascists. Russians have broken their back, finally, in an unexpected place and unforeseen manner. WW II is over.
CIA / Atlantic Council and their claque of corporations are willing to conquer and loot Russia to the very last European and especially the very last Ukrainian, free of concern for their countrymen, Russians, or Ukrainians.
Bin Salman al Saud was quoted yesterday to this effect: We don’t have the right to lecture you in America. The same goes the other way. I say, Amen to that.
American foreign policy:
We’re better than you.
Do it our way.
Principle I
Principle II
Principle III

By Artists M and F Graham

At Puttaparthi, Andhra Pradesh, India