Federal Executive Redesign III – Reunification Of Russia

Scimus autem quoniam diligentibus Deum omnia cooperantur in bonum, iis qui secundum propositum vocati sunt sancti. And we know that to them that love God, all things work together unto good, to such as, according to his purpose, are called to be saints.

From 2015 and still relevant:

From 03 March 2022:

Putin Speech 21 February 2022

Putin Speech 24 February 2022

Vladimir Putin has done the right thing for his country, Russia, which includes Ukraine. I wish him all success maintaining neutrality of the government of Ukraine. His cooperation with CCP, a cooperation that is not new, is predictable and geo-politically intelligent for Russia at this point in time, but it remains and always will be superficial. His true alliance for Russia’s long-term welfare is with India and USA, to check CCP’s hegemonic insanity.

BTW, his use of the word Nazi for some Ukrainians is historically-based. There is good reason for his using it. The idea of a Ukrainian nation is a fiction from the rapacious Bill Clinton crowd of lawyers. As Putin has explained earlier this week, Lenin made this mess in the Ukraine area of Russia.

The hatred of Putin and Russia among Euro-American Fascists — CIA, FBI, D-R UniParty, Freeland, Soros, Gates, Ardern, Schwab, von der Leyen, Bergoglio, Prince Charles, etc. — roots in their Socialists’ hatred of Christians and Christianity.

CDRSalamander: The Map Tells the Story
Retired US Navy Aviator, CDRSalamander knows how to read a map and knows TO read a map.
Comments to his post, including mine, are here.

Louis Seagray: A Russian Perspective: Russia Ends America’s Supremacy

Natural resources are more
valuable than currencies.
Natural resources, taken together,
can replace fiat currencies.
Bye, bye, Soros / Nazis.

Batko Milacic: The importance of the Russian peacekeeping operation in Ukraine

Russians are out-thinking Euro-American Fascists.

Just a feeling, that CIA assured Putin
NATO would not contest his move on Ukraine
but would make a show of flying intel sorties nearby.

Lee Smith: Ukraine’s Deadly Gamble

David Ware: America’s Western Pacific Flank Is Vulnerable While You Are Being Distracted by Ukraine
Like Glenn Beaton, Ware despises Vladimir Putin in bar-room diction, but his geo-strategic analysis is fresh and accurate. Most interesting is Ware’s implication that USINDOPACOM commanders are prepared to engage PLA forces on their own initiative.

Peter Akopov: The Offensive Of Russia And The New World
In Russian, on Way Back Machine, use a browser that can translate, such as Safari.

streiff: Putin’s Threats to Sweden and Finland Are Much More Real Than They Are Being Given Credit For

Peter Beinart: Biden’s CIA Director Doesn’t Believe Biden’s Story About Ukraine
Sundance comments.

The bad guy here is Klaus Schwab,
not Vladimir Putin.

Deep State And Mother Russia
15 June 2017

Amotz Asa-El: Ukraine Crisis: Who Expanded NATO?

John Hayward: U.S.-Made Javelin Missiles Rack Up Russian Tank Kills in Ukraine

Larry Johnson: What is Really Going on in Ukraine? An Alternative Scenario

Gonzalo Lira: What Russia Wants From Its Invasion of Ukraine—and Why Zelensky Is Evil

Russians saw and threw off the siren idiocy of Socialism,
Communist and Fascist, and returned to faith in God
before Americans have. They are leading us!

Posts About Russia At Theological Geography

Statecraft is what’s going on between Russia and Ukraine / NATO — aka Schwab, Soros, Gates, Euro-American Fascists generally — at the moment. Forget bodies, forget ideologies, forget sententious moralities, forget politics, forget blizzards of IO. This is statecraft. People get hurt, people die, just as people always do. The truth is in the big and simple, not the small and complex. Ukraine is a border and client state who played stupid with their sitz im leben.

The position of the American Foreign Policy Establishment (aka Euro-American Fascists) — that Putin is wrong — is saying that Russia does not have a right to exist.

Their “green agenda” led Euro-American Fascists
to destroy the world in order to avoid
annoying a little Swedish girl.

Greens / Euro-American Fascists are the losers in this Russian military operation inside Ukraine. Actions of statecraft are clarifying political realities, to wit, who must be cast out. It’s Klaus Schwab, not Vladimir Putin.

Europe is not a strategic interest to USA, and Fascism is not an American Native Language. The sooner we bury it, the happier we will be.

