The Movie “Munich”

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.


Responding, with further edits, to Scott Johnson on the movie Munich:

Merry Christmas and Holy New Year!!

Liberal Jews and probably others had hoped the Allies would give them Bavaria after WWII and were disappointed that it did not happen. Munich was to be their capital, as it is of Bavaria. The central enemy in the eyes of virtually every Jew is the Papacy. Since Bavaria is the Vatican fief of Germany, having been for very long, sitting down on Bavaria would have been sweet revenge indeed.

For example, Bismarck continuously worked the potential that Bavaria would align with Austria, also a Vatican fief. Additionally, the Austrian Corporal nested there.

Recent indications from the Iranian Lunatic that Israelis should live in Europe and specifically Germany echo this sentiment. It may have been widely expected, or hoped at least, in the Middle East following WWII, since Hertzl and his followers long since agitated Palestine and the Chanceries of Europe, especially in Great Britain, for “a homeland in Palestine.”

It is not unreasonable to speculate that the Munich Olympic hit was conceived as a bite on the wish of Jews to have been given Bavaria, and specifically Munich. The point being, no matter where you are, you will be shot. And in any case, HAHA, got you in your wanted home!

The hatred or at least dislike of virtually all humanity for Jews is not for Jews per se. It is for adamantine commercialism, the self-destructive denial of the holy in life, the profanizing of every thing, every animal and every person to a commodity, the denial of universal relatedness, of the Life of God.

Judaism is monolatrous, not monotheistic.  The earlier Hebrew Prophets failed to make Hebrew religion universal, God for everyone.  They tried.  After the return from Babylon, Judaism is God for Jews only … monolatry.

Jews specifically, and for millennia, are seen as representing that, and that perception is strongly accurate. No other group, as a group, has been so obdurate in its pan-commoditization as those who call themselves Jews are. Market economics is only a recent name for it: existence is selling so sell whatever exists.  Even Communism is market economics in a new direction.

The dislike or hatred for Jews has nothing to do with antagonism of religions, for Judaism is not a religion. It has to do with a denial of religion in favor of commercialism. The roots of that are in the denial of the paradox of Jewish and by analogy world history, that Jesus of Nazareth is the Christ of History.

Since the reality of that paradox, Judaism qua Judaism is a catastrophe and thus near universally disliked.

Nor do Jews only succumb to the elevation of commercialism to ultimate concern.  The Bard’s The Merchant Of Venice was banned in Nazi Germany because it is both sympathetic towards Jews because of persecution they stand to and opprobrious towards Christians for their elevation of commercialism to ultimate concern.

It is only because of the denial of the Christ because of that elevation that Jews suffer what is ultimately an unjustified opprobrium and persecution.



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