Faith And Fear At A Time Like This

One God – One World
One Race – One Caste

When faith in proper conduct is lost, fear becomes pan-optic. Guaranteed income / universal basic income is an intending ruler’s fear response to knowing they have been acting improperly and can be overwhelmed at any time by those they intend to rule. Lose faith in God’s having your back — and acting improperly in consequence — and you fear everything. This is unsurprising.

Sometimes God has a funny way of getting done what needs doing. Sometimes people do too. Go with it, and do what you believe needs doing. Life in this world is a hospital. When you get well, you will leave it. This is another way of stating Augustine’s famous dictum: Love God and do what you want. Another way to state this fact is, support and trust Dharma and Dharma will support and trust you.

Hope in God and the inevitable victory of proper conduct (Dharma), not in man or his institutions. God’s ways are often funny, but He always has our backs. Put hope where it will not burn and can not crash.

Men become tyrants when they lose faith in God. Then their fear becomes pan-optic and they repress and oppress pan-optically. Loss of faith in God and proper conduct is the cause. Luther: we are saved by Grace through faith.

God has your back no matter what happens, and it goes a lot easier for you if you maintain faith that He does. He does. Proper conduct is the strength which holds your consciousness bound to that truth. If you lose faith in God, you lose all strength. Be strong, have faith in God, not man or his institutions. Be in for the long play. God is. Then trust Him.

Idols are inert in nature and do not possess the qualities of compassion, love, etc. It is for this reason that some people are against idol-worship. This is ignorance. Are you not worshipping the pictures of your parents and grandparents? Do these pictures have life in them? No. Nor do they have the qualities of compassion, love, sacrifice, etc. Then what is the point in worshipping them? It is through these pictures that we are reminded of their virtues and ideals they stood for. Take for instance a hundred rupee note. There is neither life nor virtues of love or compassion in it. Yet people love it and would like to possess it. Money is valuable because it bears the government’s seal. Similarly, we respect the national flag for the value it stands for, though it is merely a piece of cloth, which is inert. If idol worship is considered foolish, then the same should apply to love for money and respect for flag, which are also lifeless. Man’s beliefs are based on his likes and dislikes.

Βασιλεία του Θεού

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