Correlation, Ratio, Statecraft

Scimus autem quoniam diligentibus Deum omnia cooperantur in bonum, iis qui secundum propositum vocati sunt sancti. And we know that to them that love God, all things work together unto good, to such as, according to his purpose, are called to be saints.

Reason is a force in and of itself. Patience. The American Intelligentsiya have lost — forgotten or renounced — their faith in God, in consequence of which, they are being hounded by the dogs of Reason into range of the hunters of Ruthless Intelligence. Clean-hearted men and women wait for Reason to drive The American Intelligentsiya onto the field they have groomed to favor their success in battle against perfidy.

Intelligentsiya at any time include clergy, teachers, medical doctors, soldiers, and lawyers. The American Intelligentsiya today include prelates, faculties, philanthropies, institution fellows, and their companions in government: school boards, law firms, and federally, CIA, NIH, NSC, USAID, DOJ, many members of Congress, and many judges.

The dogs of Reason at any time include families, farmers, rifle clubs, churches and other civic volunteer organizations, policemen, firemen, heavy equipment operators, medical assistants, home and infrastructure maintainers, and merchants. The dogs of Reason today include parents fostering the welfare of their children, investigating, alarm-raising, and wrong-righting groups, saints (Francis, Clare, Luther, Ramana Maharshi, Vivekananda) and sages (Valmiki, Jerome, Augustine, Shankaracharya, Tillich) engaged in deep awareness of God and selfless service for their countrymen, practitioners of literacy, forbearance, and keeping the word once given, nurses, nurse practitioners, and nursing staffs, Great Ones (Vyasa, Zoroaster, Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed), and Avathars (Rama, Krishna, Shirdi and Sathya Sai Baba).

The hunters of Ruthless Intelligence at any time include theologians, soldiers, mendicants, hermits; some bankers, merchants, builders, mothers, fathers, teachers, and pastors; saints, sages, Avathars; and very rarely, lawyers.

This is the topography of American life today.

For some centuries not long past, Euro-American Intelligentsiya were partial to the concept of synthesis for engineering outcomes to the hurly burly of human affairs. Statesmen, for example, sought to subsume one another’s interests in some accommodation to their own. Rub two things together and a third, better thing appears.

Hegel gave crowning articulation to this habit of thought. Even his rebellious students Karl Marx and Soren Kierkegaard imbibed it: thesis, antithesis, synthesis. Scientists adopted the concept as their governing epistemology for theory, experiment, and product development. Conflict of any kind, it was assumed, resolved in a fresh homeostasis subsuming the parties’ interests in a freshly wise or at least reliably steady framework (stochastic structure) of thought and communication.

About fifty years ago, right around 1971, The American Intelligentsiya suddenly and quite deliberately discarded the ideal of synthesis and replaced it with the notion of diastasis. Diastasis is not really an ideal. It is more by way of being a plan hatched from a stink eye. *

Diastasis means permanent separation between two or more things: all apart, but trending towards one only remaining to exist. The assumption here is that one component of a diastatic combination annihilates all others. Conflict is resolved by eliminating anything that might be, would be, or is in conflict with any one thing that regards itself as exclusively legitimate. Shades of Salafi-Shiite Jihad, CCP, World Economic Forum, and so-called American Deep State, who fancy themselves trans-nationals over against nativists.

Guided by feelings of diastasis, statesmen plot to annihilate one another and their interests altogether. Subsuming one another’s interests in some accommodation to their own (synthesis) is a concept alien to diastatically-minded statesmen. Separation (diastasis) implies and produces lethality (genocide) for all parties except one. A diastatic mind is always in misery and throwing up chaos.

When an Intelligentsiya comes to the point of desiring diastasis — with survival by themselves alone, plus a few handy-workers for servicing their demands — a posture which signals one’s loss of faith in God, then Reason breaks forth with another way of conceptualizing outcomes from the hurly burly of human affairs.

Call it the idea and method of correlation. This is akin to the phenomenon of ratio or proportion in classical geometry, which reflects reality with stunning accuracy pre-Descartes. One steeped in the idea and method of correlation assumes life’s hurly burly to be forms and functions of asymptotic ratios — such as pi or phi, whose numerical equivalents are endless — and best treated as such. Life pitches opportunities, not curve balls, spit balls, and sliders.

Asymptotic ratios are the time, space, substance, and causality of the universe, in perpetual motion temporally and morphologically but always comprising asymptotic ratios. Movement is source and evidence of life specifically and existence generally comprising energy generated by the dynamics of asymptotic ratios.

Conflict is a necessary constant of life.
Nations neither subsume nor annihilate one another.
They correlate their communications with their interests.

Statesmen guided by the expectation of correlation in the affairs of nations, businesses, regions, governments, and even families assume and negotiate for fair and reciprocal communications between all parties to conflict, a necessary constant of life, and move swiftly and successfully to annihilate the will to aggress of any party who refuses to negotiate or negotiates un-seriously.

