Thandava XXVI

For freedom Christ has set us free. Stand firm, therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.
Galatians 5:1
My speech and my proclamation were not with plausible words of wisdom, but with a demonstration of the Spirit and of power, so that your faith might rest not on human wisdom but on the power of God.
1 Corinthians 2:4-5

Scimus autem quoniam diligentibus Deum omnia cooperantur in bonum, iis qui secundum propositum vocati sunt sancti. And we know that to them that love God, all things work together unto good, to such as, according to his purpose, are called to be saints.

Who names themselves? Only God and humans name themselves.

Rebuild the country. Consider nothing too trivial.

Let Donald be Donald. Enjoy the show.

What should be happening is happening. Make what you want to happen happen.

American and many foreign elites are CIA-clad.

China obliterates nature.

Japanese must think of Russia as allies with USA if they are to join with The Three Brothers.

Russians are Russians, not Communists. They are natural American allies, by the geography. Enough with the Russia-phobia, you knuckleheads!

Prayer: Remove obstacles in the paths of Americans, Oh Lord, so that their labors to find You may succeed.

The rot starts at the top, the head, the seminaries, and moves down the body of the nation from there.

Why should DOD depend on the opinion of the NYT?

Sundance: IC is self-funding through multinational private partnerships: banks, corporations, foreign entities. IC power starts at the Senate Select Committee On Intelligence (SSCI), all of whom protect the IC. Base-line budgeting is why there has been no budget since 2007. The thieves are in spate. IC controls classification and de-classification all by themselves, National Security Council and ODNI notwithstanding. The process is the flaw, not the solution.

D-R UniParty corruption depends on election fraud. No nation would elect these criminals. Obama assembled ideologues in government and private sector into a huge weapon for use against the the middle class and national sovereignty, first field tested in the Arab Spring, engineering that into existence on behalf of the Moslem Brotherhood and Iran, who ran Obama via CIA. Wikileaks DNC papers were not from a hack. Assange knows who they were from and thus is silenced. I surmise they were from Seth Rich.

D-R UniParty deliberately ignored usurpation of USG by IC because their common enemy was POTUS Trump. So now IC control Congress. The ICs of nations who have them operate now as the backbone of their respective governments, the real things, the actual powers, the actual governments, but without authority as such. Public-private partners of IC — Google, Facebook, Twitter, MSFT — have no 4th Amendment limits so they make perfect vehicles for IC machinations outside law and even under law.

If you feel Americans are your enemy, you will feel their wrath, and it will be divine wrath you cannot plug or avert.

We are none of us simply creatures.

If you have power but not authority,
you are a Richard III.

The Biblical MacGuffin is freedom. This is the plot element pin in which it appears Hollywood is no longer interested. Whereas Americans are.

Information warfare is fought like any other kind of warfare. You sever the supply lines and chew the aggressors until their leaders sign documents of unconditional surrender by all of them, perps and leaders. War ends when its instigator signs off on unconditional surrender of all forces under their command and influence.

Government exists to regulate commerce in the direction of fairness, not favorites. A partisan government is illegitimate, bastardy, against which citizens will be avenged. Government exists to cultivate organic communities, not specific interests. If you want something done, do it yourself, don’t ask government to subsidize you.

When Congress, Executive Departments, and the Federal Court System send K-Street lobbyists packing, en masse, we will know “the swamp” has been sluiced clean. Until then, D.C. remains a honey trap for “Left” and “Right” collectively and equally. The terms “Left” and “Right”, “Liberal;” and “Conservative” are in fact K-Street lobbyists’ employment and funding hooks, nothing more than that.

The Failure To Defeat

Why would / should a general or admiral execute an order to deploy knowing it contains no intent to solve the problem at hand, aka, win the war and battle presenting?

Hey kid! Join the Military. You’ll never win, but the pay is good, the survivor benefits are fantastic, taxpayers will cover your sex change operations and pills, and generals, admirals, and their civilian bosses will have your back [with a knife]. Be reasonable. What have you got to lose? And don’t worry. If you don’t know, we’ll find it for you, starting with your honor.

GOs and ADMs right now are in a death panic over recruitment and retention. They read the blogs and see the chatter. They know the service academies are pumping every year close to a thousand mindless ideologues into each service, afraid to think and talk much less fight, many if not most of them Karens, and ever increasing numbers of them women, who in large numbers are genetically unfit to bear the loads, and blacks, who in large numbers are culturally unfit to bear the responsibilities.

Listen to Pentagon chatter. The word victory is not in their lexicon. The word failure is not in any GO or ADM OER, operations report, discharge paperwork, or reasons for retirement. If one is cashiered, the reason is in some PR nuance — they embarrassed their superiors — not failure to defeat an enemy, the traditional reason for cashiering an officer.

Risk aversion is about responsibility for operations outcome, not about loss of life or materiel. Risk aversion regarding responsibility for operations outcome is so overwhelming that metrics for mission success never include winning a battle much less a war. Body count and materiel usage, that is all. If you fired off the number of rounds you were given, your mission succeeded.

Enemy and aggression, words now gone from US military lexicons. Their replacements: competitor and operational challenges. Instead of national sovereignty, alphabet soupers speak of national security, than which nothing is more impossible because there is no security in this world.

GOFOs are right to panic over recruitment and retention. To this they are not blind. They just did not think it could become so bleeding obvious. And did not want it to. The bromides will not motivate now.

Observing their own guts exposed to a very righteous public wrath, and in detail, GOs and ADMs in some numbers, both active and retired, are likely to turn on their civilian bosses in a fury fit for Ate come hot from hell. Some will refuse orders to deploy in order to claw back some tincture of honor and, more importantly, some actual feeling of it.

