Dialectical Realism In Regard To Tribalism

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.


Triggered by a comment by our soldier son, that Moslems are passing off tribal customs as Islam, I am in process of a systemic reconsideration of the entire situation, which is obsolescing most of how I have taken the situation to this point.

My basic commitment to the Wolfowitz’s vision stands, but the analysis is at once far simpler, and subtler and, I hope, therefore, more reuniting of the English-speaking and other human-dominated nations than is Wolfowitz’s thought train.

The root of the problem is tribalism. Tribalism itself is the identity of the problem and its solution, through a dialectics I will call dialectical realism.

I think this language and its concrete factual and distilled theoretical supports will be helpful and palpably so.

Central elements of the solution to Middle-Eastern tribalism are:

(1) the observation that Baha’i is the only extant reform of Islam because it transcends tribalism, as Mohammed himself fought valiantly to achieve, and

(2) a recommendation that, accordingly, President Bush and his team in D.C. and our Coalition Forces on the ground in the Middle East enlist local Baha’is, including especially women (the only Semitic [Arab/Jew] women actually liberated by their Faith), to take indigenous leadership of the Middle East, probably for now excepting Israel but ideally including it.

(We cannot affect the internal structure of Israel at this point — or more accurately, have not chosen so far to do so directly. The Gaza pull out, of course, is part of Wolfowitz’ vision and of the President’s/Skull and Bones’ — and more is to come, as announced a year or more ago and perhaps not widely noted.)

Baha’i have the moral authority to calm down and democratically, non-misogynistically restructure the Middle East, to include both Arabs and Aryans (Iranians, Kurds and Afghans).

Reason: Baha’i is the only complete, extant and legitimate reform of Islam in the direction its founder intended and in accord with its nature as a religion.  Kurds would be allies of Baha’i, a key factor.

The individuals, both Sunni and Shiite, no matter where located, who represent themselves as clergy are tribal witchdoctors, bullies with imposing personalities and nefarious skills used and dedicated to imposing themselves on all.

We have plenty of those here in USA. And not only in the churches but also in the political and especially in the bureaucratic realms, calling themselves Left and Right. Until we sublimate factionalism, we are morally — and thus in every other way, including mundanes such as stock/commodity markets and pricing/distribution networks — vulnerable to successful attack, as is occurring.

In a word, I am no longer recommending the Hashemites as the first and/or primary hope for quashing the evil bastards from within the Arab/Persian orbit. Baha’is can do that because they have already religiously, culturally and morally transcended Arab/Aryan tribalism and thus reformed Islam, denying the tribalists legitimacy in indisputable words and example.

Baha’i are already the fruit of dialectical realism applied to Middle Eastern structures of culture. That fruit is present on the scene and should be distributed there as the needful nourishment it is.

Update 1: Reconstituting The Militia.


Baha'i Universal House Of Justice
Baha’i Universal House Of Justice

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