Central Insurrection Agency

Austin Bay:
Uncle Sam Needs You for a
Counter-Psychological Warfare Strategy

David R. Graham commenting on this
Walther’s Post article implies DoD installed Biden in White House or could do for another if they wanted. He has misread the situation. CIA installed Biden, not DoD. CIA did the election fraud, not DoD. CIA does the woke and cancel games. It’s called information operations.

CIA is more than an agency. It is a social circle self-aware as superior to any elected, appointed, or hired USG official.

I marvel that conservative pundits do not talk about CIA in all of this. CIA frightens them so much? And then we listen to their (pundits’) blather as if it is valuable to know?

Timur to David R. Graham
Historical context isn’t something mainstream conservatives have. For example, the CIA ran Buckley to head off the Birchers. Conservative pundits worshipped the National Review.

David R. Graham to Timur
They ran SDS for the same purpose but against a different target: Savio (also here). Probably they ran Weathermen to head off SDS and Afro-Caribs (Panthers, etc.). Details not all that important. Recognizing the pattern is what matters. CIA run agitations to topple or control foreign governments and movements everywhere in the world. They do the same to topple or control domestic governments and movements. Congress is terrified of them. So too POTUSs, except DJT and JFK.

Judge: In short, without law, virtues and due process, people become like wolves.

This is partly true. The complete truth is that only sustained and successful practice of the presence of God subdues ego, the wolf, which causes irrationality in a human, although not in a wolf.

The prius of peace is crucifixion of ego. Law helps, but religious practice, practiced to success, seals the deal. One can dance with law, but kissing is only with God.

Swen Swenson commenting on this
The Big Surprise is that David Solway didn’t slash his wrists after writing this. Unless he’s one of the people he describes who no longer believe in their culture and revel in the perception of impeding doom.

But seriously, unless you live in San Fran and spend your day dodging the turds and needles on your sidewalk, or work inside the wire at the capitol things really aren’t that bad relatively speaking. We’re not caught in the depths of the Great Depression, nor at war with other great powers. Our government has proven itself to be a pack of idiots, but they’ve been idiots for a long while, it’s good that they’ve been revealed. Think of it as something akin to a 12-step program, the first step is realizing that we’ve got a problem, and we’re there. Better yet, our government realizes they have a problem, hence the razor wire.

Every crisis is an opportunity. Be glad that the morons in Washington have overreached. Another generation of the long march through our institutions and they may well have succeeded in turning us into that glorious new People’s Republic they yearn for. But they’ve gone all in too soon and now they’re hiding behind their fences and troops. They know they’ve F’d up and clearly they’re not at all sure they’re going to get away with it.

The longer they stay behind the wire the better, because their challengers are out here kissing hands and shaking babies, and glad-handing the people who count the votes. Unless they figure out some way to appease the 75 million voters they’ve disenfranchised it’s likely a bunch of them are going to lose their jobs. Whether the people who replace them are better of worse, at least we have an opportunity to replace them on a scale we couldn’t have imagined a couple years ago.

Cheer up! Things have been worse and we may yet make things a whole lot better.

formwiz to Swen Swenson
Yes, Jeffery, reassure us that all we need do is endure another generation of the long march through our institutions. We’ll just glad-hand the people who count the votes and we’ll win next time.

Don’t fight back, whatever you do, right?

Timur to Swen Swenson
I’m optimistic too, but from the opposite perspective. America has engaged in socialist redistribution for nearly a century. It’s had self-declared communists in top positions just as long. Most conservatives, libertarians, and classical liberals beliefs and historical understandings are merely unpopular interpretations of old leftist propaganda.

Now, after a century of almost unchallenged rule, the American left is beginning to weaken and the masses are entertaining the possibility alternatives exist.

Swen Swenson to Timur
That’s pretty much where I’m coming from as well, hence the reference to the long march through our institutions. The Left thought they were that close to achieving their socialist dreams. After eight years of Obama they thought Hillary would seal the deal. She couldn’t lose! And then she did and she lost to a guy they couldn’t control.

If Jeb? had won they could have waited him out, he wouldn’t have been able to accomplish much and he’d have probably given them much of what they wanted. But they saw Trump as an existential threat who could set back their agenda for a generation or end it completely.

They panicked. They had to get rid of him, they did a lot of stupid shit, and they got caught. Nothing says “illegitimate government” like their razor wire and troops. Not only does it make them look stupid, it makes them look guilty and paranoid. A couple tweets by QAnon and some internet scuttlebutt from the Three Percenters had them freaked out last week. Best of all, they don’t have the foggiest damn notion what to do.

You don’t need a weather man to know which way the wind blows . . . .

Agenda 21, UNCED, 1992

We offer to God so many things, because it gives us pleasure. We offer flowers not because God doesn’t have flowers, but because it makes us happy. The word ‘leaf’ does not refer to tulasi or any other leaf. Our body is the leaf that is offered to God. Because this body is full of three gunas, we consider it a leaf and offer it to God. The word pushpa stands for the flower of the heart. The flowers we talk of in the context of God, do not refer to the earthly flowers which fade away. Similarly, the word ‘fruit’ is the fruit of the mind. It means that we must do our deeds without expecting any reward; and if action is done in that spirit, it becomes a holy sacrifice. Water does not mean that which is drawn from the taps. It refers to the tears of joy that spring from the depths of your heart. You should not offer leaves gathered from trees or flowers from plants in the garden or water drawn from the well or fruit got from somewhere else; but you must offer all these from the tree of your body, which is sacred, to God.

Donald Trump won the 2020 election for POTUS going away. He is POTUS until 20 January 2025 and presently in exile. That is the truth. Just stick to it and all will be well.

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