Assessment, Letter From Iran

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.

The letter from Qom.

This is a formal war warning order or ultimatum, given in certainty of victory for decisive action that is fully planned, with start date.

It is thought by its author, an assassin posing as a clergyman, to be dictated by theological and diplomatic scruple: before attacking an enemy, give them opportunity to repent theologically to some religious/diplomatic point of view materially.

This ultimatum comes from Qom, where resides the chap who has convinced the Iranian assassin cults that he is the 12th imam, a messianic figure expected to end the ambiguity of existence, including history, by destroying his enemies and casting the whole of existence and history as the concretization of his heteronymous will, which is assumed to be without taint of injustice, finitude or impermanence.

The letter is signed by his spokesperson, the faux-president of Iran.

The context of this warning order is millenarianism, which is a faux-theological form of utopianism. More specifically, it is a type of messianic millenarianism. There are non-messianic types of millenarianism, such as, for example, Unitarianism, Communism and Fundamentalist revival movements (radical evangelicals) from which they derive.

The error of utopianism — which in this case derives from misunderstanding scripture — is its premise that unambiguous life is possible under the conditions of existence.

Communism, for example, is a form of millenarianism.  So was Nazism, Communism’s fraternal twin.

The potency of democracy is its premise that unambiguous life cannot be achieved under the conditions of existence but should be should be sought through to above the conditions of existence. Democracy is the concretization of theological truth in the realms of community, politics and history.

The ultimatum means that a period of time, probably no more than three months, has been set by the chap in Qom and if that ends without President Bush personally and as representative of the United States undergoing repentance and conversion to ayatollah-ism, specifically paying obeisance to the chap in Qom, the blow will fall.

Somewhere in the letter is the suspense date of the ultimatum which is also the commence date of the attack.

A blow on Israel should be expected, of course, but blows on the USA are even more likely given that the ultimatum is addressed to the President of the United States, not the Prime Minister of Israel.

There are indications in the ultimatum that blows in Europe also are planned. Though not specifically implied in the letter, India is a likely simultaneous target, particularly if Communist Chinese wishes in that regard made it into the plan of attack.

Blows against United States interests in Central and South America are planned in coordination with Iranian blows. The recent visits of Iran, Venezuela and Bolivia, Indonesia, Sudan, Nigeria and Communist China were for initiating decisive coordinated attacks on American, European and likely Indian interests.

It is accurate and therefore useful to replace the term Axis of Evil with the term Axis of Neo-Communism.

The posture of the Axis of Neo-Communism is rampant.

In the United States, a large number of members of the Democratic Party and its offspring and supports participate in that axis.

The Sorbonne’s loss as the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics it is trying to regain as a global union of socialist assassin cults.

The State of Israel and the energy supply line to Europe, United States and India are the obvious targets of choice.

However, Washington, D.C. at a time the majority of leadership is present there probably tops the list of targets.

Again, the ultimatum was addressed to the President of the United States, not to Exxon-Mobil, BP or the New York Stock Exchange.

The political leadership cadre is ever more powerful and therefore pivotal for the welfare of a nation than the business and industry leadership cadre.

Al Qa-ida attacks primarily business interests, thinking they are the pivotal power of a nation. UBL is a businessman. Al Zawahiri, a medical doctor, should know better but he either does not or is over-ruled by the business types in Al Queda.

The ayatollahs of Iran — really, assassin cult leaders — and the chap in Qom — also an assassin cult leader — are more insightful. They accurately see the pivotal power of a society as the political cadre.

So the attack should be expected to fall on that target.

The fact that they issue an ultimatum to a nation-state, a political entity, should be proof enough to anyone that the ayatollahs and the fellow at Qom are not clergy and do not represent Islam or any other religion.

Clergy do not issue ultimatums to political entities. Nor do they fight them. Reference Jesus the Christ and St. Paul on this subject, very clearly, without ambiguity. It is not done.

