Religion And Faiths

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.



There is only one religion, the religion of love. In mankind’s most ancient and only universal Scripture, Veda, this religion is called Sanathana Dharma. In English these words approximate to the eternal and universal strength which holds the consciousness bound to truth. Or more simply, these words approximate to eternal and universal proper conduct (religion).

The Sarva Dharma Symbol depicts Sanathana Dharma as the light of the candle at the center of the Symbol.

Around the depiction of Sanathana Dharma are depicted humanity’s five major Faiths: Hinduism, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, Islam and Christianity.

Each of these Faiths is an articulation of Sanathana Dharma meant to accommodate, originally, the tastes of populations residing in a specific area of the globe.

Sanathana Dharma is created, sustained and fulfilled by God coincidentally with His eternal origination, maintenance and completion of the world, which is His self-manifestation.

Sages and Great Personalities, through Divine Providence, developed humanity’s Faiths, five major and several minor ones, for humanity’s welfare.

This terminology is important. The word Religion should indicate Sanathana Dharma, the Eternal and Universal Religion. The word Faith should indicate one of the the five major and several minor Faiths developed for mankind’s benefit.

This terminological clarity will assist effort to hold leadership orbits bound to the strategic and tactical value of theological analysis during this time of Change of Era, which is towards the better rather than the worse.

For it is of the nature of global reality, now and forwardly, that geographical and social discreteness, such as impelled the development of mankind’s Faiths, is dissolved both subtly, by electronic envelopment, and grossly, by aeronautical envelopment, so that the pretense of sole validity for any Faith — which never was justified, since Sanathana Dharma always and everywhere is the base of all Faiths — also is dissolved in the dissolution of geographical and social discreteness.

The Faiths are compelled by electronic and aeronautical envelopments to co-exist in the reality of equality anywhere and everywhere, and there is no alternative to doing that. In a word, Sanathana Dharma has asserted its everlasting and universal authority. Love is not an option. It is the Life of God, which everything is and so must be.



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