Shaking Of The Foundations

As Is The Feeling,
So Is The Result.


Even though this data is from modeling, still, significant forces are at work under the surface of affairs, so to speak. The foundations are shaking and virtually everyone knows that they are. Fresh foundations can be predicted, however, their specifics and date of settlement are yet unknown.

Consequential force vectors include: (1) increase in homeschooling, (2) corresponding increase in refined, self-confident citizenry, to include increased sua sponte activity culturing culture, (3) broad distribution of proficiency at the manual of arms and war-fighting skills generally, (4) decreasing number of personalities raised to embrace and embody crudity, (5) slow but steady kindling of genuine spiritual exercise as the path to lasting happiness.

It is said that enlightenment is gained by losing darkness, not by grasping light. Take out the garbage, and throw it away. Do not acquire. Detach, do not attach. Less, not more. Pray to be emptied, not to be filled. Be nimble, not ponderous. When the foundations re-settle into a fresh homeostasis, they will look and feel very much like as The Prophets said of them. The census data are showing a clearing out of rubbish, a scrubbing clean of the true ground of civilization: the dimension of life called spirit, comprising religion, culture, and morality. The census data depict good news.

Jane Russell

Jane Russell

One looks for root causes when confronted with trouble. Trouble always feels unnatural, unwanted, unsolicited. One wants to make trouble disappear, fix it, overcome it, ignore it, somehow make trouble not present. One figures that if the root cause of trouble is found and known, trouble itself can be made to not exist.

One assumes, rightly, innately, and without being told, that trouble is an unnatural estate and therefore should not exist. The child complains when it is hungry or otherwise displeased, aka troubled. The myth of The Fall treats trouble in just this frame of reference.

If water backs up in the sink, one wants to find the root cause of that phenomenon and eliminate it so that water runs out of the sink as is proper for such things.

This is a metaphor for trouble generally. Trouble is a consequence of lack of movement. When blood, energy, or money stop flowing, the system they irrigate and cool goes into shock and possible collapse.

What is the root cause of lack of movement, the root cause of trouble? Answers to that question are advanced. The most profound and therefore accurate of them is this: envy. Envy conjures hatred, hatred conjures anger, anger conjures fear, and fear is trouble. Tolerate fear in any context never. Counsel anger once and no more. Practice equanimity in the face of hatred. Envy no one for any reason. Trust the Almighty to bear the burden of your welfare through any trouble you are compelled to navigate. It is His job to do that and He is both enthusiastic for it and skilled in its execution.

The Shaking of the Foundations
The Rev. Dr. Paulus Johannes Tillich

Angels On Our Shoulders

The Learning Pod People Are Here
Joanne Jacobs

Taking Back The Academy
Stanley Kurtz

America burns while our
schools hold the match

Everett Piper

Homeschool searches at hits 5-year high
Daniel Payne

The answer today,
as it was then,
is reformation.

Orrin Hatch

Viewpoint Diversity Gets a Boost
as Families Flee Public Schools
J.D. Tuccille

The word surrender has been misinterpreted and people promote idleness in the name of surrender. We think that our mind, thought, and body have been surrendered to the Lord. Your mind is not under your own control and under such circumstances, how can you hold it and give it to the Lord? You have no control over your own body. If you have a small cut, blood oozes from your body and you run to a doctor. If this is your body and if you have complete control over it, why is it that you are not able to control the outflow of the blood? That being the case, to say that you have surrendered your mind and body to the Lord is a statement which is untrue. This word ‘surrender’ conveys that there is someone who gives and someone who accepts, and that you are surrendering to someone. There is a feeling of duality implied in this word surrender. The true meaning of surrender is the recognition of the fact that in everyone and everywhere God is present.

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