First They Came ….

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.




First they came for states.

They they came for autos.

Then they came for energy.

Then they came for education.

Then they came for health care.

Then they came for banks.

Then they came for critics.

Now they’re coming for ISPs.

Then they’re coming for Apple, Microsoft and Sony.

Soon it will be women, knives and firearms.

SEIU, OFA, Code Pink and race-hustling groups they are training in street thuggery and sometimes military discipline are their crude but deliberate forms of einsatzgruppen.  The business they mean is extinction.

I’ve said before and say again, there will be no elections in 2010 or 2012, at least not national ones or not honest ones.

Years ago they knew they would have to work very fast to get everything done they wanted done because, as they knew, the push back would be early, strong and furious, if not violent.  They knew all that going in.  So they have been moving with persistence, assiduity and as much intelligence as they can muster to prevent opposition from gaining organizing ability, at least beyond local levels.

They have to shut down open communications on the web and the development of communications technology and things like games that develop skills that could be used in an armed conflict.

They’ve been less than assiduous and timely on this matter than I had thought they might be.  But just this week they have taken up this piece of their work with vigor, as they should, and indeed should have sometime since.

Expect net and phone communications significantly degraded/halted ahead of AUG10.

The current Army Chief of Staff, Casey, will do everything he can to further their efforts.

Company and Field Grade Officers are dithering, confused, aware of the Constitutional question but recoiling from the answer they know it has, the answer that drove the question.  Instead, they are focusing narrowly on daily responsibilities with the troops.

Crunch time is coming.

And for Truth, Goodness and Beauty, enjoy the picture of Sarah above and this excerpt of an immortal moment, Glenn playing Bach BWV 1052 with the NYPO for CBS’s Young People’s Concerts.

Βασιλεία του Θεού
Kingdom of God

Update 1: Caliphists, one is sure, look forward to duking it out with females for world domination.

Update 2: Despite guns and schools debate, participation on high school rifle teams is increasing


Orthodox Church, Turku, Finland
Orthodox Church, Turku, Finland

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