USA strategic interest always lies to the west, in and across the Pacific and Indian Oceans. USA are a westward-moving, westward-facing nation.

Serious people are looking at this action WRT — at a minimum —

(1) weapons-effectiveness, specifically hand-helds and long-range arty (aka cyber), as that drive war-fighting doctrine, training, and in consequence, procurement of personnel and materiel,

(2) true critical infrastructure in modern nations (for movement of force vectors and consoling so-called civil populations, of which there are none in modern nations),

(3) redesign of a nation’s executive structure to simplify Total Force (Diplomacy, Finance, War-Fighting) effectiveness and concentrate Penta Force (Space, Air, Cyber, Sea, Land) capability at point of contact (Land Force mission governs Total Force disposition),

(4) the absolute necessity for client states to remain neutral in the affairs major states, and

5) cognitive maneuver as the controlling force in multi-domain, joint force operations, focused on removing an enemy’s will to aggress rather than extirpating them altogether, which is an impossibility.

Russia will never allow NATO on her southwestern flank in Ukraine. They will nuke somebody first. So far they have gone very easy on the Ukrainians, holding back their main force and not obliterating whole neighborhoods, as Americans did, for example, in 2005-06 in Mosul. But NATO in Ukraine? Not happening, or better, will not be allowed to happen. That’s just base fact. Putin said truly, he had no other choice [because Zelensky kept going for NATO].

CIA — who are the so-called US Government (USG) — already told Russia, before last Thursday, that US armed forces are not going into Ukraine. And still Ukraine (Zelensky) wanted NATO. What kind of stupid fools would do that in their strategic situation?

Ukrainians succumbed to CIA/Bill Clinton trifling that NATO would have their backs vis-a-vis Russia. Suitably seduced, Ukrainians gave up their nukes and sought NATO entry. Even today Zelensky, wearing a tee shirt(!), begs NATO for help which is not going to come, at least not more than some equipment, if even that makes it to hands able to use it.

The real monsters in this tragedy are the so-called US Foreign Policy Establishment, whose leaders are CIA and whose minions include Big School, Big Law, Big Infotainment, Big Church, Big Philanthropy, and Big Finance.

Yes, and all “Ukraine” sympathizers are now officially George Soros allies.

FWIW, subjugating Ukraine was not the objective. Siege warfare to remove Ukraine’s will to aggress against Russia — aka join NATO — was and remains the objective.

Russia will not allow Ukraine to join NATO. That is their word and you can take it to the bank.

But don’t think this is subjugation warfare, classical take and hold an entire country. This is siege warfare, to starve out Ukrainian NATO lovers.

Glenn, I am astounded that after this while you have not recalled, learned, or figured out the strategic reason for this action, and that reason’s ineluctability. You are obdurate about what is not real. It’s all in the geography. Russian intent always has been siege warfare to remove Ukraine’s will to join NATO, aka aggress against Russia. They have succeeded in that mission and it is not a Pyrrhic success. They would throw nukes before Ukraine enters NATO, and probably not at Ukraine. But that is not necessary. Zelensky is a fool conducting affairs of a client state, which is now wrecked because of his foolishness. Glenn, you think like a lawyer, an assassin, not like a leader, a cleric or soldier. Law is a domestic weapon. Nations conduct statecraft, something entirely outside law. You were well-met to recognize your place in the array of professional guilds.

This makes sense as statecraft. Russian mil doctrine is, do a recon in force, watch developments, pick the weak point, offer negotiation (cf. Snake Island), and if that fails to gain your objective, move on the weak point identified with overwhelming force.

All we have seen so far is Russian recon in force. They have held back huge assets. Eastern Ukraine objectives appear to have been seized (dam, etc.), mostly, unexpected trouble at the Antonov airport outside Kiev. Lots of SOF troops lost on both sides. Russians will adjust to that. Ukrainian resupply will soon be an issue.

So far, and overall, planning and execution have been exceptionally professional. No reports of troops rampaging on civilians, as elements of US 4th ID did early in OIF. Russians have been very restrained so far with respect to what they could do.

Objective appears to be keep Ukraine neutral — away from NATO — rather than occupy and rule the country territory directly. NATO is a Cold War relic in any case, deserving disbandment.

This action will be studied by General Staffs worth their name worldwide just as was the US Civil War Between the States. It is another such pivotal experience in the conduct of war operations, shows the future of such activity as a tool of statecraft.

