After The Fall 2005 OIF Offensives And Hurricane Katrina

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.


Ultimately they are toast as long as we stay the course. It will be a first in Middle Eastern history, at least since the days the Greeks and then Romans subdued the fractious bastards.

This time the faction will be defeated at its root, the tribal cheats and idlers, aka clergy or better, witchdoctors. The prophets, especially Elijah, had this destiny for them in view.

The President is going to spend more rebuilding from Katrina than on OIF! People do not understand this man, a true aristocrat with the ideal of service and getting things done that need doing regardless of cost.

Roosevelt had the same philosophy and was both hated and loved and finally loved for it. It is correct attitude.

There is always a way to pay for whatever has to be done. Money is NEVER an issue.

But the $400B is not going to subsidize Africans, which apparently some have already noticed, so expect carping on that.

It will not happen. What is reasonable and prudent, yes, with some dishonesty as always with large expenditures, but no subsidies of the customary African morbidity. They will rebuild infrastructure first, then housing for working people, then improvements for infrastructure.

When you hear Jessie Jackson screaming that Africans are being left out, you will know that the right course is being taken.

This President will be remembered in history as next to Washington, Lincoln, both Roosevelts and Jefferson. Basically, a fundamental President who genuinely cared for the Republic and saw to its welfare effectively in the circumstances he faced.

Domes For New Orleans?

It would be nice if New Orleans were rebuilt with cement domes — indeed any hurricane area. Would it not be a fine place if built entirely with intelligence? Its legacy life-style is morbid, voodoo-based, worse than worthless. Domes would be ideal. A Hobbit Town, or, The Big Hobbit.

Interesting from a phylogenetic perspective that the gene pool of the life-style in that location (New Orleans = Haiti in USA) has been dispersed. Long term developments are best seen by coup d’oeil. Doubtful that gene pool will be allowed to reconcentrate there again. Rebuilding will be for affluent, actual (constructive) Americans primarily … of any complexion.

Little doubt how communities around the Old South and Texas/elsewhere feel being colonized by AIDS-bearing/AIDS-prone, medication-deficient, Africans accustomed to subsistence as preferred life-style and omni-rape/omni-loot when opportunity beckons.

At the very least, in the absence of the welfare-driven medication cocktail, the HIV virus will mutate toward medication-resistance and, combined with the copulation habits of its bearers, will drive the infection rate up, probably strongly in fact but not in press reports.

Suspect Hispanics will now largely replace Africans in New Orleans. Even WA, with Kerry/Sharpton Democrats firmly in control, does not really want those disease/anti-culture vectors.

Frankly, I find all of this fascinating to observe. It took Europeans 1500 years or so to rid themselves of non-human genetics, such as the propensity for torture, the habit of faction, the squalor of lassitude. In the event, they could educate a very few who bore the defective genetics, improving their genetics over time, but most they were obliged to abandon to self-destruction or extirpate.

It is just really interesting to watch this phenomenon being applied now gradually to a demographic in the USA. I believe a Democratic Administration would do essentially the same as this Republican Administration in re rebuilding.

Abandonment to self-destruction and extirpation of African demographics in some places, especially Africa, BY Africans, has been policy for decades, even centuries. Religion is not a factor in that, heresy (voodoo) is. The decision has been made to give Arabs one more, and probably last, chance to come to their senses. That is the phylogenetic meaning of Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Observing Effects Of Katrina

Interesting side effects to Katrina:

1) semi-permanent dislocation of @ 100k people, primarily poor, uneducated, unskilled, black. Recipient communities less than thrilled at prospect of
these people moving in.

2) approx. 10k people dislocated have HIV+. Poor access to drugs will help develop further resistant strains; inevitable coitus will surge general HIV infected population.

3) likely rebuilding of at least select areas with upscale business/living space will assist in further black-flight. This is the hopeful scenario. A more pessimistic outlook involves further degradation of that region.

4) assuming hopeful outlook and positive rebuilding, establishment of a Latino immigrant population in the region resulting in further tension between them and remnant blacks.  Also, perhaps, East Indian influx.

Will be interesting to see what happens. Did you read what happened before the National Guard was sent in? Almost instant expression of latent African customs/traditional ways-of-life such as gang-rape/murder, homosexual paedophilic rape/murder, heavy drug use, etc.

Only stopped when rifles were pointed at them.

Wonder if that happened in Austria when they got flooded out a couple years back? Eh, no. Different customs.


Concur on all observations on effects of the Diaspora of those evil bastards. Their customs are voodoo-driven and the centuries have shown — e.g., English horror recently of traffic in boy body parts to be carried in their juju bags — that almost all of that genetics, even partially, are practioners and will not under any circumstances — education, affluence, true religion, death by war or pestilence — foreswear it. Voodoo is an irredeemable theological heresy.

Kofi Anan is an example of how high voodoo can reach, how extensive is its presence among Africans. Title, education and prestige only give it more sway. Voodoo through his practice is the reason the UN collapsed. Before him, the UN was an admired organization that did good work and did not try to subjugate its members, as Anan tries, through voodoo.

Arabs, while not practicing voodoo, are mostly driven by their own irredeemable theological heresy and so similarly committed to cheating, idling and implacable violence. They have been so since the days of Ishmael. The Old Testament, which they revere, says so.

