The Celtic Army And The Arab Army

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.



The Arab Army has never conquered the Celtic Army, even when the Arab Army was largely Celtic itself, as when fielded by Turkey, with its capital, Ankara, at an ancient Celtic center and a huge province once called Galatia (Gaul), to the Christian inhabitants of which St. Paul addressed a letter preserved in the New Testament.

Now the Arab Army are out to prove their valor, redeem their self-respect? As Muslims they could but they will not. As a military force? … as if!

Religions do not incite military actions. Immoral impulses incite aggressive military actions. Moral impulses excite defensive military actions.  Military actions can be compelled as reaction against immoral impulses, to uproot and destroy those impulses and the tyranny, heartbreak and bloodshed they cause, because of their immorality. But only immoral impulses can incite belligerent, aggressive military actions, that is, initiate them de novo.

This is the meaning of JihadJihad is a war of reaction against one’s own immoral impulses, not of action against an external enemy. Jihad is war conducted by one against one’s immoral impulses. Jihad is war by one to purify one’s own heart. There is no enemy outside one who could be an object of Jihad. The enemy is within one’s heart as immoral impulses against which one reacts, to uproot and destroy them. This is always the case. Every religion teaches so, no exceptions.

The Crusades were a very great success. They were not directed against Islam. They were directed against Arab and, even more so, Turanian, Imperialism operating in the name of Islam or simply conquest, which were then and are again today an oxymoron since religions cause neither imperialism nor military action. The Crusades kept open the lines of communication between Europe and the Orient and those lines remained open until sea lines superceded them. Arabs have never proven to be a staying power militarily. They are too hot to think and too short of water. Islam would never try to have military staying power, nor would any religion.  Only immoral impulses in the heart would do that.

Afghans and Kurds both are Indo-European (Aryan), not Semitic, and so it is far more reasonable for NATO to be in Afghanistan than it is for the Taliban (Afghan Arabs = Semites) to be there. Kurds in Iraq have been close friends, many Christian but that does not matter. They have been friends all the same whether Muslim or Christian, always dependable.

Turkey, nominally a Muslim country is deeply Celtic, even when Muslim, and so welcomed into NATO and probably soon enough into the EU. The Turkish-Kurdish fight is tribal and mostly intra-Celtic, not ethnic and certainly not religious sectarian.

In the Middle East there is no religious clash since religions do not clash. When there is clash in the Middle East it is ethnic, not religious. Clash in the Middle East is initiated by hyperthermic Semites, to include Zionists, against anyone they feel grumpy at in the instant and so, stupidly and unsuccessfully, try to banish from sight and intercourse.

There is a whole other dimension to the upset we are facing, however, and the key one this time around, trumping the ethnic and tribal dimensions — and certainly the political, military and economic dimensions — as the usual suspects regarding prime cause. This other dimension is the subtlest and therefore the decisive cause for purposes of analysis of this upset we are facing.

This other dimension is the effort of so-called ayatollahs and mullahs here and abroad, together with college and university faculties here and abroad (including through disciples such as George Soros) and Judaic and Christian so-called clergy here and abroad, to destroy the professions of arms (including police) and public service (excepting courts), although retaining the profession of law, and to deconstruct the vocations of industry (excepting non-factory agriculture), distribution and business by inciting intra-national and inter-national civil war.  Basically, they want 80% of the human population of the planet dead, gone and buried or incinerated.

These individuals do not envision any gain from their activity other than the satisfaction of forcing the world to acknowledge their utopian vision of legalistic pacifism as valid: If there is a problem, talk about it and make a policy to solve it and that solves it.  In other words, they are tyrants — reference George Soros’ down-forced open society. John Kerry is their ideal figurehead in this election.

Let us get the planet down to 20% of its present human population, they dream.  Of course the specifics of that 20% differ according to the elocutionist pressing it.  However, no elocutionist puts themselves in the 80% marked for elimination.  Nor do any volunteer for that privilege.  Strange.  Quite hetero.

Update 1: Global Divestment Day

Update 2: Murphy’s Law: The Realities Of Defense Spending

Update 3: Special Operations: What Makes It All So Special



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