Don’t Do It: Stop Missionary Activity

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.



Stop Do-Gooding

Keep Your Hearts And Houses Clean

Every thing is misdirection.

Religion is an act of reuniting a person with the Ground of their Being, a personal self with their Essential Self, Who is Divine.

Missionary activity opposes Divine Wish, it is not good, it is wrong, don’t do it.

Duty is God, Work is Worship.

Schloss Vaduz, Das Fürstenhaus von Liechtenstein
Schloss Vaduz, Das Fürstenhaus von Liechtenstein

If Caliphist hate and violence mean one thing, other than that Caliphists deserve to be put down, it is that missionary activity, which they consider themselves doing, is evil.

Adherents of a religion, legitimate or not, who seek for their religion new adherents through conversion from other religions or from secular beliefs, that is, who engage in missionary activity, disgrace the religion they claim to represent and promote.

Missionary activity is divisive whereas religion is unifying.   Mission and religion are incompatible and do not co-exist.

In fact, religions do not co-exist.   People do, or should, but religions, if they are religious, have no “other” to co-exist with.   What is there more than unity?  What is beyond one?

Of such musings are my days comprised.

It is a sickness of the socialist heresy to be looking for “ways to pay back” what one has received in life.   It is all pretense, of course, to hide the real feelings, which are gloating over one’s acquisitions, greed for more and grasping tight so that nothing gets away or even diminishes.

What one has received in life one earned in the previous life, no more no less.   It is all one’s due, one way or the other, and who’s to say that riches or poverty are blessing or curse?

Fushimi-Inari Railroad Station, Kyoto, Japan
Fushimi-Inari Railroad Station, Kyoto, Japan

Do-gooders do bad.   They run over the backs of those they claim to help.   They force themselves on their targets.   That is wrong.   It assumes, first, that they know what they are doing, second, that their intentions are beneficial, third, that they have calling and justification to do-good, fourth, that they are empowered to disregard objections, fifth, that their actions have only foreseen consequences, sixth, that their targets will be improved by their actions, seventh, that their targets need to be improved by their actions, whether they know it or not or want to be or not, and eighth, that they are entitled to pick their targets according to criteria they alone, the do-gooders, wish and are able to mark up.

Conservatism isn’t going to wither on the vine and die, it’s what America is if by conservatism one means resolve to be self-sufficient through the exercise of inalienable liberty.  That is, liberty which inheres in the nature of personhood and cannot be eliminated or even thwarted unless the person who is it is.  And even thwarting can be temporary only.

My sense of developments is that a second party is emerging through the political muck.  Not a third party, a second one, or maybe a “new” one.  Something’s afoot, that’s certain.  And it’s far more than a traditional third party.  It’s more akin to the emergence of the Republican Party back in the day: something which transcended all current options and united some of them.

I don’t see it clearly enough to say what it is for sure.  But I can say emphatically that it is not a third party for the simple reason that there is at present only one party.  So another one, if it emerges, would make the second party, or the “new” party.  And it would, I am sure of this, comprise several elements of the spectrum of the one existing party.

If the historical parallel continues, a second party would induce, also, a war between its members and followers and the members and followers of the current sole party, who already are firing shots.  It would be a war to control the destiny of the US Constitution.  And the rumbling thunder of its artillery sounds to me not as “future” as the word “would” implies.

The root of a new or second party, its common source, is that ancient dedication of nature to nature, which is self-sufficient through intrinsic liberty.  Man is free or dead and will always be more free than dead because life is and man is the tip of the spear of life.


Sarva Dharma Symbol
Sarva Dharma Symbol

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