This is the central problem facing man now in re both Africans and Arabs. What to do with them?

At the moment at least, man has decided to try once more to beat sense into the Arabs and, hopefully and haphazardly (two dubious activities, on principle), to restore true Islam, which has theological validity.

The behavior of the Africans at New Orleans has resolved man that their genetic strain is useless and implacably dangerous and therefore must be extirpated.

This is a reversal of man’s resolve for the past 50 years, which was to save the African genetic strain by co-mingling it with others, especially Euro-American. That policy proved minimally productive, for several reasons.

Three options now are available. Disease (by neglect), starvation (forced if not natural, meaning, by their own leaders) and slaughter.

The third option is unpalatable on large scale but has already occurred on small scale and will continue while being augmented, effectively, through application of the first two options. Disease and starvation are already being applied, as you note.

Gradually and inexorably these options will have their effect. Both Democrats and Republicans are now and will continue applying them. All racial sheafs will apply them until Africans are no more on any continent.

If Arabs do not come around through this latest missionary effort, they will become object of the same resolve now focused on Africans.

However, if that becomes necessary, slaughter will be the first option, and widely used, since Arabs are more cunning, pro-active with respect to their heresy and affluent (petrol-dollars) than Africans are and, therefore, more dangerous, as experience indicates.

These problems will be eliminated within your life-time, so there is no need to worry. Arabs and Africans are not on the brink of any kind of success.

Austrian behavior after their floods is from different genetics, including religious genetics, which cause the customs. In the Africans’ case, the genetics is a deformed religion named voodoo and a physical genetics tipping towards Pyrrhic instability.

Some genetics cannot stand the truth.

European tribes had to extirpate from their midst genetic strains that could not embody the truth of Christianity, which in the realm of politics drives towards the reality of the sovereign nation state.

In other words, truth drives beyond tribalism, which is the bane of any era, including this one.

Mohammed tried similarly in Arabia Deserta but not so successfully.

Periodically an African tries to drive beyond tribalism — e.g., Malcom X — but the Africans themselves will not tolerate that effort, refusing to lift themselves above tribalism.

New Orleans Apres Le Deluge

For what it might be worth, this fairly summarizes my observation of the situation in New Orleans:

However, my analysis goes a bit further. I think that slavery, welfare (a form of slavery) and the diet of the large majority of Africans, regardless of country of origin, as with North Koreans who are not members of the NK Armed Forces, has produced irredeemably genetically defective demographics that never will be able to take care of themselves and can be relied upon to bleat violently when they feel deprived of accustomed habits, all of which are anti-vital.

I suspect large Arab populations are in the same condition, both Sunni and Shiite, and I am certain their cheats and idlers claiming status as clergy intend to keep them thus, as political fodder. Example of that in the news recently is Sadr, who probably had his thousand supporters killed in stampede on the bridge in order to set up a condemnation of the Iraqi government.  Sadr routinely has electricity and water lines blown to keep his followers relying on him and thinking government is impotent.

We have in this country a very large, very useless and permanently dangerous demographic of mostly Africans who never will deserve the honorific of American Africans. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton speak for them. France, Germany and England have some or many of these plus, variously, very many additional masses of Arabs, North Africans and Pakistanis in the same condition. And our population of the latter grows daily, along with Australia’s, where also Chinese flood in. This is not kindness or even mechanism for keeping wages and benefits low, which traditionally is the reason for US immigration policies. It is vote buying that is national suicide. We cannot maintain Haitis and Sadr Cities in our midst and expect a happy result.

If the images coming from New Orleans, whose nickname (The Big Easy) eloquently identifies the problem, have impressed Americans and the world with anything conclusive, it is the utter uselessness and undeservedness of the large majority of American Africans. This realization will surely inform policy during the years ahead. No American again will trust Africans who are not identifiable as Americans, that is, adhering to the principle of self-reliance and its indispensable condition of fullest possible education from earliest to latest years.

The root of the African distortion, as revealed apres le deluge in New Orleans, is voodoo, which is an appropriation of Christian ecclesial and liturgical symbols to give an appearance of religion to Afro-Caribbean cannibalism.


A friend mused about whether this aspect of the story would have any legs in the liberal media. I replied as follows:

Liberalism is the doctrine of individual freedom, which New Orleans rather concretizes. So I would expect no legs for this aspect of the New Orleans story in the liberal media. On the other hand, I expect that here and there pulses of common sense will burst through the doctrine and produce at least an intellectual disorientation for some of its proponents.

The doctrine is not wrong per se, it is incomplete and therefore stupid and destructive when promulgated alone.

Freedom is one side of the polarity of freedom and destiny. This polarity is an element of universal structure.

Liberalism is destructive because it wants to deny its polar opposite, without which it cannot exist.

There are givens (destinies) and there are freedoms (opportunities) for every individual being, human and otherwise, and for every process. Without the factor of destiny — for example, the chemical, physical and genetic bases of life — there is no freedom, nothing to work with; and without freedom — for example, the capacity to create what does not exist — there is no destiny, nothing to work for.

Any proposal to eliminate one side of a polarity is stupid and destructive, as we see with liberalism, and also with forms of conservatism, such as fundamentalist Islam/Christianity, Science, etc.


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