The Warrior Code In Action

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.



A major reason one never hears Southerners run down Grant is because of his actions in re the defeated Army of Northern Virginia, CG R. E. Lee. In contrast, Southerners’ feelings in re Sherman are bitter for the reason that his behavior was the opposite of Grant’s in respect of defeated people and territory.

If Grant had not paroled Lee’s men WITH THEIR HORSES, which ordinarily would have been booty of war, they could not have planted that spring and the south would have starved, literally. Grant’s largess is remembered for this reason. From a military point of view his largess showed the high accomplishment of his Intelligence Corps, which knew how exhausted was the food supply in the south. Grant could have NOT demanded good intel on the food supply and then when the people died by the thousands said, “OH, well, I did not know that would happen.” That he made his G-2 (Intelligence) find out and report accurately on the civilian condition in re food — and other matters — was again an indication of his high character as a warrior. It is code of the warrior to protect a defeated enemy as one’s own people. Grant epitomized this ideal.

MacArthur had a comparable situation in Japan. He rolled out Army kitchens to feed the civilians immediately he could get them repatriated because he, too, had his G-2 primed to learn and then tell him of their actual food condition — which was zero, same as the Southerners in 1865. British screamed that he was appeasing the enemy, and US politicians screamed following the British, but he replied, “Give me food or give me bullets.” He got food. He reminded Washington — and through them Britain, who are always willing to help a defeated enemy cease to exist, totally against the warrior code — of Grant’s actions for the South through Lee, the parole and especially the release of the horses to their owners, and he pointed out that people riot before they starve to death. So the Army fed the Japanese people that first winter, an unsung and violently opposed “Marshall” — actually MacArthur — Plan in Japan. Patton did similarly in German, BTW, and was roundly condemned for it — harboring Nazis it was said. No, he was just being a warrior protecting the defeated and destitute.

Of course, the same people — civilians, mostly Harvard folks at State — who bitched out Patton and MacArthur also surreptitiously brought Gestapo figures into what became the CIA and Nazi party member nuclear and rocket engineers into what became the AEC and NASA, from which they have operated ever since … their successors of like color.

The point is that where warriors are in charge, the defeated and destitute are protected, as exemplified by Grant, Lee, Jackson, MacArthur, Patton and many others.

Update 1: ADM (Ret.) William McRaven: A Warrior’s Career Sacrificed For Politics

On the other hand, see here what the Admiral does.  Instead of renouncing his clearance in protest, he wants to showboat for leftists.

Update 2: McRaven sold out to the devil:

And now this.  🙁

And then this.  🙁

Who The Hell Do They Think They Are? . . .  referencing Bill McRaven’s call to mutiny


Anita Ekberg
Anita Ekberg

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