
In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.

Matter is a gross aspect of consciousness and consciousness is one name for the prius, which is also named truth and bliss.

The distinction between spiritual and material is artificial, a result of the epistemological phenomenon called delusion. Reality is non-dual (non-tri-al, etc.). The nearest we can say about it is that it IS truth-consciousness-bliss. But any communication of that reality, that fundamentum or prius, including the one just written, inaccurately represents it, because communication is dualistic, by nature, and thus cannot accurately express reality, which is non-dualistic.

When the thinker indicates, by their exposition, unawareness of the fact that the epistemological process by its nature yields a distorted view of reality, they are justly taken for less than educated. This is not uncharitable. This is necessary lest one’s own cognizing fall into the trap of unawareness — or as sages put it, let themselves get stood on their heads without their knowing it.

When people have lots of years under belts and continue to act unawareness of the distorting nature of cognition itself and have natural intellectual brilliance that is active, they frequently do wig out, do an Oppenheimer, jump beneath a subway as a result, really, of nothing more salutary than an inflamed cerebral condition. The annals of physics especially are replete with such cases. Physics as our society practices it is a disease communicated by madmen.

Bateson used the living ones at the VA Hospital in Palo Alto to do his research on schizophrenics, which was really development of systems theory, cybernetics. Bateson’s Naval Weapons Dept. systems theory discourses are elegant, beautiful stuff. Got me to write my grad thesis on congruence of systems theory and Old Testament theology. Cool paper for 1969!

The greatest sage can be upended in an instant, without even realizing that it happened. Even us! 🙂 Such is the power of delusion. The greatest emery of man is his own cognitive process because it, as the condition of its operation, posits a duality that is not real, that is artificial, an appearance (illusion).

Now, without that duality there is no dance and therefore no world. So it is not a bad thing. But it is an untrue thing. Being aware of this cosmic joke is the soul of wisdom. It keeps one from taking oneself too seriously, which is the essence of success.

Now, I did not have to tell you that, did I! Why did I? Delusion?

Update 1: Myron Ebell and Steven J. Milloy: Wrong Again: 50 Years of Failed Eco-pocalyptic Predictions



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