An Era Of Sanathana Dharma

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.



History has undergone a change of era. It started in the mid-1980s and, like a fan spinning gradually up to speed, will become increasingly established and therefore evident over the next years and decades and centuries. It will last for many centuries. I do not know the actual count.

It is an era of peace and prosperity. It is an era in the grasp and under the direction of the Divine Mother. It is the era humanity has been yearning for since millenia.

So far, few have recognized that an era change has occurred. It is safe to say, however, that all have felt it, especially evildoers. This era does not suffer under their intentions as the era just passing has suffered. History is reaching a preliminary fulfillment in this era that is now onsetting. The teleology of life is actualizing itself in these days and days to come.

The essential characteristic of this era is Sanathana Dharma.

We may ask whether there is a text that illumines and guides this era. There is such a text. It is Ramakatha Rasa Vahini by Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba and translated by Professor Narayana Kasturi. This text is The Rama Story, Stream of Sacred Sweetness.

Ramakatha Rasa Vahini is the normative Sacred Scripture of the era of Sanathana Dharma that is onsetting.

Sanathana Dharma does not eclipse the religions of man, especially the five great religions, Hinduism, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, Islam and Christianity. Nor does Ramakatha Rasa Vahini elipse the value and validity of the Sacred Scriptures of the religions of man, including those of the great five just mentioned.

However, because of the change of era, now none of the religions of man can be directly practiced. Only the eternal religion of Sanathana Dharma can be directly practiced during the era that it defines.

The religions of man have fulfilled their unique, inspired missions. This means that none of them has a unique, inspired mission to fulfill. This reality is illustrated by the silliness, on the one hand, and the intemperance, on the other, into which the leaders of the religions of man have constrained themselves and defrauded the yearning for God. They welcome into their association those who do not belong to it and they exclude from their association those who do. They illustrate in this way that the religions of man have fulfilled their unique, inspired missions and therefore cannot be directly practiced.

The religions of man have now, however, the same indirect mission, which is to serve, when clarified, as support for the actualization of Sanathana Dharma. Inspiration and uniqueness are focused now to a preliminary fulfillment of history as an era of Sanathana Dharma.

We may ask how the religions of man may be clarified so that they may serve as support for the onsetting of Sanathana Dharma. The answer is multiple since the activities of these religions are many and each of those activities requires careful, skilled attention in order to be clarified.

In the beginning is the Word (Logos, Reason). The universe proceeds from the primal sounds which, when concretized as words, comprise Sacred Scripture. Since the Sacred Scripture of the era of Sanathana Dharma is Rama Katha Rasa Vahini, all activities, to include clarifying to usefulness the legacies of the religions of man, must be correlated with Rama Katha Rasa Vahini. Whatever in the religions of man correlates positively with this Scripture is usable and should be fostered. Whatever in them correlates negatively with it is unusable and should be discarded.

Let us give some examples. These activities of the several religion require correlation with Rama Katha Rasa Vahini.

Sacred Scripture
Liturgical Music
System of Education
Academic Curriculum

Here is such a correlation of Christian Scripture.

Here and here is such a correlation of the Christian Liturgy.

Here is such a correlation of Christian Hymnody.

Not intentionally but accomplishing the purpose, the work of Giovanni Pierluigi da PalestrinaAntonio VivaldiJohann Sebastian BachLudwig von BeethovenJohannes BrahmsCesar Auguste FranckLeopold StokowskiGeorge GershwinMarcel DupreRosalyn TureckSviatoslav RichterOlivier MessiaenKarl RichterGlen GouldHenry Mancini and Ennio Morricone are such correlations of Christian Liturgical Music.

Here are such correlations of Christian Art.

Here is such a correlation of Christian Education.

Here is such a correlation of the Christian and Universal Academic Curriculum.

These correlations reflect the authority of Sanathana Dharma as definer of the era that is actualizing. Theologians of each religion of man unanimously recognize and assert that authority. Sanathana Dharma is the content of their responsibility.



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