Response to Mr. Aziz Junejo

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.


Gina Lollobrigida
Gina Lollobrigida

You ask why Christian leaders have not condemned the editorial cartoons published in Denmark four months (!) ago and subsequently.

The answer is: because Christian leaders, to include the political ones, publicly label and even condemn their heretics and evil doers as not Christians and expect Muslim leaders to do the same with respect to theirs.

Muslim leaders do not do that. They remonstrate with heretical Muslims and evil doers about what is true Islam, but they do not publicly label or condemn them as not Muslims.

Why not? Afraid of them? Not sure of the theological grounds? Are they crypto-supporters (which you have to know is the general opinion outside the circle of Muslim spokespersons)?

That is the challenge Muslim leaders face, and until they conquer it, in their own sphere, they will get no help from Christian leaders beyond what they have experienced already, which is to say, compassionate dialogue … nothing. Certainly no support because Muslim leaders are seen to be temporizing, if not secretly supporting, their own heretics, who now as always (no matter their religious base!) are violent hegemonists.

Make the point that Islam is peaceful. That is correct. But unless you make the correlative point that the violent ones are not Muslims you will never be accepted in the community of religious leadership. In fact, you will be opposed, and not just by the religious leadership but also by the political.

This reality goes quickly to national governmental policy: unless you can convince government policy makers — regardless of party — in the Americas, Europe, Japan, Korea, India, Australia and New Zealand — basically, the industrialized English-speaking world — what terrorists really are, those policy makers will take down terrorists as categorically Muslims — meaning, Islam in general, as the cartoons imply — rather than discriminating, as is proper, between Islam, which is peaceful, as you say, and terrorists, who categorically are not Muslims, as President Bush says.

You have to say publicly and categorically that they are not Muslims. And you have to say what they are. Have you courage to say what they are? That question raises considerable doubt, especially after reading temporizing with evil such as you propose through the Seattle Times.

Muslims lecturing their violent so-called co-religionists are, in the old phrase, playing God with evil. God does not do that, but religious leaders, and not only of Islam, do that!

The terrorists are demonic clergy and scholars, aka tribal, clan and racial hegemonists, of both the Middle East and Africa. Terrorism is a misnomer, tragically missing the reality of those individuals and groups. They are fronting Islam as a cover for their own demonic personalities and hegemonist intentions. They are driven by Muslim-sourced petrol, trading and construction dollars.  They advance tribal customs as Islam.

Muslims qua Muslims in general do not support them? It appears they do!

Besides the Chinese and other communists, who have tactical but not strategic reasons for supporting them, who besides Muslims support demonic clergy and scholars of Arabia, Africa, Iran and elsewhere calling themselves Muslims?

Unless you can convince the aforementioned governments that there is a valid distinction between Muslims and demonic clergy and scholars standing up from so-called Islam, those governments will slice Islam willy-nilly because, without your help, they will not be able to see the distinction between Muslims and not Muslims who claim to be Muslims.

President Bush is right to go after those people, wherever they are, but he is wrong to call them terrorists. That is temporizing. They are demonic clergy and scholars, hegemonists of tribe, clan and race.  They are as far from Islam as dirt is from space.

I say this with the utmost urgency. The terrible destructive power of Latinate and Greek/Russian governments cannot be opposed by any power available to any Muslims, genuine or heretical.

Ultimately, the question is, who is right and who is wrong? The demonic clergy and scholars, the hegemonists, are wrong. Period. And they will be taken down by external forces if Muslims do not take them down themselves.

Oil is an issue now but will not be if Muslims themselves do not stop the hegemonists. The governments whose sovereignty is being threatened by those hegemonists will not stop until they consider themselves safe. Think Hitler and Tojo. They will pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship to defeat whatever they consider threatens their sovereignty. And they do not stop until success in their own eyes is achieved!

The hegemonists underestimate but genuine Muslims, such as yourself (hopefully), must not the radical asceticism those governments can summon to ensure their safety. It is in the culture of their religion and their constitutions, as you should know if you have studied them more than superficially.

At this time, only Muslims can prevent the deployment of that terrible asceticism, which cannot but succeed in achieving its goal, but at far, far greater cost to Muslims than is warranted by the truth. You must do that by taking down demonic clergy and scholars, the hegemonists, aka terrorists, yourselves (!), very, very, very quickly, Muslim against heretic and evil doer claiming to be Muslim. That is your challenge and I hope you can conquer it.

Convince those governments that they are other than terrorists of Islam. They are demonic clergy and scholars, the hegemonists of anti-Islam.

If you cannot do that, then it will be concluded that you support their aim of one world under Islam, something that will not happen, even with genuine Islam. Rather, this latest hegemonist threat arising from heretical Islam will be eliminated, and at great cost to genuine Muslims.


Allison Parks
Allison Parks

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