Update 1: Former Obama Intel Chief: Administration’s Iran Policy Is Willful Ignorance

Update 2: Senator Tom Cotton on Iran.

Update 3: Scott Johnson: John Kerry’s Absolute Idiocy

Update 4: Goodnight Vienna.

Update 5: Michael J. Totten really does not get Iran, but this of his is worthy of the exercise of criticizing and useful for historical content none-the-less.

Update 6: Jim DeMint on the deadly deal with Iran.

Update 7: Charles Hill On The Iran Deal

Update 8: Michael Ledeen: How To Defeat The Grand Bargain With Iran

Update 9: Is there a socialist/fascist government that has ceased to exist and been replaced with humane government of some sort without the application, from external source(s), of diplomatic, financial and/or military warfare?  Fascist propaganda has made Americans allergic to just the thought of war … all the better for fascists to rule them.  Perhaps it’s time to treat that thought as the pathogen it is.

Update 10: Sohrab AhmariThe 36-Year Project To Whitewash Iran

Update 11: Ayatollahs beat their chests on outwitting USA and Israel

Update 12: A side-point on this post: is it really true that Iran is the world’s largest state sponsor of terrorism, aka global Islamic hegemony by every means available? This statement is repeated again and again, seemingly everywhere, by everyone. Is it true? I do not know, but I suspect it is not true, and have no way to validate my suspicion.

I suspect al Saud is the world’s largest state sponsor of global Islamic hegemony (Caliphism), at least if large is taken to indicate monies spent and time-in-grade.

For example, who pays for the Islamic Centers, Islamic propaganda/information circulars/curricula and Islamic Studies Departments at … how many primary and secondary schools, colleges and universities around the globe? Who pays for the Islamic “prison ministries” in virtually every country not officially Islamic? Who pays for the madrassas in Pakistan, Afghanistan and elsewhere? Who is trying to bankrupt some countries while funding others as well as supposedly non-state actors?

Who fills the world’s media with continuous cascades of sanctimonious double-talk to justify global Islamic hegemony?

If my suspicion regarding the world’s largest sponsor of “terrorism” is correct, then a one-eyed laser-focus on Iran as the primary enemy of the USA in the ME flouts Von Clausewitz’ first rule of war, does it not?

Finally — and of this I am certain: in the ME, it is deeply and widely held as fundamental truth that the State of Israel birthed ISIS — which in the ME is deeply and widely hated by the generality — to cripple Arab freedom, independence and self-determination.

Update 13: Dick and Liz Cheney on Restoring American Exceptionalism

Update 14: Michael Doran on The Fraud’s strategy in re the Middle East:

You Should Really Read Michael Doran On [The Fraud] And Russia

Our Man In Moscow

[The Fraud’s] Secret Iran Strategy

Update 15: Not Just The Saudis: Iran’s Huge Role In 9/11 Also Covered Up

Update 16: John Bolton: How To Get Out Of The Iran Nuclear Deal

Update 17: It would be possible and fairly easy to refute Trita Parsi on his own thesis that ME is about strategic matters rather than ideological ones.  He wants to insinuate that the mullah’s strategic interests are misunderstood, benign, and do not conflict with USA’s (… Iran’s continued difficulties in translating its strength to regional acceptance … is a gorgeous dissembling).

Had USA a grand national strategic goal matched to her actual interests in the ME, Parsi’s thesis could be taken apart point-by-point.

But USA has no grand national strategic goal matched to her actual interests anywhere in MENA.  The nearest such is POTUS Trump’s aversion to endless wars around the planet.  But that is not a grand national strategic goal, much less one that comprehensively reflects actual USA interests.

The last strategic statement POTUS Trump’s administration produced was Mattis/Tillerson/USA foreign policy establishment (aka massed morons) boilerplate dating to the 1940s.  Worse than worthless.  With friends like the USA foreign policy establishment, who needs enemies?

The needed work actually has been done, however, even circulated, just not discussed.


Raquel Welch
Raquel Welch

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