Contra Principia Negantem Non Est Disputandum

As Is The Feeling,
So Is The Result.

  • Jill St. John
  • Jill St. John
  • Jill St. John
  • Jill St. John
  • Jill St. John
  • Jill St. John
  • Jill St. John
  • Jill St. John
  • Jill St. John
  • Jill St. John
  • Jill St. John
  • Jill St. John
  • Jill St. John
  • Jill St. John

With one who denies fundamentals,
there is no discussion.

Just say it, Ed: he was shot by the CIA masterminding a hit executed by LCN, Chicago Chapter mainly. And when Hussein Obama says We can send SEALs to remove POTUS Trump from the White House, the We he means is the CIA, whose progeny Hussein is and whose current executive formation-of-choice is DevGru (ST6). Hussein is doing battle prep for his mentor, and for the same act masterminded by that mentor in re POTUS Kennedy, only by fielding a different executive to do it.

JFK’s fault was wanting to be POTUS. He did not come from a good family. He was right about the CIA comprising evil persons of an un-American posture. DJT has never wanted to be POTUS. To this day he does not want to be POTUS. Events the work of evil persons convinced him he had to step in and try to right the condition of the ship of state, which, as he says, is a disgrace because of those evil persons.

A man’s personal habits are at issue only if he wants a position of public trust, only if he is ambitious. A volunteer is another matter altogether, and there the saying applies: never look a gifted horse in the mouth. I would guess Harvard is winding up to rename the school and rescind or demur its namesake’s degree.

The convocation in hermitages marked the close of a sweet chapter in life when ideals to be pursued in later years were implanted. The advice given by gurus during convocations was, “Consider mother as God, consider father as God, consider teacher as God, and consider the guest as God.” Follow this fourfold exhortation with full faith in its validity, derive bliss therefrom and inspire others by your example, so that the Motherland may progress and prosper. Your parents are sacrificing their comforts and even necessities in order to ensure your progress. It is your duty to revere them and make them happy. First, render your homes bright by pleasing your parents. Do not be arrogant towards your parents because you have studied a few things. Engage yourselves in acts that others will respect and not in acts of which you feel ashamed. Do not allow your minds to get agitated with limitless desires. Love your native land. Fulfil this desire of mine, with My blessings!

Βασιλεία του Θεού

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