What They Really Mean To Say

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.

Howard Dean, John Kerry, John Murtha, the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, MoveOn, ANSWER, Jessie Jackson, George Soros, the M.L. King family and assorted humanists misspeak themselves habitually these days.

They mean to say that they support, cherish, are proud of and grateful to President Bush, Vice President Cheney, Secretary of State Rice, Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld, the Bush Administration, the United States Congress, the United States Judiciary, the United States Armed Forces and the citizens of the United States for protecting them, the Constitution of the United States and the universal Human Values of Truth, Proper Conduct, Peace, Love and Non-Violence from evil bastards, like themselves, all over the world, who aim to obliterate those very people, those same institutions and those specific values wherever they emerge.

Those who set their face against President Bush, against his leadership team, against the Congress or the Judiciary of the United States, against the Constitution of the United States, against the Armed Forces of the United States, against the citizens of the United States or against Human Values set their face away from God and towards self-destruction.

The Supreme Court of the United States has just affirmed that the GWOT is a war proceeding against an enemy of the state, not a crime proceeding against an enemy of society.

Hooray! That issue is finally settled, and that it was settled against their seditious affections has fundamentally distressed Howard Dean, the New York Times, George Soros, ANSWER, etc., so that they are trying to transform through shouting an affirmation into a rebuke! Very funny! In their hearts, the truth is they are grateful to President Bush, Vice President Cheney, etc.

Update 1: Randy Barnett and Josh Blackman: The Next [Supreme Court] Justices


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