Biblical Literalism

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.



Discussing the internet hoax about the Koran containing a verse that specifies the date of the air attacks of 11 September 2001 on the United States:

This is an excellent example of how “proof texting” from Sacred Scripture — any religion’s Sacred Scripture — is always a dicey business, even when done by experts and scholars. Especially! when done by such types!!

The propensity for tendentious activity along with faked citing of sources to support it is a constant danger, and no matter the “caliber” of the circles in which it occurs.

Witness the eminent scholars, jurists and scientists who assert the infallibity of Mr. Darwin’s theories and the non-person-hood of a fetus (aka a person), meaning, in their parlance, a piece of organic material inside another piece of organic material (aka a mother) and having some relationship, though unnecessary to consider, to another piece of organic material (aka a father).

Really, the canonization of Mr. Darwin’s theories — and they are just that — and the anti-family agenda are of a piece and originate in the queer orbit, whose central interest is propagation of misogyny and elimination of humans.

Both the Arab tribal witchdoctors (clergy) and their opponents in the religious right as well as their supporters in the religious left here and in Europe, Canada, Australia and New Zealand proof text their assertions dishonestly, and even more so, ignorantly.

People tend to assume that those who call themselves clergy and/or religious scholars deserve to be regarded as such, their activities and opinions respected above others’. Such is now almost never justified.

The more prominent a clergy of any faith, the more corrupt and lying they are. This sounds counter-intuitive but one can see the reality of it in events themselves.

Most people now do not look at phenomena, events, but rather they look at verbal structures, emitted words. They take what is said about an event to be the reality of the event rather than the nature of the event itself.

So they are easily misled by the witchdoctors of all religions — and virtually all the clergy who are known as such are just that. And to do that misleading, they quote Sacred Scripture, make it up as if it is a quote and mangle it in exegesis (interpretation). This is occurring in all religions.

For example, in witchdoctor-impelled Islam, Jihad is presented now as killing Christians, Hindus and apostate Mohammedans. Jihad really means making war on the evil impulses in one’s heart, by prayer and fasting and doing good deeds (charity).

In Christianity, loving God means simply that, directly and unequivocally and with the passionate simplicity of a child, but clergy say it is attending church, participating in the worship life of the faithful — their code for putting money in the offering plate.

(Donating money to a religious organization should never be allowed in a service of worship but rather should be in another room where people can go to it, or not, unobserved and make their donations, if they freely choose to do so. And the money should go 100% to truly helping the truly needy, not the professionally needy, such as the homeless and the hungry. The truly needy are those beset by natural disaster, not those beset by problems of their own making — laziness, ignorance, dishonor, drugs, dishonesty and crime.)

Rare indeed is the opportunity to understand Sacred Scripture from one genuinely (non-egoistically, non-financially, anonymously) learned in the same.

The greatest exponent of Christian Scripture in the history of the Church, after Jesus and Paul, is St. Jerome. Then Augustine — with some reservations — then Bonaventure and Teresa of Avila, then Luther and Calvin and Madam Guyon and then Paul Tillich and Teilhard de Chardin.

My counsel is, to grasp our Christian Scripture, read carefully and with research oneself — God speaks directly into the heart of the serious learner, without intermediaries — and then or simultaneously — suiting one’s taste — read Jerome and among the others as one is inwardly led.

Do not read literalistically. Understand biblical language as existential, symbolic, parabolic and/or — very rarely — allegorical. The important — existential — things of life cannot be discussed directly.  They must be discussed symbolically or parabolically, and that is how all Sacred Scripture proceeds and must be read and understood, therefore.

Islam is a legitimate religion, as is Christianity. The Arab and African tribal witchdoctors who claim to represent Islam or Christianity do not.

All religions have the same goal, the Presence of God, which is taking God as the center of the self. Anything otherwise is propaganda from someone seeking name, fame and wealth by attracting devotees. It is not religion.

As Barnum said, “There’s a sucker born every minute.”

One’s own effort to understand Scripture is the best course, using all the research tools on which one can lay hold, and then simply in quiet allowing God to speak to one in the deep, calm, silence of one’s heart. The heart is His home, His Sanctuary. He lives there and so is most easily, readily and directly contacted at that address.

Update I: Global Divestment Day

Update 2: Massive Genetic Study Reveals 90 Percent Of Earth’s Animals Appeared At The Same Time


Eilean Donan
Eilean Donan

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