A Typhoon Of CIA IO

Scimus autem quoniam diligentibus Deum omnia cooperantur in bonum, iis qui secundum propositum vocati sunt sancti. And we know that to them that love God, all things work together unto good, to such as, according to his purpose, are called to be saints.

Russians play their opponents, not their cards. Euro-American Fascists (WEF, CIA) play their cards, not their opponents. Russians win any war that occurs between them and Euro-American Fascists.

Euro-American Fascists are orchestrated by World Economic Forum in Europe and CIA in America. These are lately coordinating, among other things, as the Biden-Harris Junta in Washington D.C. and several American states, who are supposed to be united and are anything but that because Euro-American Fascists impact so many of their affairs, and not nearly enough yet, according to said Fascists.

Euro-American Fascists — a combination who includes CIA, American so-called Neo-Cons, and the large philharmonic orchestra of institutions who comprise the American D-R UniParty — see Russia through eyes flooded by red anger over Russians’ reacquiring their Christian roots as they threw off their Soviet tyrants. Their Christian roots, in fact, inspired Russians — and Poles before them — to throw off the Politburos. Russia’s return to Christianity is like water thrown on the Fascist Witch.

The return of Russians and Eastern Europeans to Christianity deprived Neo-Cons of opportunity for bloodthirsty — albeit semantically nuanced and dainty — and endless field testing of their cognitive fantasies and technology infatuations — aka endless wars bereft of rational US grand national strategic objective. The return of Russians and Eastern Europeans to Christianity deprived the philharmonic D-R UniParty orchestra of a ready straw-man at which to point the angst of students and voters, an angst inculcated into students and voters by that self-same D-R UniParty philharmonic orchestra.

Some years ago (2016), Sergey Lavrov laid out Russia’s view of her experiences in history as commending her current leaderships’ intentions regarding international relations. I commend a complete and careful read:

Russia’s Foreign Policy: Historical Background

Russians, Putin, and Lavrov see themselves as successors to Ivan, Peter, and Catherine, not Lenin, Stalin, and Brezhnev. They are after Constantinople, at least the Western Side, not Kiev. I think Americans should help Russians achieve that centuries-old objective of theirs.

Comes this hash, which I won’t say is Fascist hash, but it is Neo-Con hash surely, and of the first cutting. CDRSalamander, a retired US Navy aviator, O-5, is a regular read of mine. Yesterday he wants US Army to stand watch over Navy and Air Force bases. Today he wants US Army to field maneuver forces against Russia . . . to protect Europeans, whom he admits are not worth protecting because they won’t protect themselves.

My charitable assessment of CDRSalamander’s equivocating excitability is that he is trying to keep his head above water whilst bobbing in a typhoon of CIA IO, without the benefit of a flotation device, such as a seaworthy aircraft carrier. Otherwise, the twists and turns, the flits and follies of his callings and thinkings about Russia and Ukraine are just too painful to remediate. They can be assessed as terminally stupid.

Here’s what I think: I think right now, today, Putin and Lavrov are fiddling their cards to observe responses by Euro-American Fascists (WEF, CIA). They know their opponent is Fascist and Euro-American. They know they can beat this opponent. They hold now several significant advantages. They know their opponent is hugely unpopular among their own subjects. They know their opponent — Euro-American Fascists (WEF, CIA) — see what they want to be happening rather than what is happening. They know that this habit of mind, mixed with their high domestic disapproval, makes Euro-American Fascists weak into battle, terminally stupid at planning, and wasteful of assets in action.

Or, to change the metaphor but not the meaning:

Penguins are known to dance on the edge of an ice floe, pretending to dive in, but not actually doing it, just so one or more of their fellow dancers will dive in first to console the seal they all know lurks below.  If Putin and Lavrov are first to dive in shooting, they chance CIA IO success appealing to American and European martial spirits, as has happened to CDRSalamander.  If they can tease Euro-American Fascists and Ukrainians into being first to dive in shooting, they are assured an American and European rise against the terminal stupidity of Euro-American Fascists, to hasten their removal from affairs of state.