Putin’s long speech earlier last week gave the rationale for these events. “Western Leaders” revile him because he and Russians returned to Christianity — aka white privilege, misogyny, racism, homophobia, etc. — after The Soviet blew away like stale air. Russia traces her origin to Kiev.

I was wrong thinking he would take only the eastern regions. History drove him to restore Ukraine to Russia, where she has been through almost all of history, or at least to neutrality as between Russia and NATO. Note in Putin’s speech earlier this week and recent others his taking Lenin to task, and the Soviet, for abusing Mother Russia. I am guessing this is over sooner than later because Ukrainians have not the will for a full-up fight. I am also guessing Putin’s soothsayers said as much and this got him to switch from an area annex to a whole of territory annex or neutralization.

In any case, we have
a new world order,
not one reimagined by
Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates,
and their GO / NGO stakeholders.

Russians do not consider Ukraine a separate nation because she never has been that until CIA / Bill Clinton and their band of merry, promiscuous thieving perverts, American and European, got in there, told some people they are a nation and that NATO has their backs.

Everyone now is recalculating trumps to see who can do what and why. That’s a good thing, as Sal implies pointing out that reality / history is in our faces now demanding attention, or at least having a good old time herself. Huge forces are at work, the most consequential of them being unseen, and God is on Russia’s side, not Ukraine’s. The only question is, who is right and who is wrong? In this conflict, Russia is right and Ukraine is wrong.

Ukraine were well-met to be neutral as between NATO, who are not long for this breathing world in any case, and Russia, who are a permanent presence. Klaus Schwab, the German imp, is the loser in this action.

In 2012 conservatives and some libertarians supported Mitt Romney. In 2022 conservatives and virtually all libertarians support “Ukraine.” Ukraine is run by the George Soros network just as Mitt Romney is run by Big Finance, who are run by Euro-American Fascists (Schwab, CIA and their huge retinue, Soros, etc.). So conservatives and libertarians are cheering on Biden buddies, and happy to do it, oblivious to the realm of statecraft and its constant basic question of who is right and who is wrong.

There are Ukrainian patriots who want to eject the Soros network, which is their counterpart to the D-R UniParty network here. Yet, American conservatives and libertarians are supporting the Soros network and by inference its D-R UniParty counterpart. And when Russia steps in to say, Enough!, to the Soros network / D-R UniParty, American conservatives and libertarians blame him?!?

This is all about Ukraine joining NATO, aka Soros / WEF. Russia will not allow that. Americans should not allow that. Who’s the adult here? Putin is serving the cause of Dharma.

Sundance: “. . . beginning to wonder if the assembly of global leftists is really the Ukrainian cocktail party they want to attend.”

This is what I pointed out earlier today at InstaPundit: when all the “right people” move in one direction — beatification of Ukraine and Zelensky — are you sure you want to jump into bed with that crowd?

Russia does not want to rule Ukraine, only to ensure Ukraine’s neutrality as the client state she is and not put NATO — the same crowd of Euro-American Fascists, global leftists, beatifying Ukraine/Zelensky — on Russia’s southwestern flank. This is statecraft, not a corporate ethics class.

How would you feel if the PLA set up bases and financial systems in Tijuana and Vancouver? They all but have already in Vancouver.

No, Putin is right, the PJMedia crowd is wrong, along with all the “right people,” who en masse are trying to paint a fascist pig — Ukrainian / Schwab-Soros kleptocrats — with lipstick.

This is a hoary fantasy, that nukes prevent war. War is fought with whatever tools are at hand if and when someone decides to start or enter upon one. The tech used is beside the point. Even nukes stored in a bunker are being used to conduct war. The point is the aggression, and it has one, two, or all of three purposes: land, money, women. Additionally, war is the father of all things, so it is not going to stop. Nations have three assets with which to conduct war: Diplomacy, Finance, Fires. Their strengths with regard to those assets govern how, when, where, and why nations conduct war. Electricity, BTW, is a fires weapon, same as a 155mm howitzer.

Thanks, most refreshing to see a military man look at this situation and size it up. It seems to me there are two principal strategic objectives: cut off Ukrainian Army elements in Donbas (their crack troops) from retreat to Kiev, and, subject Kiev and other major cities to siege warfare.

Note, Ukrainian air is non-existent since D-1. Lights are on in Kiev and, apparently, all the major Ukrainian cities. Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant was secured on D-1 (most of Crimea gets water from the reservoir, which is not deep because the dam is run-of-river type). Mariupol, steel center, is secured. Ukraine forces there were the genuine Nazi types, horrible soldiers, covered in tats, basically MS-13, Einsatzgruppen types.