A refusal to negotiate national interests, or to negotiate them un-seriously, is an act of war and justification for war. No shots need be fired for a condition of war to exist. No statesman would allow failure to negotiate seriously to pass without decisive military answer, because such a failure is already a military attack against a nation’s lines of communication, which are a nation’s means of maintaining their sovereign freedom.

Statesmen assume that when negotiations of one matter come to a close, negotiations on other matters are indicated because human affairs are never not in a condition of hurly burly (necessary conflict, asymptotic ratio).

Statesmen do not expect peace, but they do expect quiet. They do not expect asymptotic ratios to cease existence, but they do expect them to be fungible. So, statesmanship is an ineluctable, interminable, and inexhaustible enterprise.

No given is a member of a single-member set. Life’s ratios are asymptotic, but Truth is not. Truth cannot be measured by a standard external to Itself. There is no standard, no anything, external to Truth by means of which Truth can be evaluated. Truth has no second, no other over against it or beside it. Everything nameable is incomparable. Statesmen work in this awareness.

Telling it is that Lisa Monaco / DOJ order their minions to account American parents challenging functions and decisions of their local American school board domestic terrorists. Of such fundamental value, now obvious, are local school boards to The American Intelligentsiya, for their project to engineer a general American loss of faith in God and descent into misery.

Reason, a force in and of itself, has and will have none of it. Onto these pikes and interlocking fields of fire (among others) fashioned from Her own nature are Reason’s dogs driving The [perfidious] American Intelligentsiya:

Ramakatha Rasavahini I and II

The Gospel According To St. John

A History Of Christian Thought and original notes in PDF

Institutes Of The Christian Religion

The Geographical Pivot Of History

MacArthur: 1941-1951

Three Brothers Doctrine

Ruminations On Grand National Strategics

Ruminations On National Sovereignty

Ruminations On Personal And National Freedom

You cannot live in synthesis with other nations. Nor can you life in separation (diastasis) from other nations. You can live in correlation with other nations. This is the way of nature and peace. Nations and nature are force sufficient successfully to resist imposition of unnatural human agency. It is called love.

* Saul Alinsky promotes diastatic thought and action. His counsels (rules he calls them) fairly define the breed, addicting and addling generations of Americans with an impoverished and therefore unrealistic and destructive assumption. Alinsky believes there is himself and his target and that his job is to fix his target and then maul it to death or to submission.

An animal thinks this way in part but not a human. An animal sees one thing, an other, and assumes another, himself. Alinsky sees two things, himself and an other and assumes a a third, the context for both. A human sees all three things, himself, an other, and a context that includes both and more.

An animal sees an opportunity to eat or to protect against. Alinsky sees a target to be humiliated and dispossessed. A human sees a world to be developed and enjoyed.

Alinsky is a true diastatic thinker and practitioner, just as are many of the persons and organizations he and his followers target. They are polarizers: me good, you bad, me take you out, you go bad place. This is true separation, the diastatic condition of mind and act.

People remark of POTUS Trump that in dealing with people and nations he appears to play multi-dimensional chess. This impression he makes by seeing the world as a human sees it, asymptotic ratios of three forces always in dynamic interaction: himself, others, and the context which includes both and so much more.

Each strand of the famous Triple Thread of Life — Seer, Seen, Sight — is a force. The Triple Thread is the operational form and function of Reason.

Principle I

The United States have no interest in the domestic affairs of other countries and expect other countries to reciprocate by having no interest in our domestic affairs. The United States have interest in the lines of communication running between The United States and all other countries and expect all other countries to bear fairly the burden of keeping those lines open, safe, reliable, fair, and clean.

Principle II

The United States welcome alliance with our brother nations India and Russia for enforcement, from their perspective, of the ground of statecraft set forth in Principle I and urge Japan and Egypt to join us for that endeavor and commitment.

Principle III

An order to deploy which lacks or frustrates intent to compel a target to sign a declaration of unconditional surrender is an unlawful order by the Rules of Just War, the Conventions of War, Common Sense, and the Spirit of America. An order to deploy conveys this intent to the Commanding Officer: win this war / battle in a timely manner or do not come back alive.

Most men spend the lifetime allotted to them or earned by them in partaking of rich and harmful food and drink, and also indulge in glamorous, more harmful pastimes. What a pathetic waste of precious opportunity! Though belonging to the animal kingdom, man has much more than his fellow beings in physical, mental and moral equipment. He has memory, language, conscience, reverence, awe, wonder and an inexplicable sense of discontent, a precursor of detachment. He has a glorious chance of visualising his identity with the Mystery that’s manifested as this Universe, but he is so sunk in ignorance that he behaves as an animal like the rest and wallows in grief and vice! It’s as if the fire has forgotten its capacity to burn or water its nature to wet! Similarly man has forgotten his nature to reach out to Godhood, his capacity to seek and secure Truth of the Universe of which he is a part, his capacity to train himself by virtue, justice, love and empathy to escape from the particular to the Universal. 

Anita Ekberg

Anita Ekberg

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