Promiscuity And Responsibility

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.


If your basic agenda is promiscuity, consuming the world into the self, your perfect representative is John Forbes Kerry. Vote for him.

If your basic agenda is responsibility, serving the world as the self, your perfect representative is George Walker Bush. Vote for him.

Ironically, the typology of this choice faced now by Citizens of the United States — and, really speaking, all others — is that deliberately forestalled by the promiscuous, the so-called “left wing,” in 1963 through the assassination of the representative of responsibility, President John Fitzgerald Kennedy.

Despite efforts to prevent the choice coming to a vote, the vote has arrived, and in the clearest possible terms. The teleological character of history will not be denied its self-manifestation.

Was John Kerry complicit in the reduction of John Kennedy? Was Jesse Jackson complicit in the reduction of Martin King?


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