Russians don’t want to destroy Ukraine. They want to use Ukraine as a buffer against the Franco-Germans, who have a long history of marching east. Note, Germany announces rearmament . . . snarky remark stifled.

Arming Ukrainian civilians was a horribly cynical move, to get them killed so they would make good propaganda pictures. Hamas does this, also ANTIFA, BLM, and drug dealers. The same Euro-American Fascist element controlling Ukraine through Zelensky . . . and getting a foretaste of their just desserts there.

FWIW, the electronics of this campaign intrigue me. I think we have entered a new era of war fighting, comparable in scale and consequence to the US Civil War Between The States doing the same. This one will be studied carefully for clues as to battle-space viability. I think it shows that viability continuing on the trajectory of small, fast, decentralized, distributed / pushed down command structure, and simple.

The IO is so massive as to nearly subdue one’s patience. It’s order of battle on the ground, of course, that is the real weapon. Soros used the Zelensky cohort to run IO storms against POTUS Trump.

Heavy armor is out (Javelines, which can also hit choppers). Choppers are out (MANPADS). Complex signaling is out. Capital ships are out. Air superiority fighters and possibly bombers are out. Light, very fast and no armor is in (battle-space Ferraris, but not bespoke). Cyber is in . . . until units and equipment get so simple cyber cannot reach them, or can reach them only marginally. Simplified signally is in, will take some creative thinking. Expect paper and boots on clutches and accelerators to play a part. Massed small air transport and ground support are in, including drones. Massed under-, on-, and over-water drones, along with massed fast destroyers, fast frigates, and fast attack-and-run boats are in.

No nuclear-fired propulsion. Shoot, I can see the day when wind-propulsion of wooden ships have a role in US Navy and Marine operations. To escape or at least mitigate the ubiquitous fires by cyber. Cyber is long-range arty, very hot and very effective.

Carriers are huge nuclear and thermobaric bombs waiting for someone to ride in on a piggybacked radio wave, and blow the monster up. No ports will want that danger. US Army has not fielded a MANPAD for ten or twenty years. Javelines and MANADS CIA gave Ukraine are 30 years old. But they work if they have batteries and skilled hands to operate them. Russians and Chinese have made two or three new generations of anti-armor and anti-air weaponry over those 30 years. Main battle tanks, self-propelled fires, and APCs are battlefield waste waiting to happen. Ditto choppers. And ditto capital ships.

These are points of an AAR I at least would offer in the the wake of this action in Ukraine. I think the Russians have gone very easy on the Ukrainians, so far. They could have leveled the country the way Obama leveled the ancient, beautiful section of Mosul at the end of his rule. They do not want to rule the country — what would be the point of that masochism? — just have it neutral as between NATO (WEF, Franco-Germany) and Russia. It’s all very simple. The Davoisie must be kicked out of the house.

Principle I

The United States have no interest in the domestic affairs of other countries and expect other countries to reciprocate by having no interest in our domestic affairs. The United States have interest in the lines of communication running between The United States and all other countries and expect all other countries to bear fairly the burden of keeping those lines open, safe, reliable, fair, and clean.

Principle II

The United States welcome alliance with our brother nations India and Russia for enforcement, from their perspective, of the ground of statecraft set forth in Principle I and urge Japan and Egypt to join us for that endeavor and commitment.

Principle III

An order to deploy which lacks or frustrates intent to compel a target to sign a declaration of unconditional surrender is an unlawful order by the Rules of Just War, the Conventions of War, Common Sense, and the Spirit of America. An order to deploy conveys this intent to the Commanding Officer: win this war / battle in a timely manner or do not come back alive.

Bhagavan Sri Shirdi Sai Baba
By Artists M and F Graham
Sathya Sai Baba
Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba
At Puttaparthi, Andhra Pradesh, India

Donald Trump won the 2020 election for POTUS going away. He is POTUS until 20 January 2025 and presently in exile. That is the truth. Just stick to it and all will be well.

“Just realize they took the two most pathetic candidates in the history of the Democratic Party: a vice president who didn’t even win a primary in her own state; and a demented pervert, among other things, who can’t even tie his own shoelaces or know where he is. And they crammed them up our nose with a fork of fraud so blatant that it is visible around the world.” Sidney Powell, April 2021



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