Vectors Of Non-Being

As Is The Feeling,
So Is The Result.

We observe two vectors of non-being looting Americans of their wealth and national sovereignty altogether. One is foreign: Afro-Carib Imperialism, also denoted in these precincts as Arab/Pan-African Imperialism and Afro-Mohammedan Imperialism. The other is foreign-domestic: ChiCom Imperialism acting through American proxies, denoted in these precincts and elsewhere as US IC-FPE, US Intelligence Community-Foreign Policy Establishment, US Deep State, US Administrative State, Washington D.C., and The Beltway.

The relationship between these two vectors of non-being is clear: Afro-Carib Imperialism is a ground-level kinetic force and PRC’s US IC-FPE is a top-cover kinetic force. The objective for both vectors is clear: steal Americans’ wealth and sovereign freedom.

Not so obvious is that each vector is jealous of their own singular rampancy, such that the ChiCom top-cover, which is the much stronger vector, allows the much weaker yet fully noxious Afro-Carib ground operation to soften up the objective so as to present for ChiComs a walk-over, whereupon they execute the Afro-Carib operation and its operators with it.

For twenty years and ongoing we observe this type of relationship in play between another two vectors of non-being: Sunni Salafis, the stronger, and Shiite Fanatics, the weaker. Now, because the Salafis and Shiites — effectively their own children — are pounding on their own doors, to rule their house, Arabs, whose religious irresponsibility started their mess, seek normal, tranquil life beyond alternations of joy and grief that attend inciting vectors of non-being.

Non-being depends upon being for such power as it can summon. It has no independent existence or stature. Thinking and acting the part of non-being is a fool’s impulse, and the world is never without fools, but fools are fools. This is why Arabs must inevitably prevail over the power vectors of their errant children, Salafis and Shiites, and Americans and Chinese must inevitably prevail over the power vectors of their errant children, Afro-Caribs and Communists, respectively.

Leverage against PRC’s US IC-FPE is in China, not the US. Americans know perfectly well how to deal with PRC’s US IC-FPE once PRC is West Taiwan. The bigger problem is actually the easier one. Let the Chinese solve it.

Leverage against Afro-Carib Imperialism is in Africa, not the US. Americans know perfectly well how to deal with Afro-Carib Imperialists once Africa is de-French-ed. Again, the bigger problem is actually the easier one. Let the Africans solve it.

Let us be always mindful of an in-alterable fact: vectors of non-being are dependent forces. Only vectors of being are independent forces. Vectors of non-being are temporary whereas vectors of being are permanent. This fact must serve as a basis for all thought and action.

The FPE, writ large, ARE the culprit. For decades they have been moving towards being an arm of the CCP. Today they are BOTH arms of the CCP. They are now CCP FPE, not USA FPE. That is the context of this election and the last one. Their fury is the CCP’s fury. Think Mike Hayden, Stan McCrystal, H. R. McMaster, Jim Mattis, Michèle Flournoy, plus the usual high visibility civilian names. CIA is their top facet. The fury there is unimaginable, indescribable, irrational.

The instrument through which you are able to master nature is itself not really understood. When once that is understood, all that is understood through it will become plain. This is what sages of India did; they sought to know that which if known, all else can be known. The Upanishads lay down the process of this discovery. The expression of that discovery in practical life is – Love. For, it is Love that creates, sustains and engulfs all. Without Love, no one can claim to have succeeded in deciphering God and His handiwork, the Universe. God is Love; live in Love – that is the direction indicated by sages. Love can grow only in a well-ploughed heart, free from brambles. So, the heart has to be prepared by means of Namasmarana (constant recital of the Name); it can be called a yoga, like bhakti, jnana or karma (devotion, wisdom, action). It can also be called Chitta shuddhi yoga – The path of Consciousness-cleansing.

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