Mary’s Response (With My Second)

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.

Because of the professions our offspring practice and our eager, indefatigable, indomitable support for them and those professions, Mary and I often are targets for questions and statements seeming solicitous but laden with innuendoes of pretense of pity for ignorance and misfortune attributed to us, of accusation directed against us, of disharmony projected between us, of insult aimed at us, of ridicule meant of and for us, of duress wished upon us, of sedition sought from us and/or of gloating held over us.

To all such, Mary’s response, with my second, is:

I fear for the civilians who believe the Corporate Media, not for the soldiers, who know the truth.

Were the Armed Forces of the United States to not accomplish their missions today, we each would have our turn on the slaughterhouse floor. And there would be more than five of them. This is not fiction, it is actuality.


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