After all, The Almighty is not interested in the what, where, or how of one’s service but rather in the feelings one has doing it. If those feelings are not pure in selflessness and sacrifice, the ultimate military virtues, The Almighty will not be pleased, regardless the rank, dignity, ribbons, stars, friends in high places, accolades, or memories. Everyone knows that, including GOs, ADMs, and their civilian bosses.

Military men and women win wars and battles or they leave the stage in disgrace. It is no more difficult or complicated than that. We win, they lose. Failure to defeat an enemy, to throw them head-long into a condition of unconditional surrender, is not an option for an American general or admiral. That is what the stars are for. No other outcome of American military operations is acceptable to Americans and The United States Of America.

If a general or admiral eschews intent to bring an enemy to unconditional surrender, they must resign immediately or be cashiered on the spot. Admiral Byng was shot for failure to close with an enemy and fight them to their or his defeat.

If a general or admiral is presented an order to deploy lacking or preventing — for whatever reason, bar none — intent to drive an enemy to unconditional surrender, they should not execute that order to deploy and should declare it unlawful.

A military order to deploy that lacks or prevents intent to bring an enemy to unconditional surrender meets the Nuremberg description of an unlawful military order. Among the most sacred duties of generals and admirals is protecting their command from misuse by way of unlawful orders.

A lot of hate here in these comments being thrown at GEN Milley. That is really stupid and arrogant. Milley is a symptom. An obnoxious one, but a symptom. The problem is far wider than one man or even ten. You could fire / disappear the lot and the problem would remain untouched.

Fantasizing punishments for these guys is really jejune and juvenile. Grow up, children, and you know how many of you are fantasizing here, some even I would not expect, but there you are, unloading bile like middle school brats. And why are you not throwing hate at Austin? Because he is black and you are a coward?

The problem is intent to wear stars and sit in wealthy think tanks and corporations without ever having to take responsibility for winning a war or even a battle by driving an enemy headlong into unconditional surrender.

That venal cowardice spread across and up and down a multi-million-person agency and a multi-multi-million-person so-called government, comprising three supposedly independent branches, has your hate fixed superficially when your intellect should be searching the belly-and throat-point where your best shot can down that venal cowardice that infuriates you. Look in a mirror, you will find it there.

Essentially, Armed Forces operations theory was deliberately regressed — by American Leftists — from demanding unconditional surrender, to containment, then armistice, then defeat, then degradation, then merely holding at bay, then ignoring, to arrive at conferencing and end at supplying and enabling. Along the way, an aggressive enemy became a serious threat, then a resourceful competitor, then a difficult neighbor, and finally an uncomfortable ally. There is an actual, marked conceptual regression there — American Leftists call it a progression — quite clearly visible in the historical record.

Go upstream on it and one reaches the simple, realistic, easy, mundane, and courageous concepts of “enemy” and “unconditional surrender,” the which comprise the rational assessment and objective of statecraft.

The long record tracks a very deliberate conceptual effort by American Leftists to regress American military doctrine from unconditional surrender by enemies to, finally, diplomatic, financial, and war-fighting assistance to competitors . . . so long as they are Leftist or Jihadists.

American Leftists heap Americans’ wealth on Americans’ enemies, Leftists and Jihadis, in the most utterly gleeful abandon imaginable or possible. American Leftists then gleefully rub Americans’ faces in the wastage they make of Americans’ hearts and homes.

Orders to deploy which lack or forbid intent to throw an enemy headlong into unconditional surrender rise to the level of unlawful orders, as defined at Nuremberg. GOs and ADMs have played along to get along with unlawful orders. Now that criminal insanity is in the open and everyone, including GOs and ADMs, find it horrifying, and quite rightly so.

Taliban were given what American Leftists (CIA) in coordination with Pakistani ISI, Iranian Kuds, and CCP wanted them to have: land, cash, and materiel, mountains of all three. Taliban have beaten no one except fellow Afghans. They did not beat Americans or America. Everything they got was given them by Traitor Joe’s American Leftists and their foreign associates.

Some saw this coming a week ago. The backbone of the US military is the NCO Corps. The heart of the US military is the O5 cohort (LTCs, Commanders). When O5s call BS on senior service leadership, 06s and up are sure to follow because without eager O5s, the more senior grades are without formation leadership, both tactical and strategic, to carry out their orders. Without a competent O5 cohort, O6s and up might as well resign because nothing is behind them. That’s where US GOFOs are today, at least in principle, and they know it. They know it very, very clearly, try as they may to suppress awareness. Recruitment and retention have them terrified.

The real sacrifice involves two things: First, to realise the cause of our bondage in this life, and second, to sever this bondage. Man mistakenly thinks that wealth and family are his bondages, and that by severing connections with them he will be able to sacrifice everything and become eligible to attain moksha. These are not real bondages; real bondage is his ignorance in identifying himself with his body! He who cuts off this bondage as Bali did, will attain moksha [Liberation]. To cut bondage, purification of the heart is necessary. Purification of the body with soap and water, and applying perfume doesn’t result in the purification of the mind. In Kaliyuga, namasmarana (constantly remembering God) is the easiest way to purify one’s mind; surrendering to God with a pure mind is the surest way to attain moksha!

Donald Trump won the 2020 election for POTUS going away. He is POTUS until 20 January 2025 and presently in exile. That is the truth. Just stick to it and all will be well.

“Just realize they took the two most pathetic candidates in the history of the Democratic Party: a vice president who didn’t even win a primary in her own state; and a demented pervert, among other things, who can’t even tie his own shoelaces or know where he is. And they crammed them up our nose with a fork of fraud so blatant that it is visible around the world.” Sidney Powell, April 2021

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