On Marx And Communism

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This article strikes me as wrong, through and through.

For one, it deals with Marx in characterizations of his thought and effects rather than in terms of his thoughts, their differences and effects from, say, those of Teilhard or Tillich and, more specifically on Marx’s personal point of rebellion — which was justified — against the essentialism of Hegel. In other words, the author is dealing with straw men more than with useful discussion.

Marx was an existentialist and cannot be dismissed on any grounds. To remove the heresy he represented and started, one has to attack his thought for its inadequacies while appreciating it for its strengths. Ultimately, his system is not systematic and, as history itself demonstrates, does not stand, but this does not mean his analyses in sociology and psychology, to name two areas of inquiry, are not useful and even to some extent valid.

Ultimately, Communism is a theological and religious heresy, as this author implies towards the end, but this only means Marx must be dealt with all along the line — and Communism as well — as heresy, in the technical theological sense of that term, and not merely as economic, sociological, psychological or political thought. Marx and Communism are serious cultural, religious and moral threats which, to be effectively destroyed, have to be beaten where they really live, on their own turf, in technical theological language, just as the Church answered the heresies of Arianism, Docetism, Pelagianism and, implicitly, Liberalism, in technical theological language.

For another, nearly all the names mentioned are Jewish. Why do we have to pay attention to Jewish blather, including the New York Times, the Washington Post and the Los Angeles Times? Judaism is not a religion, it is not a legal system, it is not an ethnicity, it is not a liturgy, it is not even a philosophy. It is an array of attitudes, catastrophic ones. What good comes from paying attention to those attitudes? It is a paying, not a creating, a waste of time, energy and money, not a synergy of thought, craftsmanship, construction, relish and self-satisfaction.


Sophia - 2007 Pirelli Caldendar

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