Time To Beat Down The Insurrection

One God – One World
One Race – One Caste

This insurrection has gone on long enough. Time to put a stop to it. This is your Christmas present, the Presence of The Christ. Just do it. Wherever and whenever you meet its practitioners, flatten the insurrection. Beat them down in whatever manner appeals and is available to you. This will stop the insurrection.

The Judicial Branch has abjured responsibility for the insurrection. The Legislative Branch has abjured responsibility for the insurrection. That leaves the Executive as the only Branch of government left to foster Americans’ will to face and flatten the fury of the insurrection. The insurrection’s chief weakness is its ferocity. Americans’ will to finish off that ferocity is indefatigable and indomitable. It is the will of God.

The Executive Branch comprises mostly individuals in their agencies who foster the insurrection. Today’s POTUS, not alone in government but close to it, fosters Americans’ will to flatten the insurrection. The insurrection is mounted against Americans by foreigners — ChiComs, Moslem Brotherhood/Iran, WEF — through their US IC-FPE proxies.

So matters stand this Christmas Day,
Anno Domini 2020.

Sundance: Prepare

Seth Hancock: World Economic Forum: The Great Enslavement

When Christ was born, three kings came to see the infant. One of them declared that the child would be a lover of God. The second one said that he would be the beloved of God. The third one declared that he was God. A lover of God is a messenger of God. The one whom God loves is a ‘Son of God’. When one experiences both of these, he becomes one with God – ‘Father and Son are one’. Therefore, at the outset you must prepare yourselves to be messengers of God. This means that you should live up to the message of God. The message calls for service to all. Compassion, morality and integrity are essential elements in the message. In propagating this message faith in God should be promoted. Love should be the watchword. The absence of love gives rise to hatred. Today there is no unity among the people. Without unity how can there be bliss? Without bliss how can anyone experience God?

Βασιλεία του Θεού

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