Yes Or No

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.


For each statement, circle your answer, Yes or No.

Hinduism, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, Islam and Christianity are equal in every way: validity, legitimacy, value, importance, power, durability, weight, glory, truth, righteousness, peace, love, revelation, proximity to God, etc. All religions are a gift of God for the uplift of all creatures and their worlds.

Yes —— No

Vedas, Sutras, Avesta, Koran and Bible are inspired by the same God and are of equal stature and power for the world’s spiritual development.

Yes —— No

The Avatars, the Buddhas, the Great Ones, the Sages, the Prophets and the Saints speak the same message in unique languages to unique times and climes for unique purposes intending unique outcomes.

Yes —— No

God does not require and man has no authority to insist that one who espouses a religion convert to and espouse a different religion or consider the religion they espouse invalid or insufficient and therefore convert to and espouse a religion represented to them as valid and sufficient. All religions are equal in the sight of God. None is invalid or insufficient.

Yes —— No

Religious law, such as Sastras, Dharma, Yasna, Torah, Sharia, Sermon on the Mount, describe the essence of man and universe. They have no proscriptive or prescriptive intent or competence. They are not, strictly speaking, law and must not be mistaken for civil law. Civil law intends and is competent to regulate the existence of man and his world.

Yes —— No

The Hindu, the Buddhist, the Zoroastrian, the Muslim and the Christian are equally close to God, in the Grace of God, saved by God, benefitted by God, blessed by God, loved by God, destined by God, protected by God, familiar with God, precious to God, knowledgeable about God, present to God, favored by God, respected by God, standing before God and man, etc.

Yes —— No

The same God Hindus call Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu, Buddhists call Buddha, Zoroastrians call Ahura Mazda, Muslims call Allah and Christians call Father, Son and Holy Spirit. All names are God’s and all forms are His.

Yes —— No

Hindu, Buddhist, Zoroastrian, Muslim and Christian must accept, appreciate, respect, encourage and help one another in the religion they practice.

Yes —— No

Duty is God. Work is Worship.

Yes —— No

If you answered No to any of those questions,
you have a lot to learn.

Update 1: Confessions Of A Public Defender

Update 2: Race Relations And Law Enforcement


Sophia Loren
Sophia Loren

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