Exegesis Of The Name CAIR / Council On American-Islamic Relations

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.



The name The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) reveals the nature and agenda of the organization it names. The following is an exegesis of that name meant to reveal (literally, to pull back the veil) the nature and agenda of CAIR.

The primary intent of the name is to assert that America and Islam are comparable and equal entities. The secondary intent of the name is to assert that CAIR is the plenary authority for communication and, when necessary, negotiation between those entities.

In other words, the name asserts:

(1) that Islam is a sovereign nation comparable and equal to America (implied by the hyphen between the adjectives American and Islamic as well as by the syntax of the whole name);

(2) that CAIR represents the sovereign nation Islam is (in Al-Qaeda/Hamas parlance The Islamic Nation or Ummah) in relations with America (implied by the word Relations), and

(3) that CAIR adjudicates those relations as and when it, CAIR, is pleased to do so (implied by the words The Council).

But that is not all this organization asserts through its name. The name asserts even more, and more pointedly, by clever employment of an adjective known for ambiguous usage, the adjective American.

Common usage in the United States has the adjective American referring to a citizen of The United States of America, which is commonly thought of as a sovereign nation.

However, literally, and by its position and part of speech in the name of this organization, the adjective American refers to the Western Hemisphere, to The Americas, not to a sovereign nation called The United States of America.

The name of this organization uses the common referent of the adjective American, namely, The United States of America, to mask the organization’s intended referent for that adjective, namely, The Americas.

The name of this organization exploits the known ambiguity of the adjective American to prevent recognition of the organization’s nature and agenda.

In the mind of this organization, its name actually asserts:

(1) that a sovereign nation called The United States of America does not exist (nor does any sovereign nation excepting Islam);

(2) that the sovereign nation called Islam, alone, is comparable and equal to The Americas, and is therefore identical with The Americas (because to be equal things must be identical), and

(3) that beside the sovereign nation Islam is, there is no sovereign nation in The Americas, no sovereign nation standing on either the North American or the South American continents that together comprise The Americas (because only the sovereign nation called Islam exists at all).

Instead of asserting that Islam, which it claims to represent, is a sovereign nation within a sovereign nation, for example, The United States of America – already a megalomania of colossal scope – CAIR assays yet more and asserts that it represents the only sovereign nation, Islam, existing in the Western Hemisphere.

The Relations with The Americas CAIR claims plenary authority to conduct and adjudicate are the conversion, emigration or extirpation of every non-Muslim currently living in the Western Hemisphere.

CAIR is here to cleanse The Americas and is proceeding on that task with all deliberate speed and resources.

In the mind of CAIR, even now there is one sovereign nation in the Western Hemisphere and that is Islam, with CAIR serving as its intermediary to anyone not Muslim who lives in The Americas and is therefore by definition stateless, without citizenship of a sovereign nation.

The organization’s name pointedly threatens every political entity presently standing on the Western Hemisphere and considering itself a sovereign nation. The name threatens those entities by declaring them non-existent.

In its own mind, CAIR is not an organization in the common usage of that word. It is the plenary representative of the only sovereign nation and the only citizens existing in The Americas, namely, Islam and Moslems.

Conversion, emigration and extirpation are the nature and agenda of The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).


Certainly it is one way to annihilate one’s enemies, those non-Islamic entities considering themselves sovereign nations, to declare their non-existence, though whilst relating to them … ? The being of something must be affirmed just to declare its non-being.

The existential threat of non-being is a cause and object of anxiety even though non-being is not a reality and cannot be real, because it must be declared to be a something (i.e., non-being) in order for it to be declared a not something (whatever that could be, and if it could be named, such as the name non-being, it would have being and not be non-being … again, whatever that could be).

There is no avoidance or escape from the circularity of that paradoxical (meaning, outside duly accepted doctrine, unexpected) outcome to the effort to annihilate anything. To this end comes the whole panoply of Wahhabi doctrine.

Update 1: Why ISIS Is Irrational: The Asharite/Mutazilite Conflict

Update 2: Stephen M. Kirby: The Lure Of Fantasy Islam

Update 3: Counter-Terrorism: Fundamental Changes Inside Islam

Update 4: CAIR takes over Columbus, OH  Of course, not long after this article, the Salafist Jihad, which CAIR is and protects, struck Ohio State University … in Columbus, OH.

Update 5: Theological Explanations of Islamist Radicalism Deeply Mistaken, Russian Scholars Say

Update 6: Robert Spencer: 120 Members of Congress Send Letters of Support to Hamas-Linked Group



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