Helpers Become Harmers, Need Help

Robert Belvedere’s The Camp Of The Saints is a regular visit of mine.  Sometimes I offer comments.  This recent post of his, quoting Jimmy Bise of The Sundries Shack, prompted a comment from me, as follows:

As I see it, Bise has it almost right.

It is true that the “Democratic Fascist Socialist Workers Beta-Males Feminazi Party” gins up its base by spreading fear of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy (i.e., the Republican Party).  However, it is not true that the party’s leadership, at any level, believes that lie.  Their extent and rate of success argues that they see all the real negatives of the Republican Party — and the American voter! — and calculate accordingly, with steady, seemingly ineluctable success.

They are not entirely Beta-Males, therefore, unless one assumes that promiscuity is a beta profile, which is not an unwarranted assumption, although it deserves demonstration.

What Bise is not observing in this quote, as I see it, is the fact that the leadership of the “Democratic Fascist Socialist Workers Beta-Males Feminazi Party” calculates that, whether or not their propaganda achieves its objective, their grip on the levers of power is so fierce and exhaustive that they need have no concern for the American voter and can take as many gratuitous five-beer whizzes on said voter as they wish and as they have been doing over and over again with the utmost delight, savoring their sadism.  They enjoy punking the American voter, whom they in fact scorn, and see nothing to restrain their continuing in that act, least of all the Republican Party, which is complicit in said punking.

During the 18th and 19th Centuries, it was, generally, family-owned corporate (including religious corporate) interests which kept numbers of people in small lives toiling to support owners’ large ones.  Gradually, voters led by clergy and academics used unions and governments to gain leverage on owners (who included husbands), and for several decades some balance of back and forth, the ordinary push and pull of life that is essential to providing society’s peace and freedom, obtained generally.

(Heraclitus: “War [conflict] is the father of all things [including peace and prosperity].”)

That balance has been undone by the same people (clergy and academics) and groups (unions and governments) who made it.  Moreover, not only have they got virtually all groups to follow them to one end of the balance bar, undoing the balance, they have actually lifted that bar (free associations and governments) off its fulcrum (justice) and broken it in pieces, casting it away by the specious argument that its presence is mooted by their omniscience, omnipresence and omnipotence … aka power trip.

The “Democratic Fascist Socialist Workers Beta-Males Feminazi Party” (I like that designation) claims to be God, or at least enough god for voters to adore and fix loyalty upon in perpetuity.  Their error is not in the political dimension.  It is in the spiritual dimension, which is far larger and more compelling than the political dimension (cf. Hegel and his students Marx and Kierkegaard, and also Nietzsche).  This is the fact Bise appears to have observed not.  It is the fact which makes the situation far more dangerous than Bise ruminates upon in this statement by him.

The fulcrum of justice, thankfully, is immovable, being an aspect of the Divine Base, and today a new balance bar to be placed on it is under construction.  Following an effusion of blood and tears, and long, hard work (Heraclitus’ “war”), that balance bar will rest atop the fulrcum of justice, which has not moved and never will.  Then the ordinary push and pull of life will produce its moments of peace, its experiences of prosperity (balancings of life’s polar opposites) here and there, comme il faut.

Update 1: The Myth of the Peaceful Woman


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Hanuman Sets Lanka On Fire

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