I think Americans should help Russians accomplish their age-old strategic objective of owning Constantinople, at least the Western Side. Ukraine for Russia is merely a flanking side-slip on the way to the big prize, Constantinople and the waterway it controls. Of importance in this regard are four facts regarding Russia’s internal formations and lines of communication:

1- The best and newest units of The Russian Navy quarter on the Caspian.

2- Many of those units can reach the Mediterranean by way of the Volga-Don Canal.

3- Russian history is marked by force marching into Russia — Frankish / Germanic tribes from the West, Mongols from the East — not by force marching out of Russia — The Soviet is an exception, not naturally Russian — and Kiev is an ancient Russian progenitor just as Ankara is an ancient Celtic one.

4- Americans and Russians are natural friends.  POTUS Lincoln sheltered two Russian fleets from depredation by Great Britain’s Royal Navy.  Russia gave Americans most generous terms for the purchase of Alaska.  These are large strategic national acts of statecraft by large naturally friendly peoples.  Such things do not happen without serious underlying simpatico.

In contrast to CDRSalamander’s intellectual, military, and moral hash is this brief, brilliant essay by Mackubin Owens, titled ‘Our Democracy™’: Oligarchy With Democratic Trappings. I commented:

Thank you, Professor. A pleasure it is to read experience wisely imbibed and clearly described.

I am reminded of Heraclitus’ War is the father of all things, and, One cannot step into the same stream twice. It is not right to teach children or adults to want to reach a place or a time that have no war in them. War in the sense of struggle is a constant presence. A meta-message of the classical Greek political taxonomy you recount so helpfully is that every generation is in a constant state of war either to weed out bad polity or maintain good, or both.

FWIW, I think our lot is to live in climes and times that compel us to fight on behalf of both causes, simultaneously, against what is wrong and for what is right, against oligarchy masquerading as democracy (two phases of bad in one presentment!) and to maintain commonwealth / republican government, which we are gifted by ancestors.

The key to winning is knowing that God fights as us, not we for ourselves. This awareness, as it deepens through experience in time, simplifies the combat very greatly and makes it easy and even sweet to plunge into with enthusiasm for the fray and its long, dirty, hard, exhausting, but exhilarating work.

The Vedic discussion of rebirth references this endless struggle (“the father of all things”) to gain liberation from the never-the-same stream of existence.

Principle I

The United States have no interest in the domestic affairs of other countries and expect other countries to reciprocate by having no interest in our domestic affairs. The United States have interest in the lines of communication running between The United States and all other countries and expect all other countries to bear fairly the burden of keeping those lines open, safe, reliable, fair, and clean.

Principle II

The United States welcome alliance with our brother nations India and Russia for enforcement, from their perspective, of the ground of statecraft set forth in Principle I and urge Japan and Egypt to join us for that endeavor and commitment.

Principle III

An order to deploy which lacks or frustrates intent to compel a target to sign a declaration of unconditional surrender is an unlawful order by the Rules of Just War, the Conventions of War, Common Sense, and the Spirit of America. An order to deploy conveys this intent to the Commanding Officer: win this war / battle in a timely manner or do not come back alive.

You must realise by constant contemplation that the world is the body of God. And you are a cell in that body. The prosperity of the world is your prosperity; feel so, think in those terms and act in that spirit. That is real spirituality. The spiritual aspirant (sadhaka) cannot cut himself away from the world and escape into solitude, for, the world will follow him into the deepest cave or the darkest forest. The sadhaka can claim progress only when he has established in himself faith in the oneness of humanity. Everything and every being are but waves on the surface of the vast unbounded timeless ocean, which is God. Waves belong to the ocean and depend on it for their individual existence; but, the ocean has no need for waves. Therefore, you are bound inextricably with all else and all others.

Donald Trump won the 2020 election for POTUS going away. He is POTUS until 20 January 2025 and presently in exile. That is the truth. Just stick to it and all will be well.

“Just realize they took the two most pathetic candidates in the history of the Democratic Party: a vice president who didn’t even win a primary in her own state; and a demented pervert, among other things, who can’t even tie his own shoelaces or know where he is. And they crammed them up our nose with a fork of fraud so blatant that it is visible around the world.” Sidney Powell, April 2021

Sophia Loren

Sophia Loren

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