Liberal Philosophy

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.


Liberal philosophy is unable to cope with evil, with radical resistance to reunion.

Liberal philosophy has difficulty enough admitting the need for punishment of criminality, which is relatively superficial behavior in that it originates as insolence towards the law and law-keepers rather than as structural pursuit of non-being.

Evil originates in the abyss of irremediable despair. It is radical resistance to reunion at all, and in particular to the reunion of man’s existence with his essence, his actuality with his reality. Evil is a result of life without faith and since faith, when it occurs, is a given by Grace, not an accomplishment, evil is evidence of an effective presence often called Providence.

Punishing evil doers — that is, hoping to remediate them by bringing them to their senses — is a waste of time because punishment cannot reach the root of their deformity, which is their structural pursuit of non-being.

Destruction only has the potential to remediate evil doers. That is, relieve evildoers of this existence, this embodiment, so they might have a chance at one more auspicious. Liberal philosophy can never accept destruction as potentially constructive. It cannot cope with evil doers such as today’s plethora of counterfeit college and university professors, clergy, politicians and journalists.

Illustration of these points is liberally dispensed here.

Liberal philosophy (called Democratic Socialism in Europe and personified by Chirac, Schroeder and EU bureaucrats) derives (via the heresy of Communism and the apostasy of Fascism and, specific to the United States, Unitarianism and Transcendentalism) from the left-wing Radical Evangelical churches of the Church Reformation and Renaissance of Christian culture during the 16th Century and following.

The axial assertion of Liberal philosophy and its ancestors is perfectionism in both the personal and the communal aspects of man’s life. This assertion depends on an assumption of a decisive regeneration and transformation of man to his own essential nature within history, here and now, by the Holy Spirit (Radical Evangelicals) or by Government through Education (Communists, Fascists, Unitarians and Transcendentalists).

In this regard Liberal philosophy is akin to Judaism and Masonry, which explains:

(1) the leadership of Jews and Masons in communist/fascist/liberal/progressive/socialist orbits;

(2) the reverence for Judaism among modern descendants of Radical Evangelicals, so-called Fundamentalist or Evangelical Christians;

(3) the claim of Judaism and Masonry, based on taking the Law not as expression of man’s essential nature but rather as commands, to priority and therefore superiority over Christianity — a claim that depends, ironically, on a priori acceptance of the Christian Gospel since only in the grasp of the Spiritual Presence, the New Being, which is Jesus as the Christ (The Messiah), does freedom exist to take the Law as expression of who man is rather than as command to what he should do.

Liberal philosophy (Social Democracy), like Radical Evangelicalism, Judaism, Masonry, Communism, Fascism, Unitarianism and Transcendentalism, is unable to cope with either the paradox or the ambiguity of the churches, of existence. It is unable to cope with evil, with radical resistance to reunion.

Update 1: Fred Siegel: The Godfather Of American Liberalism


Loch Lomond
Loch Lomond

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