Great Captains

The old standards remain the standards.
Fundamentals have not changed, only incidentals.
We go here and there looking for God.
Truth is, we are ever only looking right at Him.

Scimus autem quoniam diligentibus Deum omnia cooperantur in bonum, iis qui secundum propositum vocati sunt sancti. And we know that to them that love God, all things work together unto good, to such as, according to his purpose, are called to be saints.

Great Captains cultivate three forces:

1- Strategic sense for national sovereignty
2- Battalion Task Forces
3- NCO Corps

GOs and ADMs who cultivate these forces have troops and sailors to lead; otherwise, no.

Meanwhile, civilians who value their sovereignty form civil defense battalions attached to their county sheriff.

For The Claremont Institute, one Josiah Lippincott, a Marine Officer, formerly active duty, produced this illumination flare: The Conservative Case for Cyberbullying America’s Generals.

I cannot recommend cyberbullying America’s generals. I can, however, attest that Mr. Lippincott has illumined a necrotic presence inside America’s self-protection structure: her General Officers, and by inference, her Admirals.

It is no secret that The D-R UniParty — based in academe, specifically seminaries, and skippered by CIA — sold themselves to The CCP and desire to compel Americans altogether to their estate. It is, furthermore, no secret that said traitors know they must induce Americans to forego military service in pursuit of protecting their motherland. It is less known that these traitors’ method of achieving that objective, a method integral with their objective, is to lop off the head of the military component of America’s self-protection structure: generals and admirals.

Mr. Lippincott has illumined that method. An example Mr. Lippincott illuminates is not amused: one MG Patrick Donahoe, General Commanding, Fort Benning, GA.

Lippincott’s is a remarkable article on its own and also considering its publisher. Some strong truth-telling is in the offing. Professors without students, Generals without troops, and Politicians without voters. Americans are cleaning house.

Today, Instapundit’s item on Lippincott’s essay inspired comments. Some of the sane ones:

While agreeing that the military leadership has become political I think it’s unfair to blame the U.S military or its leadership for losing the war in Afghanistan.  The situation there is entirely the fault of the politicians who set the goals and the limits on the use of force.

It’s like Vietnam, where the military won almost every battle decisively, and still lost the war because the political leadership was feckless and indecisive.

David R. Graham to DHanson
True.  However, I think the complaint — at least the deep complaint — is that the generals (and admirals) (1) abjured responsibility for strategic counsel and therefore (2) did not present politicians accurate diagnoses and prognoses of conditions.

Instead, they used time in country for promotion and retirement points and also, as one senior officer put it years ago, live-fire training exercise.  Effectively, even for Trump, US armed forces in Iraq and Syria were proxies for Iran and in Afghanistan proxies for both Iran and CCP.  Complete bollix.

The complaint is that GOs and ADMs declined to speak the truth, as is their job.  Some few were forthright and then forced out.  McMaster, who wrote the textbook on dereliction, was himself derelict in this critical respect: not addressing the strategic reasons for deploying military force at all.  McChrystal contracted Stockholm Syndrome then campaigned politically for the crew who relieved him of command in Afghanistan.

GWB to Trump Won
What’s your definition of “won” then?  Mine is you stop the bad guys (by killing them and breaking their toys) and then you go home.  The problem is the politicians decided to stay and try to build a nation (where none had existed before, really) because “every person in the world wants freedom” or similar bulls**t.  And they repeated the idiocy of “Vietnamization” – trying to build up a government and an armed force that didn’t have the cultural underpinnings OR the support of an actual nation.  We won by 2005 (at the latest).

Then, the politicians threw away the win.

And I’m not defending the general at all.  I agree with your assessment of him. (Well, sorta. I think he’s more of an over-educated fool, beguiled by the post-WW2 Foggy Bottom bulls**t foreign policy.)

I will also admit that we are rapidly running out of warfighters because of the seepage of our cultural sewage into the ranks – above and below.  My comment wasn’t about that.

Joe Michels to GWB
Democrats threw away the win because a win for Bush was bad for them.  The reason we can’t get involved in wars is that as soon as possible the Democrats turn on any victory or plan to install a republic that is succeeding.

That is why, I and many others have turned to America First thinking.  We stay out of the business of policing the world unless it is critical to America First.  If we must protect our interests, we go in hard and fast and kill and break things so the bad guys can’t function.  Then we leave and head back to home.

This has to be our policy until America sorts out our issues.

America’s Generals Lied, Lost Wars, And Looted The People They Claimed To Serve

The mind spins a cocoon for the individual soul to be imprisoned in. Karma, which is the activity of ignorance (maya), encloses the individual in its grip. It is the husk that makes the paddy seed grow and yield more paddy plants and more grains of paddy. Remove the husk, and there is no more sprouting! The husk (karma) makes the individual soul sprout and undergo the pleasure and pain produced by the impressions unconsciously left on the mind by past good or bad actions (vasanas) and perform purificatory rites and sacred ceremonies. Hence, you reward and punish yourself as the result of your own activities! You are born now because you wished to come here; you gravitate to the level to which your deeds drag or lift you! You make your own future by your thoughts, desires and deeds.

Donald Trump won the 2020 election for POTUS going away. He is POTUS until 20 January 2025 and presently in exile. That is the truth. Just stick to it and all will be well.

“Just realize they took the two most pathetic candidates in the history of the Democratic Party: a vice president who didn’t even win a primary in her own state; and a demented pervert, among other things, who can’t even tie his own shoelaces or know where he is. And they crammed them up our nose with a fork of fraud so blatant that it is visible around the world.” Sidney Powell, April 2021

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