
In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.


An emotional/intuitive awareness is being suppressed all over the Latinate world — more accurately identified as the national products of Christian culture — and that is that sooner or later Muslims who do not swear and act sincere allegiance to the nation of their residence which is a product of Christian culture — e.g., all European and Western Hemisphere nations plus some Pacific Ocean nations — must be expelled from those nations because their agenda, implacable whether for abruptly now or patiently later, is to destroy the culture — Christian culture — which produced those nations, and thereby those nations themselves, so that the lands those nations presently steward can be reorganized from the base of Muslim law and a new, Muslim nation or new, Muslim nations be made steward or stewards of those lands.

The issue could not be more fundamental, in every direction and for all dimensions. It is real, not a product of fantasy.

Europeans came to this conclusion after the Battle of Tours, AD 732, although it took them another 400+ years — and the dawning in their consciousness that tribalism is destructive — to complete the job.

A sense of nations produced by Christian culture losing their get up and go derives from an awareness that very many in those nations are suppressing from consciousness the necessity for expelling, sooner or later, all but proved loyal Muslims from nations produced by Christian culture.

This fact is being suppressed because its reality exposes certain categories of thought cherished by many — to wit, soi-disant rights — as not based in reality, lacking what in philosophy is called fundamentum in re (foundation in being).

Update 1: Found crucifix shows Christianity in Viking Europe earlier than thought.


The Modern Woman

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