
As Is The Feeling,
So Is The Result.

St. Teresa Of Avila by Bernini
Sarva Dharma Symbol

It occurred to me this morning: lawyers are the corruption in the country, lawyers are the investigators — though likely not cleaners — of the corruption in the country, and lawyers operate the country’s most prominent institutions, including, besides all branches and agencies of government, her armed forces, medical establishment, corporate media, and most-trafficked blogs.

In my memory and learning, the last epoch during which a country of The Latin Church (demeaningly deemed western civilization by her cultured despisers) was ground senseless by thralldom to a single profession was the Late Middle Ages, when clergy did the dirty, many of whom also were lawyers and doctors — 14th, 15th Centuries — a triple threat of hubris, positioning those so titled to talk down to anyone.

The result of that concupiscence was pressurization followed by explosion: first Hus, then Luther, then Calvin, then Zwingli and Knox — all clergy except Calvin, a lawyer — and then, not long after, The Thirty Years War and Peace of Westphalia, who affirmed the inalienable reality of the nations and the inalienable actuality of the nations’ sovereign freedom and ability to produce and to send and receive product in open, orderly, reliable, peaceful lines of communication.

As it was then, I expect the explosion punishing today’s pressurizing professionals, self-serving, monopolistic lawyers, not a few of whom are titled also as doctors and/or clergy, to be lit by clergy, those handful who culture faith in The Faith. This will happen when it will happen. It takes only one.

A story is told that one day, W. C. Fields, on his death bed, received a friend as a visitor. The friend observed Fields reading The Bible and exclaimed in astonishment, Bill, what are YOU doing reading The Bible? Looking for loopholes, looking for loopholes, Field is said to have replied.

Q What about bringing China in?

THE PRESIDENT: We’ll talk about that later. We’re going to work this first and we’ll see. China right now is a much lesser nuclear power — you understand that — than Russia. Right now, we are the great nuclear power. We’ve upgraded our nuclear tremendously since. We have the most power. Russia is second and China is third. China is surging; they’ll be there at some point. And, yeah, we would want to talk to China eventually. Yes. Okay?

Q Why not as part of a trilateral negotiation? Does China not want to be involved?

THE PRESIDENT: We thought that we would do it first. I don’t know if it’s going to work out. But we would do it first and then we go to China together. Okay? Which, I think, works out probably better.

Interesting, Eisenhower organized the military-industrial complex he later warned against. The organization CAPT Kline wants, IIRC, during WW II was Bill Knudsen. Today that would be someone along the lines of Thiel or Musk. Without naming the culprit — drugs — Kline mentions having to lower standards to fill needed military jobs. The conditions he and his team foresee are real, the solutions he contemplates have the odor of more stultifying, self-serving bureaucracy, rent-seekers.

Kline pushes into, effectively, redesign of the COCOM system without realizing it and therefore without thinking through US grand national strategic objectives. Proof: . . . a whole-of-government effort and may best be led by a national interagency team commissioned by the President and Congress . . . . . AKA, more government billets for lock-stepping slugs.

Last paragraph: Kline is confused, vacillates between competitor and adversary and emphatically wants a new bureaucracy. He wants resources without thinking through the national strategics of why, what, and wherefore. He had best attend the treasure our nation already hid away against just such conditions as the CAPT and his team contemplate: The US COCOMs.

You cannot always have pleasure. Pleasure is an interval between two periods of pain. They are like sunshine and shadow. You should make efforts to look at both with equanimity. People want to get all that they desire and they get disillusioned and disappointed. The lighthouse of hope for this ocean of life is God, who is the only permanent entity. This lighthouse never fails. So you should engage yourself in Godly activities with unstinted devotion. Embodiments of Divine Atma! Spend your life in cherishing sacred thoughts, listening to good things, speaking good words, and doing good deeds. If all of you adopt this path, happiness and prosperity will reign in the world. No government or politician or any one in the world can protect you from troubles and disasters. There is only one who can protect you and that is the Supreme Lord. To seek His protection, all of you must wholeheartedly pray, “Let all people in the world enjoy bliss.”

Βασιλεία του Θεού

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